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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. I didn’t realize that Luke had such a nice voice. His duet with what’s her name was awkward....no connection. And she looks like she has no neck drowning in all that hair...she is oddly unmarketable. Weezer was all kinds of terrible. Wade butchered his part of the harmony of Africa. I cringed. But then Harry Potter came on and didn’t sing all of his lines of Take on Me. At least he looked like he was having fun.
  2. I threw all my votes at Demitrius. They don’t even do that part of Bohemian Rhapsody live in concert so it was great to hear it.
  3. I’m upset I couldn’t make it through the first episode. Hannah is rather awkward so I think she has that going for her. But her voice is nails on a chalkboard for me. And after the first few guys got out of the limo she was parroting the same lines over and over. I appreciate she was probably nervous but her pageant background autopilots her into a smiling robot saying smiling robot things in a syrupy fake voice. I just can’t. I guess her discovery for her season will include her struggle for things not “appearing” perfect since that’s what Chris alluded to. I don’t know....I guess her journey doesn’t sound all that compelling to me. Maybe future episodes will be better when it’s more travel and silly event base and less of her actually speaking. I hope she finds her substance in life. Ironically she may get exploited on her looks and body which is her actual fight in life so we will see in future episodes if she lets the Bachlorette machine use her or not!
  4. It's annoying to be coerced into fathering a baby. That chick needs to lay off. Their whole storyline sounds made up. She said she works later than what's his name and only sees him 2 hours a day. Who is going to take care of this baby if both of them work? Have they figured out if they can have a baby on one salary? Alternate baby care? I know this is a stretch of a storyline but it annoys me to see either wife or husband nag the other about child bearing. It's interesting to me that Pao and Fernanda basically have the same perspective. They want to go where their people and culture are (in the USA) and become models and actresses. Russ had to move, can't remember Fernanda's husband's name but he's supposed to move too. I wish one of them would get asked if they missed their families so much and their nakedness and beaches were so amazing in their country.....why didn't they just stay in their country??? Pao knew she'd be going to OKC and Fernanda knew she'd be going to the Carolinas. Not CheeKaGoe.
  5. Just when I thought that dragging out Cochran at every turn was an eye roll here comes Boston Rob...
  6. At least Chris had the balls to go head to head with Rick at the end. It was his only move to win instead of be second. Not sure why Rick didn't try to get rid of Gavin. I didn't think Lauren had any resume to win. Julie had a better resume but she was rather unlikeable from your typical voting standpoint. Plus neither of the final 3 did a good job of speaking per se. Gavin didn't use his good ol boy shucks charm and Julie went with using her emotions as a tool? Eye roll.
  7. Those chicken wangs look awesome. I don't have any hard data but I think the odds of you breaking up with someone increases when people freely tell each other to SHUT UP during a real fight.
  8. Andreiiiiiiiiiii said that "everything he offers us...." during one of his rants. Do you think that she went and asked her dad for the house but then told Andreiiiiiiiiiii that her father offered the house?
  9. And Wade dropped a big steaming pile of awkward on stage. I don't have a problem of him saying he didn't like Bobby's song choice but it just hung there like a big fart. Insert your own joke here.
  10. I'm glad they put Laci and Wade out of their our misery. I was about to throw some rocks at Alejandro's first song because it sounded like every other song he's ever sung. He redeemed himself later for the context of the show. I find him too sleepy but to each his own. Please don't let Bobby Bones pick any more songs. Those were 4 bad performances.
  11. I thought the guest judge guy was awesome. Gave good feedback and a standing O for everyone for their efforts. Very classy. The top 2 looks were both amazing. Thought Bishme was more Eltony. What I've learned is to not dabble in ostrich feathers. They are difficult to integrate. Also Lela lost her mind when she added that boa from Michaels. In addition it was uneven. She should have just left the smear on the collar and explained it on the runway. It was already a mess....a craft store boa was an aufable decision.
  12. The giggles and pearl clutching for being around a penis instead of a vagina was embarrassing. Models are models. It's hard to imagine in that industry that there would be such a chasm in reaction between genders so I was pretty surprised that we couldn't get ourselves away from acting like 12 year olds. Guess it's ok for women to be naked and for you to be all up in their cracks (male or female designer) and the models have just learned to deal with it provided there is nothing inappropriate going on. But god forbid if we have to measure male crotches and chests. Why no bedazzeled cod piece stringkini? It's not any less coverage than pasties on nipples or a triangle bottom bikini for females.
