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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. Rakan’s sketches showed a cropped vest and I thought she was going to be a superhero farmer and basically just recycle last week. Also Bordeaux looked like red to me too. The white and blue cross outfit was by far the worst outfit to me. The lady bond with the no bra from Jamall was a close second. It’s almost like they weren’t going to eliminate one of the full figured models. The only thing I want to learn from Hester is how to pack. Did she bring 20 trunks of clothing and accessories? Her and the spouse are visually exhausting. NY to Santa Fe seems like worlds apart though in terms of her crowd...I’m glad she hasn’t let it stop her.
  2. Dear Probst, This format sucks. Appreciate you guys trying new things but you can burn this one in the fire. I’m going to have to snuff ya out. The tribe has spoken.
  3. I think it's a little bit important because they shouldn't assume that the audience who is watching is seeing every episode of this show or even prior seasons. I don't really remember her and since last night was one of the songs I watched it's kind of an opportunity to create a fan that might vote. She sounded really bad to me....but since I read here I know that she's had some good prior performances. Same with the guys who sang their original songs. Didn't connect at all....maybe it won't matter....but maybe a wasted opportunity? This show would really make the most sense if people bought the cover songs each week, full studio and then the proceeds went to charities. Vote with your wallet. If you weren't going to buy their songs in AI production with all of the live AI marketing hype, why would you buy their stuff later under smaller labels? Agree with you that Uche and Demetrius were good saves. What's the world coming to when a lot of us are happy with the judges LOL?
  4. I'm watching Evelyn now since I missed her last night and I'm not sure what to call her singing style. She uses her mouth to overexaggerate sounds....like smokers who blow O shaped smoke rings. It's hard to connect to her. On top of that I noticed she didn't connect to anyone in the holding room and when she was on the couch she gave very terse hand pats to the ones who joined her in the boot zone.....I dunno…..there is something really unapproachable about her. Including me in the audience. She's like an untouchable entitled robot. Am I supposed to find her shtick amazing because she makes weird low groany noises shaping her mouth around blown air?
  5. I’m not surprised. I mean the demographics of this show have always been the same. I’ve been away for awhile so I’ll be interested to see if there are any changes to the general voting blocks. People who enjoy the music of people of color don’t watch or at least vote on this show. AI usually has decent exposure so if nothing else just to get your name out there and have people hear you sing whether you win or not. Uche won’t win but hopefully he can do broadway or something that showcases his entire personality so that he can go beyond being the wedding singer. He seems too sensitive to really try to be in the primary music industry.
  6. Laci in particular needs to be super duper careful on her song choices and arrangements of the wackiness that is to come. I'm assuming wackiness is coming....they haven't changed the format of AI too much have they? Haven't watched in quite a few years. This lineup basically has the potential to wipe out the female contestants pretty quickly. This year's female selections aren't that strong. I hope they don't keep the whole thing fakey balance for the sake of gender equality. There are some strong male contenders and I'm OK with that.
  7. She would have been the hate watch for sure. I can't see her doing the theme nights because her range is Whale Dory and that is hard to find on Pop Night. Plus her covered frocks were getting old too. The one tonight looked like it was made out of an umbrella.
  8. I haven't connected to Laine yet but I thought his song choice tonight was perfect for his voice and image. That was the closest I've seen so far where I could understand the appeal. I don't get the Madison love at all. I also don't connect to Harry Potter.
  9. I missed Evelyn's performance but didn't she sing DITW somewhere along the line already like she had that Chris Isaak song? I know I've heard her murder part of it. Seems like she has her go to songs that have gotten the most reaction in the past. I call it "affected and annoying to the max" but others might be intrigued by it. Glad Katy came to her senses about her.
  10. Laci is lucky she was safe because her song choice tonight did not showcase her voice at all. That was icky. They all loved Ashley's performance of Stevie Wonder and I thought it was horrible. Sure she seemed relaxed but that was also what was bugging me. She is there to be an entertainer. She slapped hands too long, didn't find her pocket and it all seemed karaoke to me. I'm glad I'm not a judge.
  11. Good thing Uche didn't go with full sleeves because that would have just been over the top LOL I enjoyed Eddie Island early on but that last performance was straight up trash. Pitchy and in the words of Simon Cowell…..INDULGENT. I'm glad no one saved him.
  12. The cut down to the top 10 should be interesting. I hope the judges realize that the audience is the audience and you get what you get. That's how you get Taylor Hicks.....that's how you get Bobby Bones. If these contestants choose crappy songs that don't get the audience to connect then that's on them.
  13. This show was detrimental for me to watching Buddy or Duff in the future. Buddy was dismissive and abrasive and came across as a blowhard. Anything can be softened during editing and they chose to go the more “duels” route and it didn’t work for me. On Duffs side I didn’t mind his AOC edit for his shops or his big teddy bear persona on the kids baking championships. But his edit here was also less than flattering. To each his own on his really young bride and his necessity to make cutting comments towards Buddy. Yes they are probably producer driven but you can choose to say things but still take the higher road. So it seemed like 2 petty guys in a thrown together competition to get exposer on TV. meh. I’m reality show jaded now. Take your rolling pin, pack your sheeter and get off my lawn!
