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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. I have a different opinion, because I could have watched Brandon for 2 hours. He was so uplifting and kind. His proposal to his girlfriend made me tear up! I'm dying to see how he looks post skin surgery. As it was, I didn't recognize him compared to where he started.
  2. I'm not sure if it's click bait or if I'm just and idiot (those aren't mutually exclusive), but I read that link as her having her finger removed because she had stapled it.
  3. OK...so moving on I really like this new Pet Friendly Apartments.com commercial:
  4. I sort of retrofit a story where he's a recovering addict and he just couldn't deal with her in his home anymore. How awful do you have to be that you tell your entire family you are penniless and can't even find a spot in a homeless shelter, yet none of them will help? I have to give them props --the balloon was a great touch. I think everyone was letting her get to her rock bottom so she'd face her addictions.
  5. Is it this one? Bad Lip Reading on WEtv - Shemar Love it! Here are two from L&O
  6. I think there's something to be said for calling it a "Pfixer" vaccine.
  7. It may get old, but it's what doctors do all the time. I don't know why, it's just how it is. Abscess contents are described like different types of cheeses or sauces, growths that look like fruits and vegetables... It's hard to explain if you've never done it, but performing surgery tends to make you hungry! I adore Dr. Emma and hope she doesn't go down the Dr. PP road. Dr. Lee wasn't bad in the beginning, but I wouldn't be surprised if she was told to be more entertaining.
  8. I've noticed that she's toned down the crazy wide-eyed look when tasting everything. FWIW, I still really like this show, and I like Molly.
  9. That's true. And Nugent is a racist prick who does it all too well. Karma is truly a bitch.
  10. That's a good question. Regardless, I love that they have this eclectic mix of subjects rather than the obvious. John Wayne's story was fascinating and it was horrifying to learn that the set they used for one of his movies was teeming with radioactivity. Little House on the Prairie had the same issue, and it was mentioned when they did Michael Landon's death.
  11. I've seen this word thrown around a few times here and I agree with Lemons. Seriously? Totally. Putting pressure on her to be on camera with Andrew is exactly the tactic that he has been using with her. Whether I believe her or not isn't the issue. IMO, if everyone thinks she is trying to be a famewhore, then she would have agreed to be on camera. It would have been TLC gold and could have gone down in history. If they conspired together to have this storyline, then her not wanting to participate doesn't fit the script.
  12. I don't mind the chalk lines ad, but what elevates it for me is when at the end, the guy doing the lines says "do you think anyone will notice?" and the other guy says "Yes!". I like how he says 'yes'. I figured I'd add the commercial so you could see for yourselves:
  13. I can see why this was only 1 hour, and why there's no thread for part 2--it's probably not worth it.
  14. I watched this channel for many months into COVID quarantine and have now had my fill. I just know there are more episodes they are not showing. We used to watch Love Boat in college and made up a drinking game where we went through a great deal of alcohol. Good memories. Or to be fair, no memories.
  15. Add me to the fangirl list for John Gage. I was an early teen and this was my Saturday night staple. I was delighted to find out that Randolph Mantooth was in some of the soaps I watched later in life. It was a pleasant surprise to see him as different, sometimes smarmy characters.
  16. I adore this show and am rewatching again on Roku. I waited a long time to see the movie and part of me wishes I hadn't, but you kind of have to for the closure. It's like necessary evil. I would argue that the opening credits for this show could be the best ever. Seeing grim reapers clocking in never gets old.
  17. There was a part of this episode where I actually liked Angie and could see why people would be friends with her. I know! It shocked me. During her Dr. Paradise visit (the one prior to her being a drama queen) I felt terrible for her regarding how she grew up. It appeared to me that she let her walls down and was very honest with Dr. Paradise. I could see why she had such a thick armor around her. It's not going to be easy to change, assuming she's even willing. FWIW, I share the Dr. Paradise love. What a breath of fresh air vs. Lola, with his sincere, heartfelt compassion. Also, I think he's "jockey-sized", and no one calls them little people.
  18. Shelbie et al, my comment was most definitely a generalization. However, even my sister's MIL (who did like my sister), had the subtle air that her son 'could've done better', at least early on in their marriage. He was the oldest son and first married, so that may have played a part. on the other hand, Mike's mother was anything but subtle and he's not exactly a youngster.
  19. Does any mother of a son fully believe their future daughter-in-law is good enough for her baby boy? I can only speak from experience of friends and family, but I think there's often some doubt. My feeling is that she can offer her opinion to Mike, but it's his life.
  20. I'm with you chenoa333. I can't get enough of this show and the backstory of all these people. Reelz seems to be stuck on Steve McQueen for some reason. That being said, I don't get tired of hearing about that quack cancer doctor and am fascinated by how McQueen believed in him, even when he had a tumor the size of a basketball growing in his liver.
  21. I would guess she was being told to do that by producers, in order to appease the FCC gods.
  22. I've watched enough Dr. G: Medical Examiner to learn that Men + Powertools = Disaster. (Not always, of course!)
  23. When it aired, I was a teenager and always liked Valerie Bertinelli. For the most part, I figured she was a typical teen who could sometimes be stupid. After watching her cooking show, it's clear that she really IS generally nice, at least that's the way it seems. On the other hand, I couldn't stand Ann or Julie. A lot of shrieking, outrage, and flat out overacting.
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