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Everything posted by 2KllMckngBrd

  1. Well...at least your way would have been interesting. Glasgowman? Not for me. I mentioned that as well. That made my night and my week. They didn't even mention it. Network tv more, more, more of this. Takes all kinds of folks and families to rule the world. And it was so nice to see.
  2. Unfortunately, a hell of a lot more women blame the other women, consistently, and not the man. I too have never understood how the other woman always becomes the scapegoat, the dumping ground for all the "rage" associated. To put this in "legal-speak", in "Judy-speak" is: If your spouse/partner cheats, they broke their word. Period. The "agreement" to be a monogamous couple is between you, and him or her. The other person made you no promises, therefore they did not break the agreement. If married, and/or religious, they cheater broke the covenant, not the "other. Most have been, or will be cheated on in their life. When it happen to me, although angry at the concept of the other woman, I was never in doubt about where me "rage" should be. And I had no problem letting my anger fly towards the cheat. Madea's sister, Mean Joe Green, can stomp around like Godzilla, and she will still never get it. And her husband will never be faithful. She can beat all the ass she wants, and he's still going to cheat. She's gonna be whooping on somebody until she walks away, or osteoporosis sets in, and she snaps a hip. I think if Judy could, have she would have given her more money just 'cuz. That's what I was thinking too. Normally Judy, and I would be cutting a side eye at the defendant w/all the smirking and laughing. But I was right there w/her this time. Holy WTF Batman. You can't just decide you wanna change the terms of a lease. And then when that doesn't work, act as though 'cuz I said so is good enough. The tenant's not your child. You can't ground her. Once you change the rules she had every right to get the hell out of there. And the plaintiff made me feel like she was trying to hypnotize me. What was up w/all the blinking and squinting? Did she think there was some sort of blink count she had to reach per minute. Or was she trying to mind meld w/Judy? Pull and Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi mind trick on Judy to win her case?
  3. Glad I'm not the only 1 who remembers that guy. I remember him saying if your attacker is going to kill you make him do it there. 'Cuz 9 times out of 10 the move to a 2nd location is to isolate you, and you are not getting out alive. You are right all options suck. But if I'm going down, I'm going down swinging. lol. I am not doing cartwheels about my upbringing either. For me tv was my buddy. I have always watched a lot of it, and loved every minute of it. Tv is a 50/25/25 situation.50% tongue in cheek, and worthy of mocking. 25% is just art. But 25% is actually teaching valuable lessons. I too was a Little House gal. Books and Series. So I get it. I actually learned about how one treats those w/handicaps (that's what we called them back then) because of Mary and Adam. 1 entire weekend I put a bandanna around my eyes. I did not take it off for anything b/c I wanted to, in my childish simplicity, imagine what it would be like to lose your sight as a kid/teen. Your colors of benneton 21Jump Street story had me cracking up. I had to take a minute after. Still laughing thinking about it. My family is the UN/Rainbow Coalition so I REALLY get it. I also learned what a racially balanced cast could look like from Jump Street. Remember that to. He said bust 'em all out if you can. And even if no one sees your hand, the taillights being out might alert a driver or a cop. That Oprah is also the 1st time I ever heard the advice to yell fire, never rape. People may ignore help and rape, but they hear fire, and everyone wants to know where (that would be a lmao if it wasn't sad and true)
  4. I have read all the posts. I see that the point of "What I Learned From Watching TV" has even been explained. And I still have no freakin' idea if I am putting this in the right place. But here I go anyway. I learned from an Oprah episode in jr high, or high school, hell still in k-12 dammit...that you never let your kidnapper/attacker/rapist take you to the 2nd location. Never. Under. Any. Circumstances. Go. To. A. Secondary. "Crime Scene". Period. Full Stop. I don't remember the guests name but they frequently did the talk show rounds back then. But on this particular Oprah I remember them going into great detail, and stressing, that you will not be coming back from location 2. This has literally stuck with me my whole life. I have repeated that info more times than I can count.
