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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. And if she is she should just own it because who cares....she escaped a bad situation and now gets to run a nice scam with David. The devil you know with David is better than multiple men or performances. I think that Chris has David’s money and is giving it back to him on the DL. David is shady enough to hide it away from his family. Being poor in America is part of his storyline.
  2. Can’t she just take Moroccan Uber to his house? Camp out on the steps? Ramadan ended on Tuesday so maybe she can find another mark with abs. Maybe his name will be Mark. Or Aladin.
  3. I love how positive we all are....we are going to look really stupid in a couple of episodes LOL. There HAS to be a catch otherwise they wouldn’t be on this show...the other shoe must drop right? why hasn’t his family arranged a marriage yet if that’s how it’s done? Especially after he brought her around the first time and they parents said no way?
  4. For harvesting the American dollar he's definitely not bad looking....you could do a lot worse and for a lot of women he will fall into the zone of attractiveness. What's disturbing about him is the way he runs. That's pretty much a deal breaker right there. Can't have that in my genetic gene pool.
  5. He kind of has Nicole disease in that he's not going to be in the USA for any length of time so it makes his unemployable ass even more unemployable. Yeah not sure why American diapers are the gold standard. Millions of babies survive without American cribs and bulletproof vests and those little containers of purell that I saw him toss into one of the crates. They both deserve each other.
  6. I wonder if she’s going to call him “Al?” Not sure my western sensibilities are going to get used to Aladdin. Thanks Disney.
  7. He gave her a big ol hug and smile and he seems to be into working his scam. I’ll be interested to see if it ends up more like Azan or Sumit or Angela’s dude. I guess there is something to be said about these guys liking white women. I’m here for it. Plus get to see Qatar, hopefully the less touristy parts.
  8. I have to remind myself that just because she appears to be the more “stable” of the two on paper in the limited screen time seen so far doesn’t mean she’s not equally a couple Sammie’s short of a picnic basket. she already seems to have a knack for recreating reality as it fits her narrative. That pregnancy story seems made up AF for this show. I doubt that an 18 year old gave any guy she was dating an ultimatum about being fully in or out concerning the kid....more than likely they were messy and it got messy and it ended. She’s shown she is fixated on him not being convicted of anything (that remains to be seen on the show) but what she knows she doesn’t really care to know the details. Lol. Way to protect yourself and your son! She doesn’t care if the drug was weed, coke, heroin, oxy, meth....I mean why bother right? He went to rehab and it’s all cool....riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. She reminds me a bit of Molly. Falling in love with fantasy dick on a trip outside of the country and pretending that all the feels are what will sustain the relationship.
  9. He definitely has a “stuff” psychosis going back to episode one. Stuff is everything to him...it’s his safety mentally. It represents his love to her whether it’s emoji pillows or vibrators. It’s how he provides for his son bringing American diapers and baby clothes. It is his bulletproof backpack with dick armor sold separately just pay shipping that makes him feel like moving to Brazil is a sane choice, even though he has no money or can’t speak Portuguese. Telling him to leave something is like making him choose between the life of 3 people...that’s why he flips out like it’s something....when we all know it’s just....stuff.....meaningless stuff.
  10. She thought he would be her American savior and the best she could do. He wanted a girl who was out of his league physically and all the sex that went along with it. The fact that he can’t commmunicate with her works in his favor because he’s a raging idiot.
  11. "You are really making me hate my fucking life this morning Mom." "Oh so you don't want me to get married. Oh so I decided to have a family." FLOUNCE DRAMATIC MOMENT Why yes Pole.….maybe you should have thought about getting married to someone who you still talk to through Google Translator. Perhaps having a baby when you have no income and have to scream at your mom to guilt her into giving you money as a last resort is exactly what said Mom is talking about.
  12. I can't wait to find out the motive. I'm intrigued. Also I thought Sumit's friends were very kind and didn't straight bash her about the obvious. Or at least if they did they edited it out. They brought up several good points about what he was doing versus what was expected. The one friend looked visibly upset as Sumit kept dropping bombs on what he was planning to do.....he looked like he could already see the family ramifications, social ramifications etc and it was crushing him.
  13. "I definitely should have asked him more about his criminal record when I saw it....but there was so much going on with the gambling addiction so I just kinda didn't..." So therefore I decided to marry him turning a blind eye to Armed Robbery, Stolen Money... and talk to a lawyer 14 days before it happened but this like seems serious! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA
  14. Ecuadorian Azan isn't hiding her thoughts or motives at all: I came here. I hate it here. I'm not coming back. I'm not telling you you have to give up everything, I'm saying if you want to make this vagina work for you it will have to be in Ecuador. Oh by the way about the vagina....no kids por favor. You have to learn Spanish because last time you were hanging all over me and it was a drag. You were a drag NicCorey. I don't like you but I've already harvested 40K and I've had running hot water for 6 months. By the way, you aren't going to send me back without cash are you? There's a parking space for the bank machine. "Now boarding...." K BYE!
  15. Maybe all these people should take the financial side of having children a little more seriously LOL. Impregnating or getting impregnated by the Love of Your Life comes with costs that exceed Instagram pictures. Oh shoot there I go with logic again.....dammit....I'm supposed to suspend reality watching this stuff.....
  16. This is basically Nicole and Azan...we are in for some good nonsense. She’s going to fleece him until he has to crawl back to Merica and make some more money. Her biggest concern was him getting a job in Ecuador that paid well enough for her entire family to grift off him. Plus she doesn’t want kids and he does so he really did pick a gem there. oh and gimme some money thanks
  17. We are getting to see the real Paul now. All of that rambling at the end about his luggage was ridiculous. I can see why Karine gets fed up with him. I mean she chose him but she doesn't have to stay with him. Glad his mom tells him to fly a kite too.
  18. That was Nicole at the recruiter's office LOL. Her list of demands and can'ts with her hair flips still makes me chuckle to this day.
  19. What's Sumit's angle? He has a nice job, he flew her to India, he wept when his family told him to dump her....he continued to talk to her....he decided to go against Indian code and marry her, move out of his parent's home.... He isn't try to get to America. He already has the opportunity to date whomever he wants of whatever age and he's still picking her.....what are we missing?
  20. Isn't it amazing for all of these people that when they aren't around the enablers in their life they (can) suddenly talk to someone on the outside and they start to hear how crazy they sound?
  21. My best friend is Indian. I can't wait to ask her if some of these things are true. Sumit seems genuine about something....can't figure out what the angle is yet.
  22. So he seriously can't see this? Could the men on this board please enlighten me on how guys can be this dumb? This is worth a few months of sex and armcandy to put on your IG feeds and then you are poor and trying to extract her out of your life like a Jehovah's Witness? (see what I did there?)
  23. Paul making his mom try to sponsor his bad decisions is nasty of him. Good for her. She needs to go down to Florida and open a can of whupass on Family Nicole minus Stepdad Nicole.
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