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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. Some doctors do hug, especially when you've gone through something prolonged. They're human.
  2. Her affect was SO flat, you just knew she had major issues even before we heard about them. What a horrific childhood she had, and considering all that, I think she did better than expected. When she got derailed by COVID, I was sure she was going to be back up to over 600lbs, so her gaining about 50lbs in 4 months wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I mean, most of us (YMMV) have likely gained during this time. I think she'll be able to lose the weight again once she gets settled in Houston. *AARGH*
  3. As far as I know, unless someone corrects me, a person can't be hospitalized for weight loss alone, unless they have some kind of co-morbidity.
  4. Does anyone here watch the Pluto network? If so, did you know that Cold-Eeze can shorten your cold by 42%? No? If you didn't know that, you will, after you hear it twice in a row every 10 minutes, all day long. https://d3npuic909260z.cloudfront.net/001/926/269/dHfH.mp4 For some reason, YouTube is refusing to embed this, no matter what tricks I try. Even YouTube is sick of it.
  5. Yeah, I made an error and didn't correct it--the comment was meant for Pnina not Hailey Paige
  6. Awww, I love that part. I'm a 60's kid, so my Dad was not a new generation type, but I know that had I asked him to do this, he would have. I was totally a Daddy's girl and he was a mush when it came to me.
  7. It's possible she's gleeful because this has to be, for want of a better phrase, fun as hell for a journalist to cover. I feel like it's a 'buy your ticket and enjoy the show' moment for the country. It is of course also incredibly tragic.
  8. I believe you're correct, CRAZYINALABAMA, because she was squirting that fake syrup all over each bite. Which by the way when I googled the image, I found it on a site called The 28 Unhealthiest Freezer Aisle Foods
  9. I haven't decided where she landed about staying on the diet. That first follow-up visit was appalling, yet Dr. Now patiently let her have her tantrum until she ran out of gas. Clearly this wasn't his first rodeo. Afterwards, she went back and ramped up the diet and exercise, and I have to give her props for that even if it because she was pissed at Dr. Now. Kanae may not have lost nearly the amount she should have, but she continued losing without a big dramatic gain, which is more than we've seen from others. I'm cautiously optimistic for her. The family was amazingly loving and supportive which was heartwarming to see. Something a bit odd is that she kept referring to the children as her kids, not her nieces and nephews. Did they all really live in a single trailer, or was it a double?
  10. Featherhat posted this on the last page. I read the comments about Rachel Wood and sort of thought "gee, that's too bad" while moving on to the next post. Then I watched this and it helped me better understand the situation. Holy crap! To me, it's pretty clear she's talking about Manson, and it's worth a 6 minute watch. This was her original testimony:
  11. They can all see that it's possible to gain 50lbs in a month yet they see it as impossible to lose that same 50lbs in a month.
  12. It sounded like the mom had a legitimate reason why she couldn't wear a mask--some kind of lung condition. Dr. Lee mentioned that the daughter would be getting the injections from a local doctor, she's not giving them herself. The twin sisters with the honking big pilar cysts on their heads? Those were awesome!
  13. I can't help but remember this commercial which is what I sing in my head every time I hear the words "ooey gooey"
  14. Tammy seems so angry, and the fact that Chris lost weight didn't help. I'm guessing she may feel really jealous of Chris and Amy, and now those two have something in common that excludes her. Chris may be the only one who can get her on track and that probably consists of some tough love with a whole lot of positive reinforcement for any forward movement. I see glimpses of her where she's very bright and personable, but the anger overshadows it. Unfortunately, I can relate and recognize some of the signs. At least that's my internet assessment, FWIW.
  15. I watched this again and I don't think she wanted to be on this show, or at least was open to it at the beginning. But then Sandy pushed, and pushed, and pushed. Cindy repeatedly said no one was listening to her, and she was right. It's possible that she felt completely out of control and the only thing she could control is how much she ate, and resisting the whole process. Dear god, even Dr. Paradise cut her off when she was starting to talk about Sandy. The second viewing made me really mad at all of her "friends"
  16. I can't wrap my brain around this. Admittedly, I only know what these pilots did through watching Chernobyl, and I don't know how much artistic license they had, but those helicopter pilots were true heroes. He literally flew into the reactor that was spewing massive amounts of radiation to put out the fire, yet it was fucking Covid that killed him? Where do you even go with that?
  17. Thedrick may not have been the sharpest tool in the shed, but some of his impairment was related to his congestive heart failure. I'm pretty sure Dr. Now made mention of the decreased oxygen to his brain at one point, Apparently, I'm the only one who liked this episode. Thedrick was a sweet, kind person and that made me smile.
  18. That's probably the case, and I'm on the side that thinks they're funny ads. However, I see a certain irony in that Martin is showing Charlie how to get cheaper drugs.
  19. I would bet that carrot sticks or a stalk of broccoli would completely decompose in her refrigerator before it ever got touched. I can feel sympathy for a lot of these people, but Samantha was just exhausting. She also kept saying "to be honest", which is a dead giveaway that someone is lying.
  20. I totally get what you mean, however that sentence is hilarious.
  21. Hugging a patient isn't necessarily unprofessional. A lot of the people who come to her are very frightened and her demeanor is one way to set them at ease. It is probably even more important for people with skin diseases who likely believe that no one wants to touch them. I see it as a very caring behavior and frankly, most doctors act like they don't really give a shit about you or even know your name. As for the sterility issue, I agree with Back Atcha's response.
  22. We've talked about the Geico clogging commercial ad infinitum so this is more of an observation vs. love/hate. I was looking at the apartments and it only just registered that: Those apartments are fabulous. They don't look anything alike - even the cabinets are totally different colors. The clogging family's apartment must be 5,000 square feet. It's positively massive. I would totally rent an apartment like that. (sans those upstairs neighbors)
  23. Hayley Paige fans will find her dresses no matter what name she sells them under. She could try "Stripper Bridals" or "Slut Couture"
  24. Hey now, old ladies can totally be playing poker! I resemble that remark. I doubt it for that commercial only because there are no chips or anything to bet with in sight.
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