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Everything posted by 2KllMckngBrd

  1. It has to be Carol. I don't want it to be, but she's the only 1 we have seen become more and more centered. Like it or not, to save the tribe, she is very capable of employing a scorched earth policy towards outsiders, and insiders if necessary. She is a big picture gal, whereas Rick, whom I love, is a my family, then who I like today, then everyone else, guy. He will do what is best for self, and Carl (and Judith when he realizes she's alive), first, period. If that happens to be best for the group then bonus points. But that pit bull Sasha should be her second. Carol's consigliore (sp?). They would balance each other out. If Michonne could ever get over what she perceives as her own failure, she would also be golden. The guilt cloud she's living under is similar to the storm that used to follow Carol. Michonne believes that if she had only realized what pieces of crap her husband, and his best friend were, her son would still be alive. Woulda, coulda, shoulda's in the zombie apocalypse are very dangerous. Whether accurate or not. Carol shook her demons. And I think, after the events of the season finale, Michonne may be beginning to shake hers.
  2. There seems to be some confusion as to what I was saying in my post. And that could absolutely be me. All me. I was responding to NorCalNut's post...that made me laugh out loud. I thought that post was using "whippersnapper" in a funny way to describe "younger, (so-called) hipper" folks who were using a term, unsub, that they were unfamiliar w/, but were hearing on this show. When I was young my great grandmother would use "whippersnapper", to talk about young folks, and all their "new fangled gadgets". Makes me laugh just remembering it/her. So I was applauding the descriptive "whippersnapper", and then offering my two cents on when I first heard the word unsub used regularly. Again, if I confused anyone by what I originally said/was commenting on/answering question about, I apologize. Now get off my damn lawn, before I turn the hose on you all! What? Confusing again? Too soon?
  3. Why is Emma dressed like Brenda Walsh's love child, a Gossip Girl, every show (although she is gorgeous)? I guess an even better question is why is she even in the "sick kid wing", and not at an eating disorder clinic? Hello parents! Maybe that's why she's not getting any better. While I'm the question lady, what was the point of hiring such high profile adult actors to essentially do nothing, and/or play a stereotype? I'm looking at you Octavia Spencer. I also need for the coma kid to wake the hell up, then shut the hell up. Either order works for me. I have now made it thru 30 min and I am not going to be able to do it. The intention of this show may have been sweet, but I am bored out of my mind. I think my cold heart and cynicism are showing. I'm working on that. Sometimes.
  4. Was wondering the same thing. Voice was off, and looked like he was sliding his jaw to the side when speaking. Based on how long they imply Leo has been at the hospital it was ridic that he wouldn't have known immediately that changing course was code for, it has already spread. And the Dr would have known that Leo would get it. Kids and Docs in children's wards are extremely aware and realistic. Scared, but aware. Its the fam who are emotional and struggling (completely understandable). YMMV. Co-sign. I want to like this. But it is sooooo boring. Earnest is only good in small doses. Going to watch ep 3 on-demand, but if not better I'm out.
  5. Oh man. I am really in trouble huh? Like head cocked to the side to ponder if I can stand it trouble. lol. Thank you for "whippersnappers". Thank you so much. That word needs to be worked into at least 1 convo daily. And I see your question about unsub has already been answered, but I noticed it being used on tv for over a decade now. It seemed to become the go to word for FBI agents on tv after Criminal Minds on CBS started.
  6. Papa Pope had Jerry killed. If I am keeping it all straight... There's a scene between Olivia and Papa after Maya stabbed his ass, where she is crying a twisted narcissistic river about Fitz losing the upcoming election. Sally had gotten the hero edit and bump after going all USA USA, we'll put a boot in there ass, after the church bombing. So Cyrus and Liv knew that America was loving Sally about then, and that she would win the next day. Olivia is telling all this to Daddy, and that all she wants is Fitz to be Pres again, 'cuz of course it's his turn, and he deserves it. So Papa Pope decides that Fitz has taken and soiled his baby, Olivia. And that Fitz can win if the country feels bad about his dead son, so he decides to kill, pun intended, 2 birds w/1 deadly syringe. He has Jerry injected w/meningitis. I think the line is, "Fitz took my child, so I took his". The level of crazy brought by Kate Burton's Sally is missed, and needed. KB and Bellamy Young are such great actresses. (Not deleting, but I see while I was typing Ohmo already answered your question. Sorry Ohmo-and you did a much better job doing it too)
  7. Lmao. Nicely done. I think the actress, and her hair, are absolutely beautiful. She glows on-screen. But she can glow and levitate, and like you, it didn't get me through that horrible hour of tv. Applause, applause. They are getting the Disney step-child treatment huh? That never even occurred to me. But Grey's and Scandal were really disappointing last night. You expect a few throwaway ep's over the course of a season, but not this early in. Thank goodness for Lifetime re-runs. They remind me why I have hung in so long, when this has been a hit or miss show for awhile.
