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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. Upon rewatch I get the comments of Padma being crabby. She was edited that way, at least in too much padma comments and too little Tom and guest judge comments. I know she thinks she’s the queen of curry but she is Indian and knows Indian curry.....not Ghana, not japan, not any other regional curry. I get Eric’s comment as well. I always wonder how these judges would rate certain ethnic foods that are by nature one note. That being said Eric probably should not have made curry given his ingredients. Or he could have pickled the lychees because of course everything needs acid in America lol. Minus 1000 points on Sara pronouncing sake as saki. Please stop. And it’s not carryokie either. I’m off to eat some marrsssscapone.
  2. I loved Padma in her gold dress. 2000 points for not showing up in a red satin dress with a mandarin collar and chopsticks in her hair. Not a fan of Graham's jacket but for him that's almost toned down. Considering he has a restaurant there I would have expected him to blend in a bit more and feel like that is ok. A nod or appreciation of culture is not a costume or fabric choice. When Adrienne got eliminated all I thought was I would have loved to see Justin in that round. Adrienne just wasn't a stand out the whole season. I do appreciate seeing her cook....I just had a pang for Justin for some reason. The editing elves were trying hard to make it seem like Eric was going home. Nice try elves. It was a bit ironic that Adrienne wanted to block the other chefs from using ginger (although there are quite a few types) and her lack of highlighting the ginger didn't help her cause. I also didn't really take offense to the chef order of picking. I thought it was clever to attach chefs to ingredients...that's a nice twist that should stay. But it seems like people mostly picked based on the soux they wanted. It didn't read to me that the 2 black guys were last. These cheftestants seem pretty buddy buddy with each other....I thought it was rather a gift that Justin and Eric were conveniently left for each other. But as always YMMV. I thought Kelsey and what's his name looked like Ken and Barbie cooking LOL. Clever that he had a background in Asian cuisine.
  3. I gave Sara a pass when she arrived at the hotel for looking like a slovenly mess....long trip, that's OK. Not everyone feels the need to look put together on TV. But when she got dressed for their dinner out her hair looked like she had come from hot yoga and I couldn't get over the fact that her elbows were constantly on the table. When they showed her take a bite of food she opened her mouth and rested the entire bottom of the spoon in her gaping pie hole. Her lack of manners just leaps off the screen. I mean seriously. What you do at home is one thing but you need to dial it back in front of others in nice places. The other ladies didn't look hair and makeup to the nines either but they all sat up straight in their chairs and tried to act like civilized adults. Sara eats like someone who is trashed at Whataburger at 3am. Not that I would know what that's like but I'm speculating.
  4. I think when they showed him rolling under the obstacle someone yelled something about grabbing one of the handles of the snake the help instead of just fending for himself. That was my take of it. And I think he was just as surprised as the rest of us at how bad he was at the ring toss. I’m assuming other people went too and we didn’t see them. He was probably pretty tired from all of the water stuff. He’s just not very athletic.
  5. She's 23??????? That IS shocking. She does look like mid thirties easy but I knew she was in her twenties...late twenties I thought. Too much thick pageant makeup at too early of an age.
  6. Hmmmm I don't know any of these people. I guess that's why the whole fantasy suite thing seems anticlimactic (pun intended) to me because it seems to be all for show. I haven't seen a series yet where there was any confirmed banging of multiples. I thought what's his face whose name I already forgot banged Raven but it turned out to not have happened apparently. But I remember when I first started watching I was incredulous at the premise of Fantasy Suites and either the Bachelor or Bachelorette having sex with all 3 people that week and then picking a winner. And also getting rid of someone right after LOL. Just seems odd and cruel. I mean I guess IRL you can be dating several people and sleeping with some of them and then decide that one is really the best out of the lot.....I think this format is so compressed though so it seems strange. Plus you are living with and knowing the other girls/guys.....that makes a difference to me. It seems different when you don't know the other people or what's going on.
