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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. Way too much Kovid on this show. He needs to be dispensed in much smaller doses. We get his designs, his back stories, his tears, drama, family history, histrionics....then they cut back to his talking heads....just....too much. He's too put on for me...when he was with the stylist he came off an disingenuous and fake. My only hope is that he is getting so much airtime that I hope he gets cuts soon. Speaking of airtime, "Rakan…..you are safe because you have gotten no airtime!"
  2. We have to be birds of a feather forward because I thought the same thing about Robert Irvine but just couldn’t capture the feels. It seemed like someone hit him with an elephant tranquilizer dart and it was just enough to take the edge off.
  3. I must be hungry and carb starved because the pasta round really made me starving! I guess cheap equates to pasta forward dishes. Is the chef who won FNS named Christian? He cleaned up nicely from his previous appearances. Aaron from a different episode did as well...they look less haggard for professional judges. I prefer judges to be soap forward and grooming forward in their presentation. Nice seeing Antonia back....she always gives TV worthy comments that aren’t just flavor forward. The chef who did fried chicken in the decadent dishes round actually said that since fried chicken was heavy he was going to lighten it up. LOL That’s stupid forward. I’m going to steal the idea of star fruit aioli though. Q’s bread pudding sounded awesome but the final product looked so greasy and cholesterol forward to me. His name isn’t very letter forward though. I’m going to copy the green curry technique that guy used because they were raving about his broth and his base was that Thai kitchen stuff you can buy anyplace. Can you imagine if you could use actual mussels that were fresh forward instead of frozen forward? The broth would be even more depth forward.
  4. So you took my comment to mean that I was slighting you and other decorators who use buttercream flowers? Rather than the Almighty Lost Art Chef Buddy pretending that he was Luke Skywalker sitting on a rock at Lost Planet as the Last Buttercream Flower Jedi?
  5. That Evelyn girl is a horrible singer with the most put on voice. Katy loves her? I’m shocked. I wonder how they will make over Kai the singer if she makes it past Hawai’i. She seems sweet but not a star. The savant with the guitar sounds like John Mayer to me, hahahahahahaha. Ironic. All of his songs do sounds the same though. John Mayer too. wish Ain’t Going Home....went home. Very screechy.
  6. One of the most absurd moments of this episode was Keith gripping his little coconut shell filled with handful of rice as he ran over the rocks and was looking back. How long would it take to bolt down that rice and throw the shell down and show a little hustle?
  7. I hope the challenge for the people stuck on Trash Insanity island is something torturous and basic like one of those hanging or standing on a totem pole over water for 8 hours. I know Peachy doesn't like those challenges anymore but he has an awesome crop of psychological misfits to try this with for sure. It gives no one a physical advantage...it's just a mind fuck. Having Reem on there would be tremendous TV. I'm actually sad Wendy wasn't part of that island salad for longer. I literally covered my ears when Reem went off on her tangent of screaming about "giving him the advantage." I simply cannot deal with people who are that screamy and illogical. She made me stabby in less than 12 seconds of a soundbite....I am simply not sure what would happen if I were stuck on a deserted island with her and I'm fairly sure I wouldn't cause a blip negative on the Survivor psychological testing for Those Who Are Fit To Be Cold and Starving and Have Access To a Machete.
  8. Are you sure? Because according to him he is and it a lost "art." I must be wrong since I thought piped buttercream flowers were indicative of what comes from my local grocery store for emergency birthdays. Same with pull piped faux grass. And candles that don't blow out.
  9. I haven’t seen this show in awhile. Caught the pick up pools pitch....pretty hilarious. Didn’t think he was making enough money. Surprised they wanted the final price to be under a hundred dollars because it’s only good for....pickups. I don’t even know many people who tailgate in pickups. The bib model was annoying as hell. I couldn’t stop staring at her bolted on boobs. Her personality was too over the top for me. Since she has no experience in actual business I think she would be easy to take advantage of. In that sense it’s good she has some guidance now.
  10. I’m really starting to enjoy this show. I don’t when new episodes are on but I’m enjoying catching up on the blocks of programming. Makes it a little difficult to comment on this forum though unfortunately.
  11. More dancing, less stories. And less "hey....heeeeey…..heyyyyy"
  12. Buddy's cakes definitely have more size and wow factor. He has a formula and style and it's appealing to the masses. It's "obvious" if you like that kind of thing and well, kids and reality stars tend to like those things. No one is going to nitpick on the airbrush splotches on fondant hair IMO and if you have young kids you know that the element of poop is well....right up a kids alley! I also think that Buddy still continues to let his sous do a lot more of the main work. He basically let him roll out the brown fondant and finish the brown dog while Buddy did his specialty of piping. Hmmmmm. I still feel like this show has a tortured feel to it. Neither guys are coming off with any whimsy. It's like the person who sends a text or email and is trying to be funny or sarcastic but it comes off as awkward or abrasive? Yeah like that.
