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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. Adam Lambert is so hot. As someone who has seen Queen with Adam Lambert in concert 7 times I was really looking forward to this week. Then I remembered this was American Idol and they were going to make a mess of the songs. I don't hear what the judges hear at all.
  2. What the hell was up with the audio tonight? I could barely hear any of Alejandro's performance or his duet. That was awkward and horrible. Alej butchered Under Pressure. Wade Cota butchered We are the Champions.
  3. What bothered me about Hester was that she knew she was going to get one of the bottom 3 spots as her dubious design was coming together even poorer than expected. So she made the bottom 3 really a bottom 2 and in this episode there were plenty of candidates for a bottom 3. You shouldn’t skew the odds just because you wanted more airtime. Oh wait... I’m embarrassed to admit that one of the places that I shop has sold tons of fancy pasties and sheer tops etc. At first I was shocked but now I don’t notice them. The models are young and thin....I’m just there for the funky shoes. But point is that pasty-wear is a dime a dozen. Elegant pasty dress wear in the form of festival attire....which is a whole other topic but when did everyone start going to festivals such that they developed an entire clothing season for it? It used to be called “spring.” Samwise979 - jinx I didn’t see your post!
  4. Kelly is so thirsty. And she gets her own time spot on EOE where we see her cry? How many producers has she boned to get this much airtime? Get off my island. Reem. Dude. Just.....dude. I'm so annoyed if after the next EOE cull these leftovers still remain on the jury and Reem gets a vote. The jury from EOE look filthy....love it.
  5. I never noticed which leg led....that's weird... I'm going to have to watch for that now and then never be able to unsee it for the rest of my life LOL!!! HMV is always going to be the go to move to show flexibility although on this show we've seen some cool leg behind the body shapes at weird angles. But overall it's hard to get how.....difficult the contemporary routines are when pitted against each other.
  6. I really liked Jennifer Lopez’s iridescent plastic ostrich feather looking dress. All her stuff is too short but at least this one had personality hahahahaha. I wonder if the world would end if she came out in some ratty sweats and looked comfortable.
  7. I have no idea who Taryn Manning is either. Or Alec Mapa. Or kim. Very rarely are there people who are complete strangers to me! Yikes. Alec seemed funny and frantic which is why he was cast. I am not compelled to go back and watch the 40 minutes I missed LOL im just here for the blind tastings games. Doesn’t matter if it’s Top Chef or Worst Cooks I love a good palate challenge.
  8. The contemporary routines are boring to me because at this stage there isn't much for them to do except for....wait for it....tell that elusive story. When they fall short then you get a lot of stretching and formations that of course we've seen before because quite frankly there is only so much you can do in that format. Prime example is the God is a Woman routine had the perfect blend of choreo, song choice, message and execution. If they could they would just do that routine over and over....much like a figure skater trains a long program for years for the Olympics. It strikes a chord, it works, it has difficulty for the judges and appeal for the masses. Then they pick the shootings in their state....they are overwrought with emotion that they can't contain...the dancing and choreo suffers. Was it horrible? No. But without the perfect balance it's going to be hard to beat the Kings or Heima who are launching themselves physically 20 feet off the ground. Also interesting is that unlike DWTS, the judges and audience are obviously not hearing the prepackages. So they don't know the stories ahead of time, just the mentor judge. That being said Unity LA has the best chance to contempo group their way to victory.....they are strong dancers who have mature choreo. I wouldn't bet money on it but at least I can see some version of contemporary being competitive with the formation heavy Kings and Heima. I don't even call them hip hop.
  9. I haven’t watched this show is a few years but I wish we didn’t get rid of them in 2s right now. It feels like the front part of the show is too long then. We hardly will get a chance to see them sing before they are gone yet had to sit thru a loooooong set of manufactured nonsense to see people that didn’t even make the top 10. The drama wasn’t that compelling to warrant that. Now that we were down to a top 14 or 10 I’d like the see them sing dammit.
  10. It’s weird how decent last season was even going on season 104 or whatever and how bad this season is by comparison. The Edge of Stink really has thrown off the whole dynamics of the game in nobody being eliminated and then forming a weird second half makeshift jury. Do all of these people stay on the jury even after the next purge to go back in the game? It’s hard to believe reem gets a vote for hanging around. Part of survivor is forming alliances and voting people off in a way where they still would vote for you. The top rows at the reunion are there for a reason...sorry to never get to know you but it’s just part of the game. i hope reem accidentally wins the next opportunity to get back in the game. I would laugh and laugh and laugh.
  11. Yikes you guys are Disney aficionados! I think I’ve only seen Toy Story 1.
  12. Yes I thought so! Ross kissed her and there was some bruhaha. I didn’t recognize anyone else except Tonya and I wish she’d just off my screen. Catch some lessons at sur la table and go awaaaay
  13. They weren’t necessarily rewarded for it but I liked The Kings variety tonight. Agreed it started a little formation-y but it’s nice to see them go a little different. The Korean group is pretty awesome....how much material do they have? Hope they don’t use everything up. I didn’t think they should have added in the comment before the final scores of the Korean group of one of the girls professing that she thought they deserved to go to the finals. Yikes. Take it up with Unity LA because no you didn’t...and being a female group doesn’t entitle you to a spot. And if it was dubbed in completely based on something else then shame on the show.
