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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. I'm still underwhelmed by the food that I'm seeing. I guess I wish this season was better "cast" for a lack of better term. I guess having some rooting interest or rooting non interest always makes the show more interesting or people who have a style of food that they like to cook. The molecular guys probably don't want to come on anymore but at least their minds are wired in a way where they will always think outside of the box.....and crash and burn because of it if necessary. Since we can't taste the food all of the risk taking makes better TV. They should have a 29 minutes risotto challenge LOL.
  2. There was also more seafood and fish this episode and all last episode was seafood....a lot of variety this year but I thought Adrienne’s bloody plopped meat that won the QF looked gross. The first thought that popped into my head was “this group sucks at beef prep” and then she promptly won the challenge lol. Shows you what I know. However Hunter had the runs for 3 days after eating her food so jokes on him. The ribeye course that was served first looked amazing. I really wanted to try that. I thought Sara’s gumbo looked interesting. However each time she speaks I just wait for her to say something grating like “I’ve been to Nashville 1000 times. I cook the regional food here even better than Kentucky. I once sang at the GOO and I was very good. I’ve also made my own guitar out of reclaimed barn wood.” You know what else was odd? Crooked hat made those gorgeous omlettes in the QF and then when he plated them it looked like it was completely covered from end to end in white gravy or white cheese sauce. Like END to END. I couldn’t even tell it was an egg product had they not shown us him making them and keeping most of the eggs from the pantry. That was nasty looking.
  3. Adrienne and her feverish sweaty post vom self handling food while dabbing at her forehead and hair was taking my ick factor and launching it upwards. What are they thinking with this editing? Hunter is probably like “no wonder 8 got,sick on that tour!!!!!” If she wasn’t going to get eliminated or quit then they should have just edited her illness out IMO. i really liked the look of Kelsey’s deconstructed pot pie. Must have been a salt lick. However her quickfire shakshuka looked odd...the eggs are usually floating in the tomato sauce but this looked like a sliced open hard boiled egg. Which kind of defeats the purpose of a shuka. Have you seen The Birdcage? Sweet and sour peasant stew...I’ll just leave that there Hahahaha. David got eliminated because of his crooked hat. Love Jonathan Waxman!
  4. If they can get more celebrities to participate then it would be a fun format to have 5 singers and you vote for who you liked the best and the top 2 stay and the rest are revealed. Gives just enough time for guessing during the week but also enough interest in the reveals of what are probably more of the trainwreck amateur singers which would be fun. You'd be more likely to participate (as a non singer) if you knew you were up there with a bunch of other karaoke shower singing specialists! Plus you would most likely be one and out, which would be tolerable as well. Probably have to scale back on the costumes a bit to accommodate more singers per episode. Unless we are taking prop bets on if the unicorn/alien/lion mask wearer keeps getting eliminated.
  5. Yeah it's definitely a neat concept but it could use tweaking for season 2. More singers, more clues not done by the singers...less judges or less shown interjected comments like "You go girl!" "That's a professional singer!" "That's not a professional singer!" "Is she a professional singer?"
  6. Tori looks so beaten up emotionally. I hope this show gives her a little joy. Her kids need her. She looked cute in her costume...too bad she didn't continue a few more weeks. I didn't care for the song tonight though.
  7. aRGargahaggaaaaahhhh at the sheer mention of Coltee which I didn't see but now I can't unsee. Whoever goes against the Queen will die! My take on Brian just seems more of the doofus route....I wanted to say overinflated ego but Sara has the flat out covered although the editors are doing her no favors by showing every single time she mentions one of her specialties in life. He really needed to get out of that hot tub. There are also no special extra credit points for staying up all night....just because it won you RW doesn't mean it's a superstition thing. Go to bed, make good decisions, wash your hands! I think Eddie picked people who he probably relates to IRL....quiet ppl like himself. I think he finds people who are more outgoing draining so if forced to choose he'll go with smooth sailing. However like in most companies you need all types to make it work. For those of your familiar to DISC then Eddie is a S/C and the entire other team were partly "I"s so one gets energy from crowds and one is drained. I'm wearing my green Big Hop tshirt right now....not from PA but they got a great craft beer scene. Buddy works for Pepsi there. Not sure of the rules for Adrienne's illness and her dish but in hindsight they needed it because it was the only thing they liked. Salmon taco bar? Relatable.