  7. You take a chunk of butter and put it on your bread plate....then each time you want a nibble you have your own butter stash. Or you can just shove the whole roll in your mouth and chase it with a knob of butter and skip the pretenses.
  8. Doesn’t it feel like Cassie and caelynn were the final 2 but he couldn’t bear sleeping with caelynn and breaking her heart or even Cassie’s if she found out they slept together? I had a weird feeling that cutting her this round was merciful. Tayshia is the easy boot later. And Hannah doesn’t seem like she has a lot of chemistry with him. when was the last time the guy slept with all 3 and then proposed? I’m newer but I haven’t seen it yet on either franchise side. It’s come out later that the lead didn’t sleep with all of the potentials.
  9. I love his confidence LOL. Tender. Yep. And the amount of reassurance he's going to need after? Ugh. Almost as awkward as Hannah G's rapping skillz. I'm sure she comes off as super twee girl in her circle but that's just bad.
  10. I feel very accomplished after watching that episode. That's how I eat my bread. Well without the butter but still. The reason why I eat it like that is because that way you can put a small amount in your mouth and chew it without biting into something and risk getting bread in your teeth. If I'm by myself I put my feet up on the table and chew the bread as it hangs out of my mouth. #carbconfessions
  11. Colton is very attractive in a typical kind of way. He's got a great body and a nice disposition. He is also very charismatic at times and shows a lot of kindness despite having to memorize a lot of lines for this show. His aspirational acting chops are getting better. My question is why don't I have any reaction when the show opens with him showering with the water cascading down his muscular bod etc. etc. If the tables were turned and the water was pouring slowing over a nearly naked lady I think the universal male response would at least be positive LOL. He literally makes me feel nothing. Is he a cartoon or CGI and I'm just next level? HAHAHAHAHAHAH
  12. Cassie's family surprised me. Her sisters look exactly like their mom with the weird sculpted nose and LA hair. They were also so thin that they made Cassie look like the heifer size 2 of the family. Sheesh. Cassie has a very effortless casual look about her. She's way too young though and she knows it. It's too bad she can't figure a way out of this. I didn't hear a word Caelynn's sister said because of her eyeshadow and eyelashes weighing her eyes down like a shiny metallic glop. She came ready for her 1.2 minutes of fame with the boobs out. Thirsty. I wish Taysha's dad wouldn't have given in at the end. I was really liking him.
  13. And she turned out to be a liar about it so...….. LOL Colton gets my cringe vote for the "let's do a cheers and toast to...." I feel like I'm being trolled. STOP IT.
  14. I hope they don’t have to make Asian food in Macau. I’d rather them try to take local ingredients and fit it into their own style foods. I’d prefer to not see the dearth of soy sauce, sesame seed oil, five spice, black vinegar etc based dishes that are interpretive in their wheelhouses. Also I’d also prefer not to see everyone dressed up like they are cast offs from Miss Saigon with tacky satin print dresses and suit jackets and chopsticks wedged in hairpieces. Please stop.
  15. Pretty much explains the food we are seeing this year. Ceiling of mediocrity.
  16. RE: Going to China "It's going to suck not seeing you there Justin." Clever editing elves. RE: Fresh crabs from a can/crab shells in dish I thought she was a goner LOL. Clever editing again....the doom ingredient didn't doom her despite the shell. Also. Did they show Sara's braless boobs through her tank top upon waking? Not nice. However her best move was cheap Iberico. Smart.
  17. Anyone else find Oueta's use of "forward" too forward forward? It was vegetable forward and then not vegetable forward enough. The salad dressing was flavor forward. WTH does that mean? The cherry tomatoes are tomato forward. Sprinkled with salt made it salt forward. The parsley salad was herb forward. The fresh picked vegetables were sweet forward. And acid forward. And variety forward.