  5. I love me some Kate Walsh. Addison on Grey's was very missed when she was spun-off to Private Practice. I was an on/off viewer of PP only b/c of her. I was glad to hear that she had another show. But anyone who saw Bad Judge had to know it was a goner. I watched ep 1 and it was ridiculously bad. I only watched 10mins of ep 2...and that was only b/c I like her so much. She has a lot of fans so i'm sure she'll get another shot soon. But seriously. Bad Judge was smokin' bad. What a craptastic show. Trying to out-hip the hip w/a woefully miscast show. Both leads seem like good actors, but this was not the roles, or show for them. The pilot was actually up on demand for weeks before it premiered, so I had already watched it. It was sooo doomed. It was cartoon bad. lol. I can't believe it even lasted as long as it did. I'm still not sure how it even made the air. My money is on CBS' Stalker for next to go. Maggie Q and Dylan McDermott have great chemistry but the show is missing something. They seem to have said screw good scripts and plotting. Instead going with loads of violence. I am not opposed to violence, but it needs to feel necessary to the story, and not in place of the story.
  6. Didn't see Lila being preggers. But that wasn't what shocked me. What got me was the who, how, and reaction to that info. That Sam, Analise, and Bonnie is some shady, and confusing business. But more on that later. I have also seen the furor, as well as Shonda's reaction to it. And she and I are in agreement on this 1. You don't wanna see 2 men get it on, don't watch. I personally have zero prob w/hot sex. Couldn't give 2 shits about whether that sex is straight or gay. But that sex scene between Wes and Rebecca was gross, not hot. First b/c there is zero chemistry between the two. And 2nd b/c it was interspersed w/an autopsy. I am aware that that is an old tv trope, but I have seen it done well, and this 1 wasn't. It gave me a raging case of the eww's. I have mentioned this before on ep discussions and tweeted it as well. I don't care if Connor is swinging from a chandelier and doing the nasty in bathroom stalls in every episode. I would just like to see the actor, and the character do more than that. Connor being very sexual works for the storylines', and the actor is so sexy, but I never see him doing much "lawyering/interning" w/his clothes on. That would be my only issue w/the frequent sex. Back to Analise, Sam, and Bonnie. It is clear Bonnie has a thing for Sam. Unrequited? I think so. Unknown? Seems not. Not by Sam, or Analise. But all of that fuels the belief I have had from the beginning. Sam killed Lila. And Bonnie killed Sam. The Keating 5 (and word to think of the "5" every time they say that, lol) are covering up the murder b/c the believe Analise did it. If I'm wrong about Sam and Bonnie, then that raises even more questions about Analise and Bonnie's relationship going forward.
  7. Judge Judy was absolutely adorable w/Omari. It really wasn't that big of a damn deal. Mom just pay the nice neighbor. Geez. Your son made a mistake. No big deal. Just put on your big girl panties and realize kids lie. Even to good mothers. They are not horrible. They are just kids. They get scared, and they lie. It happens. And on the real. Mom better get ready b/c that sweet little boy is going to lie to you again at some point. Hopefully she will think about this and realize she was wrong. And be more able to handle "lying" better next time.
  8. Papa Pope delivered his psychotic version of the "I brought you into this world, I can take you out" speech, and Olivia didn't miss a step, or a beat. I fucking loved it. I like original recipe, S1 Olivia who was never playing. "It's handled" came from somewhere, and I am so happy to see the show return to what made them a hit. I tweeted that Abby (actually I tweeted Gabby b/c I have always hated the character) should have blown Chippers' ass away and then called the team to handle, b/c it's Quinn Bitch and Huck would have known what to do with the body. Dammit. Abby was so good I felt sorry for her. Like others mentioned, Darby Stanfield made you feel the battered woman syndrome and PTSD thru the tv. It was visceral she was so good. I have mentioned on here, on twitter, and to anyone who world listen that I felt like a lot of Abby's backstory had been retconned. B/c I couldn't figure out why she was could exist in such a high profile position, since she was supposed to be in an almost "battered woman witness protection program". I knew I had remembered the very early eps correctly. But whatever. lol. The show dealt w/it. Sort-of. So time for me to move on. And yeah, Her discussing what happens to women who speak out was accurate and timely, and very real. And apparently Tom can act. It would have been nice too know that before. Fitz has always looked bitchified. And he definitely earned that description tonight. Olivia got him trained like a circus animal. Mellie never stood a chance. Whether you like the character or not, there have been 3 people in their marriage for quite some time, and Fitz needs to stop acting like Mellie is the person who added the 3rd.