  8. I think on Annalise's wardrobe How To is still trying to find her look. On her wig game, that's a totally different sitch. I don't care if she wears a fro, natural, wig, weave, or shaves it bald. Whatever Viola and the producers figure out what works, and both can b comfortable w/. I just need them to figure it out, and then be consistent. It is very distracting, no matter the race of the actress (or a man for that matter 'cuz that frosted Daniel Boone pheasant that has taken up residence on Cyrus' head on Scandal is a How To Not for male actors). And I agree about Viola's hair done natural. I saw her on Oprah, and attending an award show, where her hair was short and natural, and a reddish color. She looked incredibly gorgeous and was oozing sex appeal. It would also be a completely believable and professional look for Annalise. Can understand where some of the posters felt too much attn. was being put on Black actresses hair. But I spent the entire 1st season of the Blacklist asking why they had that poor actress running around looking like she had a raccoon camped on top of her head. She's an FBI agent. She runs. A lot. Her hair never moved. Wind. Rain. Nothing. It was distracting. I bitched, and complained constantly. And she is white. And don't get me started on the hairline they have going on over on The Good Wife w/Julianna Margulies. Ever heard of lacefronts CBS. Back to ep specifics. Love Wes. Please make him look like a grow-up. Now. He looks considerably younger than the other hamsters. They can have the gay young intern doing it like a rabbit evry show. Just don't always tie the sex to the case of the week please. Show him contributing something to the work that he doesn't always obtain from using sex. It cheapens the character and the audience. Dial down little miss princess hamster. She's already becoming a caricature. Annalise's ex side piece is hot to death. When he told her don't make me tell your husband bout our wild dirty sexy times I almost fell out. I would have let him service me just like she did in the pilot. And the husband is a cheater, possibly a killer, and as handsome as he wanna be too. Annalise's cup runneth over. Paris needs to eat a sandwich or 3. Then immediately go and get that brassy ass blonde toned down, and stop applying her make-up as though she's about to go on a high school stage. She is a beautiful woman. But her look needs work too. The asshole who is a sexual harassment suit waiting to happen. Stop. Just stop. His character could burst into flames and I wouldn't notice. For me he brings nothing to the party and needs to go. He's meh. And on a show already this good. And this fun. I need them to start tightening the cast, and making the look of this show match the talent.
  9. And the crap just kept on rolling. TGIT my ass. Grey's sucked. Scandal sucked. This was lazy, boring tv. I can't even remember what the b story was about. I will say that whatever it was at some point Abby or Cyrus had a throw-away line about the case/client of the week fucking up their b-roll for after Fitz' speech, and I tweeted how meta "b-role, b story". Only way to amuse myself while this crap was on. And I call bullshit on plastic Abby. If I remember from way back, when we got a little backstory on her, and how she came to be at OPA, and be a gladiator, wasn't she the abused wife? I think the story went that she had married into a rich family, and her husband, the senator, was kicking her ass (not trying to be callous, just frustrated), and Olivia extricated from that situation, after he almost beat Abby to death the last time. I think there was even a scene where she was worried about if he ever found her, what would happen. So Abby was ride or die where Olivia's was concerned after that. So let me get this straight. Now she can be on tv, almost daily, covered by how many countless reporters and cameras. You don't say. Forget her qualifications and preparedness. What happen to her being in OPA witness protection? Whoever frosted Lizziebear's hair, and Cyrus'...well whatever the hell is on the top of his head...they must be found, and, well, I'll leave that to the imagination. No where in nature, or a Crayola box, does that color occur. I am not, and have never been, a card carrying member of the NRA, or the Mellie fan club. What I have always liked though, was Bellamy Young's acting, and the batshit crazy fun of the Mellie character. And she is working her butt off for the supporting actress Emmy nom better be coming for completely switching gears. She is playing the hell out of the grieving mother. When she fell out after the State of the Union I wanted to cry for Mellie. As for that unnecessary Abby/Mellie scene. She was the complete wrong character and actress to put in that scene, if the scene was even necessary at all. I was hoping Mellie would get up and slap the shit out of Abby. The one place you wanna steer clear of is commenting on how 1 grieves a dead child if you have never been a parent. Especially given all the complications where Jerry is concerned, and of course, you're on a balcony. They could have covered up her "accidental" tumble. They've covered up much, much more in this administration. Besides, doesn't Liv always "owe Mellie", to quote Mellie.
