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Everything posted by Darknight

  1. How low does your self esteem have to be to hook up with a walking std That one woman Nicole. What's with her? I could understand if Jay was a famous celebrity but why would anyone want to be with a man who has no respect for himself or women. I truly think Jay thinks he's accomplished something. It's like he's building his own empire. This man need serious therapy. It's like he has a sex addiction or a pregnancy addiction. All his talk about getting married and having more kids is bs. I can't imagine any decent women getting married to this fool.
  2. Just watched this show. I don't understand how these people don't use protection. I call bullshit on everyone of them. Jay must have a dick made of gold, I'm surprised it didn't fall off yet. Whose paying for all these kids? And why must the kids suffer the consequences of their parents actions
  3. I feel really bad for kaiser. He has two idiot parents. At least Jace has someone who loves him and meets some of his needs. Jenelle really doesn't give a shit and Nathan only wants a check
  4. I get mom can't he there but what a poor excuse to not raise her kids.
  5. Because she's whoring out her pregnancy. Expecting gifts from strangers. Running to the media about every detail from her cravings, belly pics, and having a whole special. Give me a break I wonder if they will use ATI books come school time. Will Jill homeschool? Or Derrick send his kids to christian or public school. I hope Cathy stays in her grandchild life
  6. Didn't Bob talk crap about his father when he died It's fundie school. But at least it's something for the Bates girls unlike the duggars I forgot which one. Maybe the son. And I don't know why it's sinful for a woman to work
  7. If that does happen, maybe Derrick can also attend marriage counseling.
  8. Sorry To Say In A COUPLE of years I see Jill a nd Derick separated or divorced. Unless something changes. I can't imagine Derrick talking about worldly events and Jill disagrees with him and talks about the bible. Derrick went to real school not gothard school
  9. I can't wait until Jill is in labor for hours and Derrick tries to read her those index cards. Sex is to make babies. But if a husbands wants sex a wife must give it to him
  10. Because they're a christian family to their fans. The Duggars can do no wrong. They're raising their kids right and if more parents raised their kids like the Duggars, there would be less stds, teen pregnancy, less divorces, less children wanted, no drugs, and women and men would keep their virginity for their husbands, less abortions
  11. Bad back muscle my ass. She can lay on her back to have sex and get pregnant
  12. But Tyler and Caitlin were still on Teen Mom and they chose adoption.
  13. I can't believe these girls have fans. We tell teenagers to protect themselves but these 20 yo women cant? Come on you have to know that iud doesn't protect against STDS. Now what if Chelsea caught something from Adam? Like HIV or Chlamydia? Wear a condom or wait to get an std test or better yet don't have sex at all
  14. I think if Jana was abused by gothard or anyone else, her parents who blame her and tell her to be happy and throw it under the rug. I hope she wasn't abused by gothard. That would be so horrible. It's bad enough she was JB and Michelle as parents.
  15. Again, Michelle and JB have no room to talk about women's rights when they can choose to have 19 kids without using birth control. That's their choice. Hypocrites. So they can make choices regarding their own lives and body and others cant?
  16. Which is why you don't bring every dick, billy, and Harry around your kid. Unless you're sure they are there to stay and not going to harm you or your child. Just by watching Nathan I can see right through his bs. He's an abuser and might be a pedophile who knows. But the way he told Jenelle she needs to get custody because Barbara is keeping her away from Jace is such bs. Typically controlling behavior. Isolate Jenelle to control her life. I bet Barbara sees right through his bs too. And she'd totally right about what she said about Jenelle having custody. Nathan was only there to intervene and have it his way. He hates when Barbara points out his bullshit. Jenelle better run not walk away now.
  17. I just watched the last episode. Kali just because you marry and had kids with a Hispanic doesn't mean you aren't racist. There are tons of people who are undercover racist. Wonder if Jo will use that against her. He should. She just seems like an a hole. Do you consider Jo when you dress Isaac. I really hope if she continues to use her son against Jo. Isaac will request to stay with Jo and then have visits with Kali
  18. Why doesn't Jenelle ever take responsibility for her own actions? Nobody forced her to do drugs. I can't believe she put all the blame on her mother
  19. I don't disagree but maybe Barbara took Jace to keep him safe as well. Jenelle was never a mother to her kid. Now imagine Jenelle doing herion with Jace in the house and it was filmed. Poor Jace would be put in foster care until Jenelle got her act together, a family member takes him in or Jenelles rights are terminated. I do know grandparents who raise their grandchildren. Stuff happens but I can't imagine a 62 yo woman dealing with her drug addicted daughter and being a full time mom to her grandson. I wonder if the state does Kinship care. Maybe Barbara can get some support. I do think addicts can change. But it's hard work. Sometimes it can take years. Even an intervention or some tough love. Sorry about your cousin that really sucks. Again why bring a baby into that situation. I hope Barbara meant it when she said Jenelle is an adult and if she wants a another baby then she(Jenelle) has to take care of it. Barbara reminds me of Katherine Jackson raising her three grandkids at 80.
  20. I wonder if Jenelle was abused as a kid? Or maybe she has bipolar or a personality disorder
  21. The pyramid is for show and drama. It's use to see who dances what week after week, but it's a total waste of time
  22. But Jill has to listen to Derrick he's her headship now
  23. Please. The Duggars will never adopt. Jill and Jessa are all talk. Adoptive kids according to Gothard carry sins. And I doubt michelle would accept any adopted child as her grandchild
  24. Too bad we can't find out much about Barbaras life. She seems like a good person, she does love Jace and Jenelle. I hope nothing happens to her while Jace is still dependent on her.
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