  9. When I see or hear someone mention Stephanie I have to remind myself she's on the show and who she is. Jo is pointless, and is dragging Alex into her black hole of "who cares". I liked that April's mom called her out on her rudeness. And it was beyond sweet that Jackson and her mom have been com-fabing for months on "all things baby". Although that scene where April comes home to the entire BabieRUs stock in her living room, I did wonder if the mom realized that she and Jackson bought so much baby gear, that there was now no reason for a shower. lol. I don't care about Owen. I don't care about Callie or Arizona, or Calzona as a whole. Didn't realize that it was going to be that Geena Davis' character is dying. They got me. But I don't care. She's still a raging bitch. And Geena Davis needs to cut back on the botox. At this point she's had so much she is like a statue, and it seems to be impeding any chance of emoting, or even understanding her when she's speaking. Guess it would be hard to talk if you can't actually over your mouth. I tweeted that Patrick Dempsey, Ellen Pompeo, and Mary J Blige (it was new music from her playing in background) still got it goin' on. That scene was crazy hot. I too, was sorry there wasn't more. But I assume was a time issue, as well as Grey's now being at 7pm, which is the supposed fam hr. I liked this ep as a whole, but at the same time, I can see why some viewers saw it as somewhat disjointed. Almost like separate vignettes filmed, and then strung together w/out any real cohesive plan. I thought Bailey's storyline was interesting, and was glad it wasn't her "developing" some new disorder or prob. I think it comes down to the cast is now too large, and it is becoming unwieldy. They are going to need to thin the herd to make the show more focused. Otherwise they have no choice but to do A Very Special...every week. Like you, recently saw the "kitchens" ep on Lifetime, so I thought it was a clever throwback/shouout to a past episode. I also thought it was cute that McDreamy was still getting his African American hairstyling lessons from Bailey. So cute, and so sweet. Also completely real comment to make if adopting outside ones' own race.
  10. Not sure this is an UO. lol. Whatever Chicago Fire started out being, it is shit now. I have mentioned this repeatedly in their respective forums. That show is a clusterfuck looking for a safe place to be cancelled. I will never understand how it consistently gets better ratings than Chicago PD. Its is a superior show in every way you can measure. I am one of those who live tweets, and actually responds to other tweeters in real time during my fav shows. But what I won't do is click on the tweets that contain exactly what you are talking about. I like the interaction with people who also love the same shows that I do, as clear by my typing right now at 1:20 in the damn morning. But I won't have the "show" or those that critique a show professionally, tell what the fuck I should think or feel. That's a very UO, but I get where you are coming from, and completely agree. edited b/c realized baby made a doodie... Chicago Fire bad, Chicago PD VERY VERY good. Hulk go smash self now. Please do send hot ass Jason Beghe (Voight) to punish me.
  11. over the river and through the woods to Glasgowmans' house we go... Stupid. Poorly done. Predictable. No twist. Boring. Can you tell yet that I hated it. Of course it was Slenderman. I too saw the very sad and touching 20/20, and assumed they would do their ripped from the headlines, and then surprise twist, and ending. Not! Who the hell didn't know exactly how, why, and where this was going? Somebody needed too snatch that little nutcase. And then lock her up. Period. Anyone who has watched tv or the movies, or read a book in the last 40yrs knows she's a serial killer. She's only just getting started. And by the way...had she been "of color", she would have been charged and tried as an adult and would be doing life. End of the story. Carisi was good. Nick didn't break any laws. And it was nice to see 2 moms, and it "not be dealt with", if you know what I mean. I tweeted that their was no Finn b/c pimps don't go in the woods. Ice T favorited it. lmao.
  12. This ep was even better than the last 1. I really enjoy this show and hope it lasts. I liked the opening where you see that Burgess and Atwater are still tight and hang together. They both had scenes with the little girl that were so cute. Sophia Bush "ain't" going no where. Don't know where this storyline is headed, but Lindsey will be on this show as long as it's around. Roman is starting to grow on me, but I still reserve judgement. Although I do think he is a good partner to, and for Burges. Still love Platt. And there is nothing better than any scenes between Voight and Olinsky. One of the best bromances on tv right now. Jason Beghe continues to impress, and is seriously sexy. It's funny that you mention not knowing the actors name that plays Atwater. I had never paid attention to it either. I was also never very impressed by either before. Well I looked up the actors name last night while tweeting about the show. 'Cuz LaRoyce Hawkins, and Atwater, both threw down. You are so right. He was great. I never noticed before how large he was, or what a great actor, when given an opportunity, he could be. I too loved how he could turn on and off his "street knowledge". Don't want to speak for all African Americans, but I think it's a safe bet that a lot of them have learned to modulate both their voices and language depending on the situation. Atwater strutted around that prison w/the homeboys, looking like the Green Mile. But then when alone w/Ruzek or Antonio, you could almost see him physically "get smaller, and stand a little straighter", all at the same time. If you know what I mean??? Now that's some acting for your ass. Lol!. My favorite part, and tweeted it, was at the end, when he said, "yeah you punk ass bitch". That got a cheer, and a giggle at my house. All of this...cosigned. I tweeted that SVU and Liv better watch their asses b/c they have no idea what they are dealing with when it comes to Voight.
