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Everything posted by azshadowwalker

  1. There really are people who don't give a shit about anyone who'd look down at them for their tattoos. They aren't limiting any options they'd care to have in the first place.
  2. I was extremely impressed by Ami. She was my favorite player that season. The ending of the season was shitty, though. I still hate Chris and the fact that Twila's bitterness got him to the end, and ultimately got him the win. Pearl Islands is the first season I watched from start to finish as it aired. It's what made me a fan of the show, and willing to give reality TV, as a genre, a chance. I was, am and will continue to be a fan of both Rupert and Sandra, especially as they were in that season. Also a hater of Savage, and hoping to see him get another ass-kicking by karma over the next few weeks.
  3. This is exactly what I think. As for Zac's comments, they may well have been making these comments about Swapnil all along, but the editors' focus has been on other things (like Blake's foolishness or the Poor Ashley vs the Evil Women crap). Just because something seems out-of-the-blue to the viewers doesn't mean it was out-of-the-blue as events were happening. Frankly, I haven't been terribly impressed by Swapnil in previous challenges, whatever his placements have been. I'm not sure it would matter to the other designers whether he was lazy or not. It doesn't really affect them unless they are doing a team challenge with him. He could be a lazy ass, but a cool guy to talk to. As for his smoking, I couldn't care less. People overeat, people drink, people pump out polutants by driving their cars when they could be using public transport, people do all kind of shit that's bad for their own health and/or affects the environment of others. I hate having one unconventional materials challenge each season. These seasons with two or more push me to stop watching the show altogether. If I wanted to see craft projects, I'd watch a crafting show.
  4. Yeah, I know people in their late 50s and early 60s with heavy tattoos, including neck and face. To be honest, the tattoos are generally the least of their concerns, as far as aesthetics go.
  5. Kruseman hit the nail on the head. If Chris was as badass as he claims, he wouldn't need an "alliance" to give him easier tattoos. He would just tattoo. The fact that he needs his competition hamstrung and himself given what he perceives to be an easier task exposes him as half-assed tattoo artist. The fact that he and his lapdog need to pressure some guy they haven't given a shit about up until then to help him exposes him as a coward. His obsession with Matt during judging was pathetic. It wasn't just that he didn't want to go, but that he specifically wanted Matt to be the one to go. Again, showing his cowardice. Erik was definitely the sacrificial lamb tonight. Neither Matt nor Chris was going home no matter what. I don't really think that Erik's tattoo was the worst, but I knew he was out as soon as it was the three of them. At least he got to call Chris an asshole on national TV before he was sent packing. Duffy kicked some ass. Good for her. That was a beautiful tattoo. And she didn't even need to be given an easy canvas to do it...Chris.
  6. If Survivor is the be-all and end-all of your existence, I guess. Ask most people who Yau-Man is, and they couldn't tell you, even if being famous is a worthy goal. Which, I'd argue, it is not. Being famous for being on a reality TV show even less so.
  7. To be honest, there are a lot of people on this season whom I don't like or don't remember. Who the fuck is Woo? No idea, and he was apparently just a couple seasons ago. Savage? Assbag who I hoped to never see again. I remember him being one of the Real Men who ganged up on Skinny Ryan while Osten was kept around to drain the tribe and quit. I never found Joe and his stupid hair compelling, and was happy to see him gone. Kelly Wigglesworth and Kimmi might be the sum total of people I'm remotely interested in seeing.
  8. Oh, if Ashley gets auf'd at any time, she will be saved. They obviously want me to have a very specific "poor Ashley" reaction every time she doesn't get her way. I bought it until last week. The amount of "how dare you not pick me" whining aimed at the women when the men didn't pick her,either, turned me off. I didn't find anything endearing about her behavior at all, but I definitely felt that the editors and producers wanted me to. So, I don't think Tim will spend his save on Blake. I think he's saving it in case something happens to Ashley. You may be right, but I have to wonder how many women would wear different underwear like that. Everyone I've ever known (myself included) wore our sexy lingerie under our wedding dresses, usually some form of fancy corset. I honestly felt like he just tacked the "bridal" thing on to explain why he didn't do any color.
  9. I didn't think Ashley's was anything special, but I did think it was the easiest to mass produce and was acceptable. Of the top 3, I would have given it the win. I was floored that Swapnil and Merline both beat out Kelly to be in the top 3. I thought both looked rather sloppy. And, really? Bridal, Swapnil? Under what wedding dress could you wear those straps up to your neck? In the end, though, I took the crazy top 3 because Blake was sent packing. That will make up for a lot in my book. To be honest, I liked Jake's bra a lot. I just hated the straps. In fact, I hated the that so many of the designers went with the stupid straps on their designs. I loved that he had the humanity not to make his model bare her ass on national TV when she was uncomfortable doing so. Thongs are idiotic, anyway. The last think I want in underwear at any time is floss up my ass. Good guy.
