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  1. That's a good question. I don't know how hair dye works, but I've used hydrogen peroxide on blood spots on clothes, etc., for years and never had a bleaching issue. Usually the red color just lifts out miraculously. Best if you can make kind of a little well with the fabric and create a little puddle of hydrogen peroxide where the stain is.
  2. Oh, the fascinating mystery of Sue's face 🀣 Since they have no mirrors out there, is it possible that she doesn't realize how dirty she is? And that the others are too freaked out by her actual face to point it out? I mean the editors did show Sue pointing out a tiny, unseen spot on Caroline's face, while herself having an entire dirty face. (I said last week I thought it was melasma, but it's moving around too much to be that.)
  3. I can't believe none of these geniuses knows that blood stains come out with hydrogen peroxide -- IF you use it right away. If they'd put it on right away, they'd've been done cleaning in 20 minutes and Glen might not have known (until the show aired). There was a blood stain-related plot point in a Project Runway at one point, and I was similarly screaming "HYDROGEN PEROXIDE" at the TV. πŸ˜‚
  4. As @JudyObscure mentioned upthread, Sue's face is probably melasma caused by sun exposure. Melasma can be exacerbated if you're taking hormones like the pill or HRT, which Sue might be on at her age (yes, she is almost certainly post menopausal at...ahem..."45 years old" 😎). Honestly, she looks terrible and for someone as evidently vain as she seems to be, I'm sure it's killing her.
  5. My god, the faces on the Spanish interpreter sitting in the background at the lawyer's office. πŸ˜†
  6. As someone who has had neck surgery for stenosis (from a bulging disc), I was alarmed when Randen explained his symptoms initially. They were way worse than anything I experienced. When I was walking around with a disc problem in my neck before surgery, my doctors warned me not to fall or do anything that might result in any impact to my neck, since it could advance to paralysis from the neck down. The first doctor who saw Randen probably specializes in emergency medicine or wilderness medicine, and was right to consult a neurosurgeon. With all the impact to their bodies in challenges, it was not a risk worth taking. He probably just needed a steroid injection in the end.
  7. Article in The New York Times about Survivors' "wardrobe."
  8. Courtney has been on several seasons of BD and def is a favorite. I think you're thinking of another blonde (there are so many on BD). Perhaps Camille?
  9. I thought they just edited it to look that way.
  10. I believe this entire season wrapped before Lee's son passed away. Still might have been distracted by worry though.
  11. Honestly, if Ashton wants to be "a man down," Capt Lee's best response would be: "Ok, go ahead and pack your bags, and we'll be a man down without you." The only pleasure I took in last night's episode was the feeble hope that Lee will actually fire Ashton for lack of leadership and for being an idiotic child who has alcohol and rage issues, who is a constant assault risk to the women on staff, and who thinks management is trashing his staff to his other staff. Plus, his sanctimony is beyond aggravating. Didn't Lee fire another bosun (Chandler) because Lee didn't think he was dealing with his own problems? ("If I have to solve your problems, what do I need you for?") The obvious answer is to fire Ashton. Sadly, it is always the women (and the underlings) who take the heat in this situations.
  12. Honestly, the two thinner women, who seem to get along, should have shared the queen bed. But of course that peach Jamie would not deign to even share a room at all with another person so even that would not have solved the problem. Definitely this is on the primary. Sleeping arrangements should have been a consideration in putting together the group in the first place. But he seems to be so checked out or drugged up or something. At one point, wasn't he leaning back at the table, wearing his napkin on his chest like a bib? Really classy there. That "chef" looks like Sandra Bernhardt's way-dumber cousin. Which is a shame because I love me some Sandra Bernhardt.
  13. I always find his face during dinner with the guests to be hilarious. Last night he was definitely channeling his inner grumpy toddler. He certainly is not very good at hiding how he really feels! πŸ˜‚
  14. This is spot on. ETA: And that the SJWs of the world will somehow have to soldier on without the unwelcome touch of those men. It's gonna be hard ladies (and gentlemen) but we must try. πŸ™‚
  15. Late to the game, but I'm pretty sure the Brian/Courtney date was completely producer-driven to advance that "story line." I take Courtney's sulking as being annoyed she had to participate in it, and not really a reflection of her friendship with Brian. Definitely agree that Ashton seems to be experiencing roid rage.
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