  13. On the "Toby" Goodnight convo. I remembered the kids name b/c of Roots. Have been traumatized by that name ever since poor Kunta Kinte. This had me howling for few minutes. Applause!!! This describes the end of my teens' and beginning of 20's. And I can attest 2 the fact that that is exactly how that circlejerk of loserdom works. Can also attest to the fact that as soon as she gets some street smarts, self esteem, and life experience, the losers will b a thing of the past that she can laugh about. Sidenote. Those kinds of losers' will simply replace her w/the same young model over and over again, until they can no longer find, or attract that model. What happens after that? Don't know what they do... That was my assumption in my original post on that case. She was an a-moral bitch before the neurological issues, but inappropriate reactions and a "loss of etiquette" are hallmark's of brain injuries. I remember this old one well. And it was 1 of those rare ones where u go "awe", she can be sweet when she wants to be. And that 2nd case that lady really did feel entitled to the money just because "she does fine...she has a BMW". Bitch please!
  14. Don't mind at all. Happy for the company. And you were dead on about the primary prob. I thought Janeway was wrong from the jump. So everything after that mattered very little. I can still see the whole Ryan clan calling out Mary. Oh, Da. Lol. Another UO: I hated Mary w/Jack. He was a horses' ass. Although, the Jack Fenelli character became infinitely more bearable as a single father, after they killed off Mary.
  15. I 2nd that emotion. An actor who looks like Robin Lord Taylor, playing a slough footed future penguin could only exist in a world that is that timeless. Each week as we are exposed to more sets and scenic views of "Gotham", I love it more and more. It reminds me of the look of Kevin Costner's Untouchables, an old film noire like the Thin Man series/movies, parts of 1970's blaxploitation movies, and yet somehow modern all at the same time. Stylish and gorgeous is the perfect description. A place where Carol Kane's Mrs. Cobblepot's apt could exist simultaneously w/that ridic penthouse Barbara and Jim are chillin' in. It sets the mood. The atmosphere. I would like to think that which characters, and therefore which sets are used in each ep is more than chance, and very planned to match the tone of that ep.
  16. Piccard and Kirk are almost an unfair comparison. To me it's like comparing cast of 1960's Batman, to the Batman movies or even Gotham. I think no one else but Shatner/Kirk could have brought the necessary cheese required to make an episode like the "tribbles". But I also don't think Kirk could have existed in the world that Piccard, the Counselor, Warf, and No. 1 lived in either. Unpopular Opinion: I hated Janeway w/the heat of a nova. Loved Kate Mulgrew on Ryan's Hope. But her turn as ship captain made me want to jump thru the tv and punch her in the face. And Avery Brooks was Hawke on Spencer For Hire so he had me at Spen-saar Baby! Will love him forever, no matter the role. And Sisko was pretty fly. I was not a Honey Boo Boo watcher. But after hearing so much about the show and family, my son and I made ourselves watch 1 ep. It was a Christmas ep from 12-16mnths ago. About halfway through my son and I agreed that we couldn't watch anymore. But at the same time we had a convo about how classist and dismissive people were being about this family. They appeared to love and respect each other. It wasn't our cup of tea but good for them. That opinion wasn't very popular w/the folks we know. lol. Fast forward to last few months. WTF? This is so far past a cancelled tv show. Mama June should be prosecuted for endangering her children. Period. And if not, they should be given to wolves. Wolves are very loyal. And will kill any MF'er that threatens their fam.