  10. Could well be. I would just wonder about his definition of nice, since I have found him grating and overbearing since, well, always.
  11. "The head-to-head "losers" are not necessarily all of the people called down. That is, there may be 4, 5, 6, or more head-to-head losers, but the judges will only call down their worst 3 (or 4, if the Human Canvas Jury selects one person that is not among the judges' bottom 3)." The problem, though, is that Kruseman and Erik were considered equally bad. If they weren't actually equally bad, Erik should have been declared winner of the head-to-head. If they were equally bad, both or neither should have been downstairs.
  12. The reasons I had no problem with Stevie coming in second were both the colors she used and the fact that you could so clearly see where the prosthetics ended and the model's face began.
  13. Worst pronunciation of Hecate that I've ever heard in my life. As bad as the make-ups.
  14. Chris was a Marine, y'all. Ugh. Hate him and Tyler both, but Matt and Katie did have the worst tattoos of the bunch tonight. I was just hoping it would be Kruseman who was sent packing solely to piss off Chris and Tyler.
  15. I think it's a matter of dueling assholes, but we weren't supposed to know that until after Marq left. Chris got some kind editing early on is what I'm saying.
  16. Yau-Man tried to get one over on Dreamz, and he lost. He thought he could buy loyalty from a kid who'd never had a car. Take advantage of someone else's poverty, old man. Dreamz schooled you on that foolishness. And Cochran... Don't get me started on how overrated he was. Not half as smart as he thinks he is. I also didn't buy him as the poor bullied child that they tried to feed us his original season.
  17. Major thumbs down on that from me, too. Klingons don't give a shit about living long or prospering. That fish creature was horrible. I couldn't believe it made the top 3, let alone got so much praise. It wasn't just the mask, but I didn't even really read it as a fish.
  18. Dave has his spent his time there crawling up Chris's ass and being part of a stupid "alliance" meant to target other artists. And Matt and Katie (because she's Matt's apprentice) have been targets of that. So, no, I don't agree that he's kept his head down and worked. He has been a stooge for Chris for weeks now, and I can see Katie being pleased with him or any other of that group getting sent packing. Of course, that's taking the "reaction" shots at face value, as mentioned above.
  19. Any dude who needs to be told he is acting like a misogynistic piece of shit shouldn't be working with women. Or anyone else. It's really not a woman's job to tell him how to act like a professional. Anyway, I should have skipped this episode. It wasn't even how bad the bottom looks were. It was that the top looks were atrocious, yet received incredible praise from the judges.
  20. , The fact remains that being paired with Meg means there is one fewer person who could possibly be sent home. Also, it's usually someone from the worst team who does go home. It's never good to be paired with someone who has immunity, especially if they are not really into helping, as Meg didn't appear to be. Meg really didn't need to worry about the one she was doing so much at the end when Libby asked for help. They all essentially did their own make-up. If you're not going home no matter what you do, help your teammate. It's not like her focus on her own model improved that look all that much, anyway. Anyway, didn't really care that Libby left, but I would be happy to see Meg go soon. Her teary-eyed look is getting to me. That "snake" was also seriously fucked up, and I would have been fine with it going. I didn't see much grasp of anatomy there, either. Does the dude even know what a snake looks like? The statue wasn't as horrible as the other three in the bottom. Since Meg couldn't be sent packing, either Libby or the duck-faced snake were equally okay choices.
  21. The way he talked in front of his canvas was inexcusable. Telling Marissa that he was "over" the tattoo and how much he hated it? Way to instill confidence in the person you're putting that ink on, asshole. I truly hate Chris more every week. Dave is the worst follower ever. If you're an actual tattoo artist, you don't need an alliance. This isn't Survivor, ffs.
  22. He's been like that for a while, though. It's just getting more attention now that Marq's bullshit isn't there to take away the focus. I also wonder if they haven't given Chris a positive edit prior to this because of the pro-military "I'm a Marine" line.
  23. You can use a female model and have it be a female Holmes. There's no reason to have it be a daughter. That's what I'm getting at.
  24. I originally thought she was doing a sort of rip-off of Elementary, but with a female Holmes instead of Watson. When she mentioned daughter, I wondered why she went that direction.
  25. It was obvious who the safe artists were, since they were ignored the entire episode. I didn't hate the vegetable Scarlet Letter make-up. I thought it was really creepy and kind of cool. I would have put that awful King Arthur old man monstrosity in the bottom instead. It was horrid.
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