  8. I'm learning more about regional cuisine on this forum than Top Chef! Using the age old formula for Chopped, when given Velveeta and Lucky Charms one makes tacos in the appetizer round, a sauce for the protein in the second round emulsified by the ever mispronounced Marse-capone….. and ice cream for the dessert round. Piece of cake LOL
  9. Oooo sponge candy sounds interesting! And why not wings? They can all eat the originals and then have to elevate them into an amuse bouche using only liquid nitrogen and vegan chicken blocks. Mmmmmm I love Beef on Weck. I rememeber when BW3 was actually Buffalo Wild Wings n WECK!!! Selling out to be a chain sucks.
  10. I have this on in the background and all the judges look sad and pissed. It's kind of comical the second time around. Sara still gets major eye roll from me. She made the sausage and was complaining about the casings right away. Surely a chef of her ENORMOUS ego could take sausage and make something AMAZING. Since her biscuits are "100% percent cuz you know, my biscuits are 100 percent because I do those very well....very well...I mean I can do that very well." Since she'd only have pantry items she could have squirreled out biscuits and sausage and sausage gravy or some concoction. Sure it wouldn't have been CARNE but she could have shot for the middle instead of straight elimination risk. When she cooked the sausage and said it cooled to soft I almost threw up in my mouth LOL. Then she tried to sear them but then the protein started to coagulate. That was some nasty stuff. Brandon's oil incident had that container go in his vitamixer. I'm surprised he could use any of that sauce. It was on when the top popped off of it. If this were Chopped they would have confiscated his sauce. However instead of using xantham gum he could have just used less of the sauce. Or none LOL. Too bad the local ingredients were so much onion, alternative alliums and blackberries....they appeared in most of the dishes. Fresh allium products are always so surprisingly strong to me. It's like onions on steroids or garlic on steroids. I'll bet their breath was never the same for days.
  11. I hope we get to see more of Kentucky in some form. There have to be more clichés and more restauranteurs that they need to highlight? Although I live in a mid market city myself I guess it should give me hope that they can pretty much pick any city or area now for Top Chef for a little local flair LOL. The theme parties can be done anywhere and all it takes is a nice summer backdrop and a few local things to make it a possible destination. I feel bad that Crooked Hat made all of those dumplings only to dump them in a plastic cup with the ubiquitous coconut foam that always looks like foamy loogie to me. Ick. I think he said that he didn't want to make frou frou food but foam says super frou to me. I love fancy food sometimes but I hate foam in a cup. I'm still upset that Brian spent the entire time in that hot tub carving ham and sweating his balls off. At some point you have to just realize it's not as funny or impactful as you thought it was, get your ass out of the hot tub and go work the crowd. He was the only person with the chance to be chatty with the guests.
  12. You've never had muddy buddies??? You haven't lived LOL. Wasn't joking that the recipe is on most Chex boxes. It's usually a bunch of snack items mixed with some kind of melted chocolate coated in some kind of powdered sugar. It can be super sweet, kind of savory (depending on type of snacks you pick and how much salt they contain), what you melt in the chocolate (they used white on the show) but you can mix peanut butter with chocolate and then the final toss is usually powdered sugar in some form....light or heavy. The one on the show looked like those fried banana chips in the bulk section of Whole Foods (there was a clip of her twisting a bag of them), corn flakes, white chocolate probably melted with some butter, pretzels that they smashed down and then powdered sugar. They didn't coat it heavy..probably because it usually causes messy fingers. Combine snacks, smash if necessary, melt chocolate, combine, toss in sugar using a paper bag. Chow. Oh she did say key lime....so maybe there was some key lime flavoring added somehow....juice? zest? Some coating that was already on one of the snack items? Man I could use some right now.... LOL
  13. I also think that Padma saying "oh so you both had things to overcome" was entirely inaccurate. Having the power go out during prep for hours while not knowing when/if it was going to come back on is a different level of stress...I mean they were cooking in chafing dishes on sternos. Having the grill burner go out was more of an inconvenience in my opinion. So he had to go downstairs and fry in a pot....big deal. The by product is that while he was not available to interact and fry on demand for the guests, his product ends up being piping hot. When Tom said that the potato chip crusted fish was still crispy but obviously had been fried previously and sitting around I would have said "I didn't realize I could tell you guys to come back later and then basically fry on demand. Sorry about that."