  10. What the hell was that? No really. What the hell was that? What an ego centric time suck of an hour of tv. We met Maggie a week ago. Was I supposed to have faced-time her on my days off and gotten to know, and apparently love her. Love her so much that I would then want to sit down and watch her take over the show for A Very Special Episode of Dr. Maggie: Medicine Woman. Again I say, what in the hell was that? She wasn't in every scene, she was the scene. I hate this character. And beginning to get the impression that I'm not going to be allowed to make up my own mind. She is being shoved down my throat and I'm being told how I should feel. I keep waiting for the character to break out w/You Will Like Me, You Will Like Me (yes...Sally Field twisted up). I can't take it. I freely admit that I had my reservations about the character and storyline from the outset. But that's not why I was miserable. I was ticked because it's obvious that it has already been predetermined that she is the newly anointed Queen of Greys'. And that's ABC and Shonda's decision. But good lord give the audience a chance to catch up. If I don't like her, I don't like her. But I don't like Maggie right now b/c I'm being bullied by the show. In other news. Shondaland new rule of if young people have sex very bad things happen. Derp? It must be said again. What the hell? Who in the hell are they making this show for now? Young people don't talk like that. And the rest of us...Derp! Arizona and Callie. Yawn? Richard looks confused? Jackson and Bailey are bored? April and Owen are traffic cops. And I cared nothing about any of the patients tonight. The Zola sighting really was the high point. And how clearly comfortable she is w/Ellen and Patrick. Oh yeah I forgot about Joe and Karev. Well Jo did good job standing her ground. I had just started to like Lucy 2 episodes before she was fillet-ed by Paris Gellar's husband Charlie Epps. Good times. The aftermath was the only time I ever liked Romano.
  11. I have never seen Boston Legal. I checked out on The Practice about the time Dylan McDermott did. I remember the lip purse, but never the head thing. Oh no. Now I'm going to be looking for it in everything he's ever done, or will do. Dammit 2 hell man. I don't want it to be a deal breaker, but... I tend to be 1 of those folks, who picks up on an actors, sometimes "innate thing", and then it drives me bat shit crazy. Till I can no longer look at them. I can't watch Renee Zelweger because of the way she speaks out of the side of her mouth. I had to stop watching Charmed b/c Alyssa Milano stopped moving her teeth out of the way to speak (well, and the fact that Kaley Cuoco is a huge ball of suck-itude). I really don't want The Blacklist to be next. Good point. Completely missed opportunity. I think it would have been really great to see 2 good actors go at it. Then again maybe the director was worried MLP's face might not move. Emoting optional.
  12. Or I could be talking out of my ass, based on tonight's ep. Will go back to just lurking where our little Gabby is concerned.
  13. Didn't see a speculation w/out spoilers thread (excuse me if I'm blind-at this point it's possible), and it's about Gabby, so putting here. I am starting to think we are in for some sort of rape storyline w/her. The a-holes at her new squad are giving me the rapey vibe, not the 1 part haze 2 parts sexual harassment feeling(s). I am soooo not looking forward to that if I'm right. I like Gabby, but I'm not sure that the actress, or the writers are up for that storyline. Or have the dedication to the aftermath of rape that would be required for such a storyline. I guess it would give lots of opportunity for crossovers w/Chicago PD. But there are so many ways that storyline could go wrong.
  14. Yes I do. Which also means you probably remember cas-singles. I said that to my son once, and he looked at me like I had asked him to clean his room. Damn boy. Now get off my lawn...I don't care if you live here. Back on topic. W/Jamie Gertz I get stuck on Less Than Zero. And Andrew McCarthy will always be Blaine. Poor Duckie. He actually thinks someone is buying him in Two and A Half Men. Duckie please...
