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Everything posted by Samsnee

  1. You’re gonna have a bar fight and not use that opportunity to rip off Chidi’s shirt? Bets on the casting for the accountant? I’m hoping it’s Kevin from The Office.
  2. To me they should have realized they were in the bad place when Chidi felt pain and started bleeding from the owl scratch. Why would you bleed in the good place?
  3. A flashback episode that didn’t really use flashbacks (except for the one where Eleanor confessed). It reminded me of when Community did something similar. But I really enjoyed it and as others have said, I missed seein the neighborhood. And i I didn’t realize how much I missed seeing evil Michael from Season 1. But then he offsets it with that speech about why me needs to believe in free will now. Give Ted Danson an Emmy already. Apparently the crawling was unplanned and Kristin just rolled with it because she’s awesome. https://www.vulture.com/2018/11/the-good-place-season-3-kristen-bell-lizard.html
  4. Looks more like Jamie Lee Curtis in the new Halloween movie. I'm so glad I quit this show when I did last year after Neegan killed Abraham and Glen. I was tempted to come back to watch how they would mess up Rick leaving but based on the spoilers, I'm glad I didn't get sucked back in.
  5. I’m betting Hailey gets pregnant this season.
  6. Booooooo http://www.vulture.com/2018/10/american-vandal-netflix-cancelled.html
  7. I just realized we aren't getting a Halloween episode this year. Now I'm sad.
  8. Not surprised ratings are tanking. They dragged Neegan out way too long and just seemed to enjoy making their viewers miserable.
  9. Is there really only one female in this show and she’s the usual wet blanket mom? All the promos just shows boys.
  10. Great follow up season. I think the MVP this season was the actor who played DeMarcus.
  11. Who is the Turd Burglar? So looking forward to this.
  12. What a waste of Michelle Pfeiffer
  13. I am confident that US/Mexico relations can only improve in the future!
  14. I generally don’t get emotional during tv shows, but when Ruth found out she was going to win the crown and ziplined in? I got a little weepy. They took us through such an emotional journey with her this season, it was well earned. They’ve written every character extremely well, that you genuinely care for them. I thought the cameraman would turn out to be some douchebag who would use Ruth for some sex and that’s it, but glad they avoided that angle. I’m not a fan of putting Sam/Ruth together as he seems more like a surrogate father figure, but I have trust they won’t make it creepy. Bash is clearly gay. He cleaned the house due to fearing AIDS. Last song of the season was perfection. Great closing montage.
  15. I know this show will never give the viewers a true happy ending because it means the show will be over. But Glen is gone. Carl, annoying as he was, is gone. Pretty much every character that I’ve enjoyed has died a miserable death. So I can’t imagine them giving Rick a peaceful and heartfelt ending. I stopped watching after it became the Neegan fireside chats every week. Curiosity will make me watch Rick’s last episode but only on DVR so I can forward through the commercials every 5 minutes even though it will be an “extended” episode.
  16. Agreed. In the other episodes, the B story has tied back personally to the interviewee. It was an ok interview. Not that I expected him to grill Jay Z but he glossed over his illegal activities from his youth and didn’t make a connection when Jay said that black males were disproportionately in prison (which is true)
  17. Busy Phillips has been cast. Boooo I hate her. I wasn’t crazy about last season and it looks like the downhill trend continues for me.
  18. This wasn’t the best show but it had a certain charm. But I guess being just ok isn’t good enough these days.
  19. Watched this all yesterday as well. If I didn’t go to high school in the 90s I probably wouldn’t have stuck with it. It relies a little too much on 90s nostalgia in the early episodes. But the characters all grew on me around episode 6. The only person I didn’t really like was the principal. He seemed too desperate to me that I didn’t really buy that he liked Luke’s mom, so much as the idea of her. Similarly to what Kate told Luke after the Tori Amos concert. Overall I would watch a second season. And Kudos to actually casting kids that look age appropriate for high school *coughFreaksandgeekscough*
  20. I can’t imagine the grief one feels losing a child that young.
  21. Tihani’s “sin” is that she’s selfish, no matter what results in her humanitarian actions. Her going through the door to confront her parents was a selfish motive, even if it meant personal growth for her by finally accepting she’d never have her parents love. The original motive was selfish. If anything, these 4 should have known how to pass the tests. Michael explicitly told them in the S1 finale why they were in the bad place. Chidi is never able to make a decision. Tihani is selfish. Jason is stupid. Michael essentially gave them the answers to the test, and only Eleanor figured that out. (Although not sure how you fix stupid for Jason)
  22. I usually don’t like Maya Rudolph because she plays things over the top, but I liked her subtlety here.
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