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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. I see it a badge of honor, although I'm quite sure I didn't think that at the time.
  2. I think that Tom summed it up perfectly when he said that because no one was eliminated, he was automatically in the semi-finals! All of them being relatively relaxed was a joy to watch. It was great when Yan said she had a timer for talking to the judges, and that Paul's time was up. FWIW, even Paul seemed relaxed, and it's nice to hear him genuinely laugh and joke.
  3. Or in the memorable words of Emil Faber, "Knowledge is Good".
  4. Considering his extreme risk-taking and bad ass lifestyle, being able to live to 97 is quite the 'fuck you' to the fates. Thank you for all you did, and RIP Gen. Yeager.
  5. I'm confused. Why did they just throw out there that Linda makes her own face mask, and that all the women thought it smelled great? That seemed like it was intended to set that up as her own business but it went nowhere. What was the point? "I have goose bumps, does anyone else?" "I have shingles, does that count?"
  6. Thank you for falling on that grenade for us.
  7. I didn't see the family as People of Color, I simply saw them as a family.
  8. This episode hit close to home and reminded me how maddening and hilarious it was dealing with my elderly parents when they were around. It was only a slight exaggeration and I can only presume that the writers must be dealing with aging parents too.
  9. I don't imagine they're worried about those of us who already like the show--that's a built in fan base. More likely they're trying to get new viewers, probably a younger demographic. Even with the more emphasized drama, it's not going to stop me from watching. I'd take this over any of the ridiculous baking challenges on the Food Network.
  10. I'm on the same page that it was very close between David and Peter. Their signatures were both excellent, the technicals were very close (but they never seem to count it anyway) so it came down to stodgy cookies vs. flat/under-baked cream puffs and over-baked babka. Really tight. In the end, David won the biggest prize--his new healthy baby. In this competition, a person only has to be a little less bad than the worst person that week. Kind of like the old story about running away from a bear and having to only outrun the person you're with, not the bear. Laura was able to do that, and benefitted from others having a single shitty week. If the rules were to take into account previous bakes, that would be another story. I didn't mind Laura and she seemed very kind. Besides, how many times have they berated bakers for style over substance? She was rewarded for substance over style.
  11. The attention to detail had me rolling, and I have to watch a few more times to pick up all the little things in the different scenarios, like the Breadinator having a toast wrist tracker. Gene: "I think I pooped out the part of my brain that knew everything that was happening on the Kaminsky Method". Ha!
  12. That's very fair, and it makes sense to you. For some people, being reminded of what they'll be missing out on this holiday can also make them depressed. There must be other ways they could have gotten that message across without crossing either line.
  13. I had avoided watching the shows when it switched to Noel and Sandi, because she used to be terribly pushy and unfunny when she did Who's Line Is It Anyway. She was just loud. But...I went back and watched the older episodes, and aside from the goofy openings, she was a very kind and supportive host with the contestants. If they're not going to bring back Mel and Sue, at least bring in someone who will tone down Noel, not wind him up.
  14. I agree with those who think that Noel and Matt together are just too juvenile. It's most evident when they become serious in announcing the baker going home, because I actually like them at that point. That tells me the rest is over-the-top hamming it up.
  15. Or ditch any challenges involving ice cream.
  16. It really is beautiful. On the other hand, it's from Amazon. Considering how they treat their employees, it made my mind go to The Red Shoes by Hans Christian Anderson
  17. I'm going to try a few with the free trials and see if they add anything. If I can get the local news via a digital antenna, then I may not even need the streaming service because my Roku has a boatload of live programming with nearly all the channels I want.
  18. I have to think that after diligently reporting for the last 4 years, the last place she wants to be right now is off the air.
  19. It's somewhat heartening to see that the majority of the deaths posted lately have been people living to very ripe old ages. It's never easy to lose someone of course, but we can't live forever and making it to 93 is damned good.
  20. I loved when Delores said she asked everyone where Spartacus was and kept getting the answer, "I'm Spartacus". Even better that she didn't get the reference.
  21. I appreciate that sometimes people have a true aversion to certain foods, which is humanizing (as has been stated) What bothered me most about her giving him a bun without the relish is that he later declared it was 'dry', and I thought the same exact thing she did: It wouldn't have been dry if you had the relish on it.
  22. Thanks for all of your advice. I think I'm going to give Hulu Live a shot. Even if I upgrade services it will still be 1/3 what I'm paying for cable.
  23. I'm very late to the party, but am finally cutting my cable cord. I have Roku and have hesitated because I like my cable DVR and local news options. I was thinking about fuboTV and wondered how that stacked up vs. Sling, or anything else out there. I'm a blank slate--have at it!
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