  15. I have already mentioned they upped the body count for this ep, and I loved it. But let me 2nd all the posters who have mentioned the gritty factor. How low, or gritty, can they go? I hope drop it like its hot, low. I want to see down and dirr-tty. There's a way to pay respect to the source material, be campy, and still "take it there". I think this ep was a start.
  16. My friend said the thought of JLH on this show made her teeth itch. lol. See that's my dilemma. I actually like JLH. She seems like a nice gal, and I have liked many things she's been in. And she was absolutely amazing in that SVU ep. The scene where she is getting the rape exam, retelling her story, and grabs for Olivia's hand, I got a little teary. But, I had a shiver run down my spine when I thought of her on Criminal Minds. When Emily left the 2nd time I stopped watching every week, but was considering returning full time. I just don't know about now. The amount of things, that could go wrong w/JLH, and this writing team, scares the hell out of me. I guess it depends on which JLH shows up. SVU or Ghost Whisperer?
  17. And it must be said: Red and The Blacklist had me at bailiwick! Any show that can work that in has my devotion. So long as they make Spader stop that side cocked head thing I already discussed.
  18. This is not really a "...Spader read the phone book..." or a "...Red..." thread(s) sitch, but here goes: I am going to need for the amount of lines said by Spader w/his head cocked to the side to decrease. Immediately. This is 1 of my shows. But that's going to be a deal breaker. I'm starting to have CSI:Miami Caruso flashbacks, and I don't like it. That level of stupid was necessary on that show, but I will not tolerate it on this 1. Watched Miami for the snark. I watch The Blacklist for Spader and the fun. And that's not fun. Just a lazy, and distracting acting choice. But loved all the interactions between Lizzie and Ressler this ep. Especially the 1 at the end. This was better than the season premiere. Also loving a wig-less Lizzie. Poor sad Red. I'll be his friend.
  19. He is badass isn't he? I tweeted that this Alfred would be like "would you like some tea asshole, well would ya".
  20. And don't forget Jennifer Love Hewitt on Criminal Minds. WTH. I'm skurred... But that's for another thread. I said I would give this show 1 more chance. Done and done. I'm soooooooooo out. Still find the lead incredibly handsome and a good actor, but this show is not for me. The girl scorpions voice and dialogue makes me want to stab myself in the eye. Katherine McPhee and her mullet are way to damned earnest for me. And I need for the white sammie davis jr character to just stop.
  21. I really like this show. They've taken the positive aspects of the pilot and built on them. Especially the tension between Bullock and Gordon. I also loved that they are ramping up the body count. I know its on at 7, during the family hour, but it's still supposed to be Gotham.
  22. Nice. I was gonna say gastric band. But she's not just chewing scenery. She's biting ass. Eartha Kitt's to be exact!
  23. Thank you for the laugh out loud snark. And yes, yes, yes. You just summed up my earlier post on Mad Men in 1 succinct sentence. lol. I could fill up 3 pages on this thread w/the amount of tv I just feel...meh, about. Can't even muster enough interest to hate, or even investigate my...meh. But I still just can't, under any circumstances w/Friends. I want to be you, and Brandi Maxxxx's friend. Please please.
  24. If I were his parents I would be screaming from the rooftop...run, run now, faster! There's no reason to rehash the obvious issues w/this over-populating cult like family. Love or not, I would be petrified of having my child mixed up w/this goddard stepford family. You can be conservative Christians, but the Duggars are something else all together.
  25. Such a wtf? When I saw it the 1st time I thought, "who the hell are they supposed to be "selling" to"? I couldn't even remember what the "product" was. 2nd time I saw it I thought, "damn, these 2 should just fuck, and get it over w/". They are advertising something they want women to buy, but it's just fake lesbianism as "catnip". Wtf? They are both very beautiful in the ad,but wtf? Seriously cute. They chose a funky ass song for it too. I. Love. This. Commercial. I am not a Dax Shephard person. Always thought he was a little jack-assey. But in this he is freakin adorable. I am a Veronica Mars fan girl (and House of Lies s1, before it went to hell), so Kristen Bell was already the shit to me. When she says, "eyes are muscles too", I crack up every time. That line is delivered in completely Veronica fashion and I love it.
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