  18. 3 points for fount...is that the British spelling? I’m not googling, just laughing. I can’t wait for the tell all. It’s been 2 weeks now and nary the faintest recollection on who this Katie chick is at all. I feel like I have a present waiting for me. Don’t chall spoil it now! I still have nightmares of Hannah Bs crazy smile through the pain. Pageant fakery. Only thing that keeps me giggling was the potential that the bubblegum pink acetate polyplastic dress she was wearing could potentially burst into flames at any second from friction as she walked towards the Bye Van. Extra points if it took Colty with it.
  19. Along the same lines it seems even more plausible now that Colton used the Bachelorette season as his own springboard to personal virginal fame to become the Bachelor. What's her name is not even close to being his type. And seeing how smitten he is with the cheerleader type and the fact that producer picked girls has yielded at least a few that has peaked his pecker, how did he manage to not date this type of girl en masse along the way? Dime a dozen in high school and college and groupies and hangers on in sports. He's not exactly complicated. Something doesn't add up. I understand he was busy with his sports life but part of sports life is um.....winding down. I'm suspicious.
  20. I haven't seen that many seasons yet and I LOVE this idea. Because other than Grocery Store Joe (Ugh) being the fakest of fake to get to the end to have the biggest tragic breakup is usually a pretty good roadmap to be the next Bach. Not always but rooting interest is never a bad thing. You don't want to be the winner....you want to be the runner up with grenade. Oh and thumbs up for the use of the phrase "scrape off." Well crafted.
  21. She was so excited to have heard of fufu/had fufu which makes her a fufu expert, unless the one time she tried it was bad fufu but then she would have never known good fu from bad fu or mediocre fu or gramma's fu. I think the fu was kind of funky....Leila describe the texture as "interesting" which is never a good sign LOL. Can you imagine being that excited over injera? OMG THIS INJERA IS AMAAAAAZING.
  22. I guess at this point there is nothing left to do though. There is no other way to tie in Ali than to do a challenge in this format. I just think it's one of those things where your background or ability to connect to the story/event/person you are presented with becomes an advantage. You'd better hope your background in cooking your type of food will translate at the right time. In Eddie's case this didn't happen. For myself I can't imagine reading a dossier about a man, legend as he is, and then trying to connect some food stuff to it. Of course I'm Asian so I can always make something up and bring it back to some family meal or inspiration that would make it Asian LOL, which is ironic since I typically don't cook a lot of Asian food. Ali doesn't resonate with me for whatever reason so it would have been difficult to connect on the fly. I also don't like boxing. Everytime I get stuck watching those PPV events I wonder why anyone would put themselves through it....plus the blood.....oh the blood. I cannot imagine being covered in someone's else's blood and spit and having it in my mouth.
  23. If one of them had a brain cell between them they should have just cut it off and said to him “you mean the fact that we were sitting around during our DAYS off drinking wine while you are off dating our friends and we made jokes on who might be the next Bachlorette....you know, because only one person is picked....this speculation one day somehow means I’m not here for the right reasons or am not into you?? Does that make sense Colton? GFY.” does he seriously think that no one mentioned it?? That seems naive or a guy with a massive ego lol.
  24. I’m confused at Cassie’s editing. They are great at making out but we don’t know anything about her. She is whining at the top of her lungs that she is ready for marriage. It’s almost like she is trying to convince herself because others are accusing her of not being ready. Same with Caelynn. She says she’s ready but she’s young too. Maybe none of them are ready except for the lady who is divorced. And maybe she is rebounding and needs to slow her roll LOL I think Colton’s Pool O Women are not as great as they appear in gowns with hair and makeup.
  25. It kind of felt like half showing off the hot blonde he was going to let go (look how great she is and I have better in the cabin) and half making sure that no one in the family saw some glimmer that he was missing. He’s so blinded by his type right now I don’t think he’s doing well at figuring out who he’s compatible with (not just attracted to.) side note Hannah needs to evaluate that psycho pageant smile. He’s dumping your ass on national TV and you go full smiley face defense mechanism....that’s no way to go through life. Keep it real girl. It’s OK to show real emotions.
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