  14. I have no idea who these people are except Morgan who I think was on Friends lol. There was so. Much. Screaming. And I only caught the last 20 minutes. In that 20 minutes I saw enough to make me not want to try any of the food for sheer sanitary reasons. God bless Anne and Tyler. I wouldn’t taste that contaminated garbage if you paid me.
  15. Oh I didn’t mean he was likeable....I just meant that was the other component that most people base their votes on that the contestant has no control over. Thus the Bobby bones comment lol. They have control over their song choice. Madison must have made a good song choice tonight because I actually noticed her!
  16. Yes. That song choice for Disney week was great for his voice. I think part of AI is picking the right songs that not only showcase your vocal range but connect to the audience in some way. The other part is the intangible of likeability.....people will Bobby Bones a vote for their favorite regardless of how they song ANY song LOL.
  17. I agree the live voting format is strange but it's kind of a compressed voting of what probably is going to occur. I would have voted for Uche, Wade, Dimitri and Madison. Uche because I find him interesting, Wade for being smart, I liked Dimitri's story tonight and wanted to see him one more week and then Madison "earned" my vote this week. Pretty sure if everyone thinks Laine has it locked up then you can't outvote that block. He was good tonight for him but I would not have been compelled to vote for him yet. I think Laci and Walker were the weakest tonight. I think the judges are saving their save for Alejandro. Alejandro needs to be careful of his song choices...he's sleepy.
  18. LOVED that Rebel pointed out that Laine doesn't move his mouth much....I thought I was the only one wondering what was going on with his toothyness. That was hilarious. I thought he did a much better job of singing his song. I can see the appeal. I hope that's really who he is instead of going along with the AI machine because that was hokey AF. I really like Jeremiah and his sister's hair color. So vibrant and unique. I still don't get the appeal of him....he's got an interesting voice but I'm not drawn in by him yet. Maybe he's more Broadway where he needs the material to carry him thru instead of being a solo star who can be someone that one would pay money to see in concert if that makes sense.
  19. Madison's sister looked younger than her. Eek. Who did that Whole New World duet? I missed the into and didn't bother to go backwards lol. They sounded terrible. I swear I'm in a good mood! I swear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK something nice....I liked Rebel Wilson with all the contestants. And Madison's background with the water washing up on her and behind her? That was cool....they do this really well on DWTS too. I'm always amazed what they can do nowadays. Allright Madison's song wasn't that bad....her voice was well matched today to her choice. I didn't like her black gown with that song though....she could have done something more contemporary. I didn't hate this.....she's kind of growing on me as of tonight. So there. LOL
  20. Yeah I didn't think Alejandro sounded great but I don't like John Mayer either LOL Unpopular opinion - I didn't think Dimitrious gave that great of a performance....others were worse but that wasn't awesome. And Luke was wrong...I heard Meh notes. Considering he dropped to the ground I think it was more of his personal story than what he gave that I didn't actually feel unfortunately. That being said, of this group I'd rather watch him sing next week. He has had a few moments that I really enjoy so I like his potential.....whereas I feel like I've seen all that Ragu can give...maybe because of her age.....and the blonde girl with the gums who just doesn't keep my interest for as much as they overpraise her. Maybe I don't like Disney songs?? Harry Potter at the piano was boring as well. Thank goodness I'm watching this on DVR.....which bodes well of AI and ABC since I obviously can't vote HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Format Fail
  21. I didn't realize Ragu was only 17 years old. She looks old. I loved her dress! That's the first song that I actually recognized and she didn't do it justice.....she didn't make it soar. She sang it basically at all one emotion until the very end. Meh. Someone else could have killed that song. That was downright karaoke borrrrrring. What I noticed about Wade was Dole Whip. And he plays the game well in song selection for his ludens voice.
  22. I haven't even finished watching it yet on DVR but this is flat out weird. I have no clue what Uche sang but it's the first time he looked like a wedding singer to me. He's very entertaining but that was pretty pitchy. I don't think he should have been eliminated. I saw the last 30 seconds...so they are eliminating 2 people now? The edit on Alejandro was also puzzling. He got the whole "he's unprepared" thing with Rebel which implied he's coasting or doesn't care. Then the breathy song he sang had about 5 lines to remember...not exactly a lyrical stretch lol. I thought he was slacking on learning Bohemian Rhapsody or something . And then Katy basically gave him the "no matter what happens I'll remember you" goodbye speech....it's like they want the viewing audience to get the fears. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm
  23. Tessa declaring that she programmed her WEBSITE was somehow relevant to coding video games was laughable. Tessa please.
  24. Also I officially don’t like Jamal’s model. I would have defended her a bit in the past but she was awful. She’s not a strong poser, her body is not even model like for a full figured model, her face isn’t expressive or pleasantly neutral because she has a weird overbite or something going on with her mouth. In addition she seems to throw her designer under the bus because she thinks she’s relevant. If they asked her about how comfortable she was she should just say she felt amazing and fine. The judges are looking for reasons to eliminate and she shouldn’t be a factor. Unless the designer is flat out a jerk to any of them how they feel in the clothing should be irrelevant. Her boobs didn’t fall out so why she do him like that? I wouldn’t want to work with her after that.
  25. Christian is just so hilarious. I would totally take advantage of him. If I was stuck with that horrid blue fabric and white lace and feathers I would just ask him how to salvage it to not get him in the bottom. He would totally help LOL. Also the way it was edited didn’t it seem like since Rakan was under budget that he was going to offer his extra money to Venny? I was confused.
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