  17. I am going to try really hard not to stereotype or offend anyone. And if I do either, let me apologize in advance. Going to do my best to be tactful and respectful, but... Holy Appalachian Trails of Deliverance. What in the hell was that 1st case on the 1st ep? I usually don't like when I sense a little classism is creeping into Judy's tone, words, or attitude. But today I was right there with her. Those 2 backwoods backwards ass MF'ers need to be raided by DFS/CPS/ LMNOP...whoever the hell looks out for children in their state. How in the hell is that little boy not in school for 8-9mnths? How on earth are 2 people w/the equivalent of a jr high/middle school education supposed to educate anyone else? That being completely outside of Judy's purview, and will only be handled/decided by family court, I will get back on point. Of course Old Lady of The Hills assaulted her. That she beast named Goodnight had every intention of beating the other Grandma's ass. And that whipped momma's boy, poor excuse for a father, would have backed her play no matter what it was. Makes you wonder what the mother, who passed away, ever saw in him. But like Judy said, there's a reason why upon their divorce she was awarded custody. I guess be careful who you marry, and procreate with. As for the 1st case of the 2nd ep. The only thing I can hope for is that the mothers affect was a result of her neurological issues or nerves. B/c otherwise she is literally a laughing hyena. The daughter got screwed. But looks like she is starting her own fam and will be fine. She deserved the win. And the church says "AMEN".
  18. Forgot something in my earlier post. Holy fakeout Blacklist. Well done. I absolutely loved the reveal that she was Berlin's daughter. The look on Red's face when he delivered that line was worth the cost of admission. And the show completely faked me out. Did not, in any way, see that one coming. Loved it. Loved it. It was especially great, because I never thought for one moment that Keene's husband from hell was dead. And I tweeted from way back, that that's who Lizzie was holding. I was actually pissed that the show actually thought they were fooling me.
  19. Really liked this one. It was a fun ride. And I haven't been able to say that about this show in awhile. Keene in GI Jane mode gave her something. She was handling the situation w/out Red's help. Granted in the end Samar needed Red's help to find and "save" Keene and Ressler, but that was through no doing of Lizzie's. In the fake hospital she was piecing things together, and kicking butt and taking names all by herself. While dragging a useless Ressler behind her. I laughed out loud when Ressler said, after all of that, that he hadn't felt this good in awhile. Apparently he was even further gone than I thought. Favorite part was when Samar was riding in the limo w/Red and said that, "she was choosing her team". Gave me an awe moment, and made me hope she sticks around. And for a change Red's smart assery completely worked, and didn't feel like over acting.
  20. Aggressively stupid cracked me up. And is also an apt description of the character. I have been railing about both the character of Barbara, and the actress, since the pilot. I. Do. Not. Like. Either. Barbara seems so dumb, and has no chemistry w/Ben McKenzie/Jim Gordon. I was happy when Barbara got on that bus. I was thinking that maybe the show makers were only 5eps in, and saw how bad she was, and were writing her off. At least for awhile. Even hoped lovesick Montoya would chase after her. Then there she was. Like a bad penny. I tweeted "damn, Barbara can't even leave town right". I guess, in theory, her coming back ultimately "saved" Jim. But I believe that was by happenstance, and most certainly not by design, so she most definitely gets no credit. And remains safely in the aggressively stupid category. Do. Not. Like. Either. Still. Please put me on the freaking love the penguin train as well. Robin Lord Taylor is the shit. Right now love the character and actor, but can't wait till he becomes the character I love to hate. Ben McKenzie was so hot I didn't know if I could stand it. The freeze on him w/the shotgun had me seriously reevaluating the meaning of life. I to thought it was a classy move having Montoya admit she was wrong. Especially when we all know she's hot for Barbara. It made me sorry for wishing she was leaving town w/Barbara. Well not really, but almost. And there is no way in hell Montoya & her partner are going to catch anybody's killer, let alone the Wayne's. But at least I don't despise them anymore. Given Oswald's incredibly creepy relationship w/his mother, I just laughed at the kiss. Oswald has come by his creepy factor honestly. When she said Marco I actually choked on my dinner. lol. I tweeted that Harvey likes the big girls. That made me love him anymore. In the beginning he came across as just dirty. Now he seems like a cop who has had to make a lot of compromises, but is deep down still a good guy. Donal Logue, per usual, is charming as hell. Best ep so far. Loved it.