  13. I was really surprised at how dramaaaaaatic Sonia was considering she was oh so eliminated already. The fact that she decided to take her haughty ass self and ruin Garo's moment by telling him she wasn't talking to him and then unloading on him for not giving appropriate credit was pathetic. That being said Cavanaugh started out with the cringey talking head about how lucky Sebastian was to have her but in the end she kept her head down and kept working. In the store she tried to help him focus without stepping on his toes....he just wasn't feeling it. I thought she was going to be a trainwreck and she was way more supportive than I thought.
  14. I am unaware of a Caleb Lee Hutchinson LOL. Must have been during my missed years....which I think started the year after Caleb Johnson.
  15. I don't know any of those songs from Woodstock although I'm not as young as the kids they stack in the audience LOL. I thought the choice of theme was very out of touch.
  16. I thought he won his season. Who was the winner??? They said his style wasn't current...those rockers never do well. I still think he and David Cook have some of the best voices to appear on Idol but lacked the marketing machine. Caleb is a southern rocker....I don't see him doing country per se but hey whatever pays the bills. He's doing well doing a Meatloaf tour and some big voice spots in productions. He's doing OK I just always remember him singing Skyfall. I really wish AI would have paid for it so that they could have released it. He's got an amazing voice.
  17. Laci - Open Arms. Ugh. It's funny how her "smoky voice" is lauded but Wade's voice is "smoker's" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. They both sound amateurish and put on af. Madison is too young and smiley, Laine is too robotic and stepford singer, Alejandro would be a fool to actually try to win this show and be tied to the contract from hell singing formulaic pop songs. Although one look at Caleb Johnson and David Cook should show him you can win AI and once they stop promoting you because they think you are unmarketable that "unique voice" is as useful as singing in bars, which I guess may be an upgrade from dishwashing. I'm throwing my votes to Uche. Bring back that wedding singer and let's see what he can do. I'm still intrigued.
  18. Finally caught up on the couple of songs that I missed. Laine singing Johnny B Good was a prime example of.....a great song? It worked for Marty McFly too. What exactly is Laine going to be singing of his own accord? Is he singing in some throwback show somewhere? I have no clue what kind of artist he is....he's so.....bland and vanilla. Katy tried to make him "happen" by doing fangirl swoony screams but he's devoid of any true sex appeal to me like a kewpie doll. He's adorable and bland. Bland bland bland.
  19. Unity LA had a similar type piece as Briar Nolet….very theatrical and stagey. The Finals performances weren't nearly as strong by either of them. It's like they left their best to win the Divisional final and then everyone didn't have anything left for the Kings. The Unity LA ensemble was good but I felt like I was watching something very Broadway-ish. Is that good or bad? I didn't get goosies. And I didn't see the mentoring part so I'm not sure what the story was. Did the guy leave the girl and want her back? I can see how the judges were conflicted on who to give the Wild Card to.....if they would have put in Poppin John over Briar Nolet then it would have been a better finale. Too bad the Heima couldn't have displaced the other group in the Finale too LOL. The Kings edit is always amusing....drama or fake drama. If you hurt yourself where you can't walk you really shouldn't dance. OK that was some ridiculous shit!!!!!!!!!!!! Even the Kings best performance was in the Divisional Finals. That was outstanding.
  20. I really like the Heima. I didn't think their final performance was their best. That shirt was laying in the middle of the stage.... and I feel like I've seen the main guy who does the amazing head spins with the stopping on his head is a little redundant. Also he doesn't seem centered on the stage or part of the picture they are trying to make....don't know if that's intentional or not but the lack of symmetry made my eyes go left. Are they allowed to come back? Fun to watch though. I can see why they were eliminated and didn't get the wild card.
  21. OK now I've watched the division finals I'm really confused. Derek singlehandedly eliminated Poppin John and Julian and Charlize with his score. He gave Ellie and what's her name a 99? It's almost like he's saving them for next season because there is no way anyone was going to beat the Kings this year. Does that seem too nuts of a theory? Briar's red suit in the box was probably her best performance with stage enhancements because it was gymnastic strippery for lack of a better term. Poppin John was flat out amazing. I don't know how they didn't send him thru to the Finals just to make it a better show.....the best of his genre instead of another lyrical gymnast?? I can't figure out if they were trying to keep a gender balance or genre balance or age balance but I'm scratching my head. Julian and Charlize were better in their genre than a 13 and 14 year old. They had a nice story but they are nothing special. And there was no way they were going to beat the Kings.
  22. Father Libby has a point since he is the one footing the bill. Maybe if he didn't make it so convenient for them she wouldn't have gotten knocked up so fast.
  23. No not a sales manager at a battery store....Tarik more like....here.... "It puts the lotion on itself and then it puts it in the basket...."
  24. His pajama bottoms are buttons. Close to malfunction. I'm living in dread LOL
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