  14. They may have been smarting from last week's Carne debacle taking that whole "cook the food you like" to heart but it doesn't escape me that the winner made oysters with a hot sauce mignonette and snacks in a bag which is basically a twist on muddy buddies off the chex box. This season doesn't have real inspiring chefs. And my eyes still haven't rolled back to the front of my head from when the challenge was announced that Sara announced that she not only knew how to throw a party but she partied on houseboats and the resident expert on anything and everything that exists on earth. Including apparently raising cattle and serving a sad, mealy, 50 cent size piece of sausage to some Italian butcher last episode.
  15. Cue the clip of Brian at the beginning stating "I can cook a fucking porchetta in my sleep." Of course this comes from a guy who thought upping the fun factor was standing in a hot tub in full chef garb slicing meat.
  16. Coming into this show late but it’s fun! I love the costumes. It could have one or two more singers each week and one less Jenny McCarthy. There are too many judges.
  17. Conroy St. Christopher Smith? I guess Skinz Sr. always had hopes Baby Skinz would get that green card somewhere. His nickname is probably from smoking Js.
  18. The funny thing about GoFun-me money is that once it’s in the hands of the funderoni they can do with it as they wish with very little accountability. He can buy a go cart with the money if he thinks it will make him a better father to Myson. And she can invest in Mars Colony Space exploration and no one would be the wiser. Keep those funds a flowin!
  19. Well this couple got out of hand quickly. She is an asshat but since it seemed like her goal was just to be a reality TV star I am flummoxed why she thinks this is the best way to do it. Is there some kind of 90 Day Cray handbook out there I missed? We have a rash of half hearted suicide attempts that seem to be just for inciting drama and sympathy. It is so pathetic. I can't believe Leida has a child. And Larissa has children. And Cheeto keeps reproducing. And Myson has angry Bird as a daddy. And Ashley who for some reason looks relatively sane in this cast. The begging mentality of the go fund mes of this group is also pathetic. I'm sure Leida is trying to figure out a way to set one up for herself and still play that "in my country I am RICH" card when we all know it's smoke and mirrors. Or at least Daddy might be rich but you ain't girl. You ain't Cheeto. You need to move back to Indonesia to get daddy to pay for everything.
  20. If Sara’s sad seared sausage slice and Brandon’s unintentional molecular gastronomy tartare goo is any indication, that’s one pissed cow.
  21. I’m still befumbled by the girls names this season and even more befumbled my autocorrect let me type that when it changes every other common word that makes sense. Is it terrible that during the rose ceremony I make a mental comment on what role each girl is playing? For instance: Easy elimination later, 2 pageant girl drama, Fivehead Botox versus Demi, friendzone black girl, reciprocal casted virgin etc No one escapes their role. Colton is oddly not bugging me this season yet. I do feel dumber each episode though. Maybe it’s seeing so much of Colton’s probing tongue already.
  22. is this show worth watching from the first season? if I can find it?
  23. Good Point. I actually felt bad trying to pass her off on my Canadian neighbors. I love visiting LOL However I'm sure she can find some guy to buy her a nice Canada Goosey Expeditiony Jackety….to which again she can do the BJ and then cut up the back of the jacket for some venting. She can market it for Ski Bunny Kardashian style apres ski.
  24. I'd be willing to buy her a ticket to Canada. Or France. She should try her hand at Kardashianing it in those countries. I'll even throw in a pair of red soled shoes to sweeten the pot! So did the deep gash on her face miraculously heal for her begging videos for more money?
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