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Everything posted by ILoveReading

  1. It feels weird now becasue the show has gotten so far away from 'Saving People, Hunting things' But Dean has said repeatedly that his happy place is driving down crazy street with this brother. I would find it very strange if it was Sam's heaven but continuity never matters to Dabb.
  2. I also get a stronger feeling that Misha was not on set that final day. Not saying he's not in the ep, I just don't think he's in the very last scene.
  3. I'm basing that off the fact that we know they were filming the final scene. With the fact that there is a random vampire in this ep, I think @Bobcatkitten maybe be onto something with her theory. That this ep starts off looking like an ordinary run of the mill hunt hunt of the week. But in the end we see its Sam or Dean's Heaven. The other brother is sees that that he is happy and leaves him in heaven. I can see Jensen having a problem with this ending, especially if its Sam that is dead. We know he didn't agree with Dean leaving Sam in that AU ep.
  4. I'm going to go with one of the brothers is dead and the other is given a chance to say goodbye.
  5. https://www.givememyremote.com/remote/2020/09/14/supernatural-last-holiday-photos/nggallery/image/sn1514b_0108r/ Promo photos for ep 14
  6. I want to know how the person driving the car gets out. That looks like a tight squeeze.
  7. Maybe that is the finale. They both die and rescuse Bobby from Heaven's prison.
  8. It's Dabb. I don't think he's concerned with realism.
  9. It does look like more gray than normal in both Jared and Jensen's hair. Jensen looks like there is more gray at the temple. Jared looks like he has a gray streak. So I tend to lean toward both brothers alive. I'm leaning toward Jack creating Lollipop Land with the brothers going their separate ways and them meeting up in Heaven after they die.
  10. If you needed further proof Jensen Ackles isn't human
  11. They are filming in a wooded area, just a little ways past a cemetary. Sounds perfect for final good byes and a funeral pyre.
  12. This is where they are filming. So the location certainly would fit with a lollipop, world without monsters. According to IMDB there is a vampire listed for the last ep. Given Jensen worlds about 19 being the season finale and 20 being the series finale, I wonder Dean asks Jack to leave 1 monster alive so they can have one last hunt. Then after Sam kills the vamp, they realize they're done and have nothing to do. Cut to five years later, Dean runs a bar, and Sam is married to Eileen. That would also fit with Jared saying he can put Sam to bed.
  13. I'll respond in the spoiler thread.
  14. Plot twist. My crack theory Everyone thinks Cas is going to die in episode 18, but he doesn't, Dean does. Cas and Sam try to convince him to let go, which which is why they bring out the you protected us speeches. Dean watches Cas, Sam and Jack defeat God. Realizes he he's not needed and can let go. Last ep Dean watches Sam and Cas live their best lives. Cas ruling heaven with Jack, and Sam with Elieen and their kids John and Mary. Dean goes to heaven. And the screen fades to black when the last chord plays. The end. lol
  15. From Rob Hayter, the stunt coordinator. The last two days Jason's board had one scene on it for the next two days. They usually schedule one scene for the day if its a big involved fight scene.
  16. Another complicated fight scene directed by Singer. Who thought that was a good idea.
  17. One of my theories is that ep 20 is this is your life Sam Winchester and Dean is trying to help him let go and move on and Sam gets to confront all this past traumas and regrets. There being a big fight scene right in the middle of ep 20 that took two days to film fits right in with that.
  18. Not that the episode was great or anything, but I don't think John showing up was a literal wish about John showing up. Dean believed at this point he was going to spend eternity at the bottom of the ocean, so I felt it was more about wanting to be with his family one last time before that happened. But then I'm probably giving the writers too much credit. It was disappointing that Dean never got the confrontation he so desperately needed with John. I felt the writers really screwed that up. Dean's speech would have made more sense coming out of Sam's mouth or directed at John. They had the wrong brother confront the wrong parent.
  19. Unless it was edited out, Jensen specifically said he and Jared during the live stream. He made no mention of Misha. This is why I would take it with a grain of salt until its confirmed.
  20. Not necessarily. My grandfather lived with us and I used to send him letters from time to time because he loved getting mail. So if Misha was testing the postal system, he he could have sent West the letter from home. I know the situations aren't the same but being away from home is not the only reason to send a letter. I searched Misha quarantining on twitter to see if I could find a source and the only thing I could find is from Misha, Jensen and Jared did that thing with Cory Booker and MJ Hegar, and the description said that Jensen mentioned that he, Jared and Misha were quarantining, but during the live audio, Jensen only specifically mentions him and Jared. So I would take that source that Misha is in quarantine with a grain of salt, since Jensen does not actually mention Misha. I also know that IMDB isn't reliable but Misha isn't confirmed there for the last two ep yet. So who knows where Misha is at. There really hasn't been clear evidence one way or the other. I think Cas' end will be to sacrifice himself. Since they introduced eating angel hearts, I figured that was Cas's end. I think he is dead dead after 18, not in 19 and if he's in 20 it will be a cameo appearance either welcoming Sam or Dean to Heaven or we see him ruling at Jack's side.
  21. So it looks like they are still filming scenes from 19
  22. I still get a very strong Swan Song Vibe.
  23. This may not be such a far fetched idea. I remember after the Loki episode aired, and someone pointed out that Sam was the character that was consumed by revenge, not Dean. That Dean, at times, wanted revenge but usually not at the cost of his family, or something along that line. Her response, "agree to disagree." 🤦‍♀️ They don't even know or care about important point established in the early seasons. So this is something I could easily see Andre Badd doing.
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