  13. I'm new here. Watching these blind auditions....very intriguing. The 13 year old from Orange County seems....old. Is there some factory they put those kids thru that they start putting them in professional hair and makeup when they are 3? Lot of under 20s....is that typical? Why is Kelly Clarkson begging people to be on her team?
  14. They loved the technique and movement of the dancer on buddy’s cake, which he didn’t even make. So in some sense duff’s failure was utilizing his sous. I also don’t like the narrator guy...his voice doesn’t fit this show unless they are layering awkward. They’ve clearly nailed that LOL
  15. I missed the first episode but caught this one. Format seems odd...doesn’t flow really well in the editing. I’m not feeling the rivalry. It’s neither fun, playful....and they haven’t found a way to enhance Buddy’s personality to make him seem.....likeable....or even competitive. These 2 don’t play off of each other very well. It’s awkward and abrasive. i did like the gold leaf elephant and the henna inspired designs.
  16. I like bendy Derek. I was sad when he was eliminated. I liked the Korean Who Let the Dogs out group....quirky and fun but it looks like the routines are fairly similar...this one was better but still. They do have great stage presence. I wasn't feeling any of the duos. The girl with epilepsy was really good. Nothing made me cry like JLo.
  17. Ahhhhhh Redemption Island appears LOL. Where my Survivor peeps at? My DVR didn't pick this up tonight so I only caught a few acts at the end and the weird redemption round that wasn't even close. I hope to catch the links to the dances online....at least I'll bypass all of that camera cutting. JLo just kept saying "hey" and it was driving me crazy. I cannot believe they refuse to change this. It's MADDENING. MADDENING I SAY!!!
  18. Now that I think about it, wouldn't one more week of Cavanaugh been entertaining? It would have (possibly) cemented the fact that she can't construct a garment while blaming another litany of grievances of the week! I mean complaining about the beds was pretty awesome but the snooty tone about the fabric budget while at freaking Mood was pretty laughable. Why did she want to come on this show if they entire show was beneath her lifestyle and aesthetic? Oh yeah ego.
  19. I like that they showed it on 2 sizes of models. The back straps didn't fit either of them. Also....like many designs on these shows there is no real life boob solution. It always helps if people/models have no boobs or fake boobs but for the rest of the population those under boob stickems don't really work. And I certainly wouldn't risk it on this cheap garment that is gapping on the sides in the photos. Yikes. I'll suffer for a fabulous gown for an "event" if I have to.....it would have to be incredible though. You know the ones where you can walk really slow and then stand in place with a drink in your hand and be fabu? LOL
  20. Cavanaugh gave pretty good haughty sound bites complete with resting bitch face and eye rolls. Are we sure there is no version of Project Runway....Edge of Extinction? Redemption Island? Last Chance Kitchen?
  21. I couldn't stand the dress with the feathers. I love feathers but they looked like the cheap ones from the Halloween store. I'm not a big of fan of the strap dress with shell buttons as the judges were. It didn't look expensive to me. Isn't it amazing the whole dress and cape thing that Renee made compared to the black crop top and split skirt that Cavanaugh made? That was shocking. Girl may own a luxury boutique but she just buys everything....buys her shop's stock, buys her pictures, buy buy buy. Is she really a designer??? Or does she pay to have someone sketch out her ideas and then pays for someone in China to make them?
  22. I forgot to comment on the camerawork but agree with all of the posters here who have mentioned it. Happening on another show I just started watching....World of Dance or something like that. Oh and the Masked Singer. Don't judge LOL. But anyway how do you watch a dance routine with cutaways to the judges?????? That makes no sense!!!!!!! Is this a new editing technique permeating TV shows? Well.....I don't like it. Continuity please and thank you.
  23. The show feels fresh again. There was a certain pompous dark heaviness at All Stars on Lifetime. The attitude. The fakiness. The beautiful Georgina Chapman, founder of Marchesa. That whole show was greasy and I'm not sure why. I liked Christian the first time around...sure he was his young immature self but he was also a budding designer and hair dresser. Glad he found his stride in real adulthood. I hope he's a great mentor. I still remember them collecting all kinds of denim in a warehouse and he made the most amazing leggings and jacket in what seemed like 5 minutes. He was awesome at sewing. The new judges seem great so far. I love the variety in size and shapes of models. The guy who was helping the girl who was constantly crying was a hoot....the looks he was giving the camera was comedy gold.
  24. I must watch too much reality tv because I'm shocked Cavanaugh and her red soled shoes and hair flip got the boot. They ALWAYS establish the drama and keep them around.....for the drama. Bonus points if the person is actually not self aware at all and isn't putting on just to extend their stay on the show for the drama. Gads I'm "reality show cynical!" I can't believe they aren't using tablets....no HP sponsor? Yapping about social media and all that LOL.
  25. Consider yourself blessed. He’s tacky. And I like graham...just not his fashion sense. I also find the way he eats to be so dainty...he takes careful micro bites, ponders life and acts like each bite of food is a fine wine. Which would be fine if he was really good at describing the food like that. yikes I’m crabby at this show LOL
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