  21. I 2nd that emotion. Judy and the daughter were right. If Judy could speak we all know she would cuss out anyone not treating her right. And if she couldn't I'm sure she raised folks who would come down on that nurse like a ton of bricks. I'm glad she saw that bs case & nurse for what it was. Good for the daughter. For my family I have never had problem advocating for them in any situation. When my Grandma had her stroke, the hospital, and eventually the long term care facility, took to calling me the "regulator". There was plenty of family who lived here in town, and they would report to many any issues or concerns. I lived out of town and would come in to see her every weekend, and then have meetings w/the nurse case managers 1st thing Mon morns. I remember her telling me that it was nice to see a grandchild this aware of the who's and what's. Had to take on a similar role when another family member had a stroke, but this time was called the "handler". And all the posters who have said many facilities have a "stick-em till you get it" mentality were dead on. Unfortunately. Before I learned to advocate for myself, and not just loved ones', I was once stuck 14 times. I was sobbing and throwing up, and the nurse mgr. came in and said, "that'll be enough".
  22. I haven't posted in awhile, but 1st day Judy sweeps so good couldn't resist. In the first episode the dad of the archer-in-training should have stayed at home. Don't know why he came in looking like the pirate captain, but that did not help his son's case. All I kept thinking the whole time was, "maybe that's not 1st time arrow has missed". Judy, nor I, need to call in the CSI's to figure out he did it. And the plaintiff in the halterview was right. Next time could be a child w/his "miss" sticking out of them. Go to a range dumbass, and daddy of dumbass. In the next ep... Do not get a pet if you can't handle. Period. If it's your pet. Unleashed. And not in your yard. Always your fault. Full stop. I'm not an animal person, per se. Don't hate. Don't love. Normally don't care unless has something to do with me. If a pitbull was attacking my son's Pomeranian, in my yard, that pitbull might get strangled w/my bare hands. So Judy reading the husband and wife was dead on. She should have gone in on them even harder. Who the hell cares if plaintiff ended up "stabbing" the pitbull 16/17 times. It's that dog's owners fault the dog was injured. The pitbull just went pitbull. In the 2nd case I loved that the plaintiff went all inch high private eye on his ass. She was gonna find him to fix her used Lexus she saved for. U go girl. Judy knew what time it was long before the momma is looking at her own son like, "oh know you didn't". That was a good 1.
  23. Hooray for Hollywood. Thank you. I know it won't last. I know they will get back together. That's how Greys works. But hooray for Hollywood. I hated "Calzone/a". It never made any sense to me. For either one. I have had a problem ever since the hospital shooting. Callie wants a baby. Arizona doesn't. We might die, so fine Arizona will do the kid thing because she wants Callie, but still doesn't actually want a kid. Then Arizona goes to Africa. When she comes back presto-change Mark baby. They have never been in synch. Never on the same page at the same time. So I am completely ok w/a breakup. Just be great parents to Sophia. So we have now had a very special Maggie, Ellis, and Callie/Arizona...who's got next?
  24. I heart this ep. It had a little bit of everybody. And played to all their strengths. This show gets better every week. While Chicago Fire is a sinking, repetitive, directionless ship. When they got to Voights and were asking what was missing from the wall in Voight's basement. And Olinsky said something like, "it looks like a safe shaped hole", I was laughing so hard I didn't even hear the next couple of lines.
  25. I hate this show now. I hate this show now. I hate this show now. There. Hoping if I say it 3x this whole season will be a bad dream that magically resets itself. No. Oh, well. So here goes... What the hell is going on. Disparate stories that start and stop for no apparent reason, and were going no damn where anyways. Boden got married. Going to be a father. Now up for sudden promotion that he gave up for Cruz. Cruz can't drive for 3 months for something that wasn't his fault anyways. Doing something stupid w/Molly's. Then franchising. Then a food truck. Food truck that won't start and Boden's pissed. (Back to)Accident that wasn't an accident. But the other squad hates them. But especially hates women. But some guy on other squad tells the truth. Gabby can be. Gabby can't be. Casey and Boden finding a way. Making deals. They're engaged. They are lying. But no one, and everyone knows. FauxShay overshare. Severide circling drain. Will be saved by straight FauxShay. Did I miss any BS? Started out coherent and digressed in to a kidnap letter. Should have been in all caps since not even complete sentences. I hate this show now. What in the hell happened? And do they not see it happening?
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