  14. I just saw the front part of the episode that I missed....the one where Duff does the plated dessert and Buddy does his father's cream puff and sponge cake? What stood out to me was the gross factor of Buddy scraping out the batter all of the time and it being up to his hairy sweaty arm. I know it's a scraper, I know it's small, I know it must be done like this in thousands of bakeries in the world and this alone would make me not eat any more bakery items LOL. Those people are sweaty, hairy, dirty, smoking, been to the bathroom, who knows when they showered.....I just can't get behind how unsanitary it is to be elbow deep in batter that people are going to eat. I wouldn't want to do it that way myself either.....if the bowl is large enough that I have to be up to my armpits in dough/batter/frosting or whatever then they need a better way to get the stuff out of the massive bowl. Ugh.
  15. I wish the title of this episode was “Shut up Wardog!”
  16. I have a weird theory. Evelyn feels like an Idol plant to me. They let her through to see if there was any crossover effect or any buzz could be generated about her and the show. Any publicity is good publicity. I was embarrassed to watch her breathiness that sounds fake and almost gaggy....Chris isaak had to be horrified. They couldn’t have had more distance between them and less chemistry on stage. Ruined song. Al cannot convince me she is a good singer just because she’s on this show....she’s a preplanned Sanjaya. Note: sheesh Chris isaak sounded amazing. He can still hit all the notes. I was impressed.
  17. When I hear Nina say suburban I assume she means comfortable LOL. What her haughty self should say is that they look very American comfort chic! And Christian knows that Old Ladies in Europe look quite dashing as a generalized group. But what should I expect from someone who spent an entire season saying the word “fierce” 10 times an episode! Maybe this trend of making everyone tell an elaborate story is what leads to these bizzare descriptives of odd fashion choices. When peddling farm to war to urban street wear and we get fancy shrugs over pajama pants I’m kind of at a loss as to what to pick on first too lol. Do I hate the fabric? Do I hate the fit? Would I not wear this on a farm? Could I see my grandma in it? Do Serbian suburbs have Costcos?
  18. Hester is exhausting in her own way. With their late nights and early mornings I feel bad that she has to devote so much time to doll up her schtick instead of sleep LOL. She is the polar opposite of someone who is effortless. I don’t trust someone who spends so much time putting on a character in life. What’s she hiding?
  19. I’m still a little surprised at the dismissive attitude of Rakan and Jamal towards Christian. I know nobody wants to be criticized but they do realize they are supposed to want to win this show? Rakan seems to be standing on his need to be true to himself without realizing that he sounds like he’s stubborn and unwilling to learn. You may have a style and ideas but you are never a finished product. He actually made fun of Christian’s weight when Christian told him he didn’t eat for three days to get his clothes on the runway. That was supposed to be a story of hard work, ethics, sacrifice, sense of urgency....not about food intake. and certainly Christian has attained quite a higher level in the real fashion world. If you are going to say that it isn’t your goal to be mainstream in fashion then why are you even here?
  20. Bishme's jacket was really awesome. I considered buying it but I don't think I can carry off that much of a strong shoulder. I already am bigger in that area even though I'm a smaller gal. Swimmer lol. The pants were also awesome but the pics are a hot mess on the site. It's shocking that a fashion show based TV show that stressed technology and social media can do such a horrible job on still pictures. I cannot see the detail at all. Good Grief. I love streetwear!
  21. Captain Obvious Here, If Christian says OMG your fabric sucks, your design sucks and for the love of muslin patterns he says OMG YOU HAVE SO MUCH SEWING TO DO.....change your idea and put down the fork. Christian is the fastest sewer....he knows ALL about these one day challenges and he crushed a lot of them. I swear my blood would run cold if he told me he was worried about how much sewing I had to do. That's almost like "You're out." If Christian is concerned, you should be straight up panic mode. He's lucky he had Kovid as a shield this week. Next time you dismiss Christian with a wave of your fork and mutter "drama" you better be able to back that up.
  22. They put him out of his misery and us out of our misery watching him in his misery. Bye Jar Jar Kovid…..live your truth and be free! I had this Other Channel Project Runway moment were they were going to say "Kovid...you are.....IN" just for the drama. Thank you Bravo.
  23. It would be helpful to me to have colored dots above their heads signifying their alliances lol. And in an episode like this as the potential voting blocks change the dots change color. Maybe it’s because I’m a visual learner and get confused by all kinds of chatter but I can’t keep these people straight. And because of it the impact of the scramble or boot is lost on me. I enjoyed the mad scramble aspect and the fact we got to hear a bit of the negotiations but for me personally I didn’t have the same reaction as the jury. Peachys explanation of weeping mom Julia versus Tough Aurora is fine but it hasn’t been established on the show yet. If that’s what they were going for then they didn’t do a good job editing. Frankly when aurora made that comment about soccer moms I had no idea what she was talking about.
  24. I love the rehearsal footage and see what changes to the final product. That’s really cool. The kings were impressive. I didn’t see their first round. I will say that some of the hip hop groups were clearly overmatched and it left me yearning just to see something else. You could see the top 3 for sure separating themselves...if you can’t beat them then not sure why they put anyone else through because we were watching some really slow and labored basic groups.
  25. I missed the beginning of the sliders episode. Who is this woman who keeps saying she is making a roomulaid????? She keeps repeating it and they keep it in the editing....do they hate her? This Lisa lady is odd. also odd...Katie lee ex Joel. LOL
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