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Everything posted by needschocolate

  1. I wonder what Debbie was thinking when she watched this episode... "Oh, here's the part where Brad forced me to do the balance section. See how bossy he gets right after I said that I was really good at balancing." "Yup, I got there in 30 seconds, while Hali keeps falling off. Hmmm, I don't remember Hali borrowing my clothes. And that hot sun did Hali no favors - she looks like a scrawny old lady trying to get across." "Man, I sure was upset. You can tell by the way I am doing those push-ups, but no one else noticed, since, when I get mad, I just exercise harder. Wow, that is a strange choice for background music - sounds like a crazy woman yelling her head off."
  2. I agree. You have to factor in the possibility that people are trying to take a goat with them to FTC.
  3. I have watched the tribal 3 times now and am still confused - At one point, JT's tribe is in a huddle, Brad's name came up, and JT says, "I told Brad it wouldn't be him." Even though it was true, it seems a dumb thing to tell your tribe, especially when they think you are the least likely to be loyal. Why confirm their suspicions that you are a snitch or a double agent? Adn, even more confusing, shy did they go along with it - "Oh, okay, you told him it wouldn't be him, so now we can't vote for him."??? Maybe it was part of JT trying to let his tribe know that they needed to switch from Sierra - perhaps he was saying "They are going to vote for Sierra, because I told Brad it wasn't him." If they split then it become 3 for Sierra, 3 for Brad, 5 for Malcolm. You only split votes if you know that half of your alliance is more than all of your non-alliance.
  4. Finally caught up with this season. Thought the final episode was a too over the top, but I really like the series so I will forgive them. I usually try not to overthink this show (or even just regular think it) but I couldn't ignore all the illogical stuff this time. My issues have been said here, except this one - that they doctors who were "infected" didn't were any protection under the tent. I thought they were considered at risk because they tested positive for something - like an infection - but not specifically that virus, since they didn't know what the virus was. In theory, they may have been sick with something else and now they were in with all the going-to-bleed-to-death people. My other peeve on this show is the way Angus always seems to look out of the side of his eyes. He never seems to look straight on. I have never known anyone that did that in real life. IMO, it gives him either a stuck up sort of look or makes him look shifty, like he's up to something. I don't remember noticing that last year. He used to be one of my favorite characters, but he's been replaced by Sugarbear. I am also liking the addition of Ethan - so much so that I don't miss the first season characters who are gone now. I don't remember seeing any new residents.
  5. This episode made me wonder how they are going to keep Manny and Luke involved with the show next season. Haley went to college, dropped out, and moved back home. Alex went to college close enough to home to be able to come home often and also got sick and skipped a semester. I could see Luke not going or perhaps going to a nearby community college. But they have run out of options for Manny, other that him taking a "gap year." It has been a while since I felt Manny and Luke were worth watching. I think both have lost some acting skills, the writers don't seem to know what to do with those characters, and they never seem to be integral to the more enjoyable storylines. I am not sure I would miss them if they just went off to school somewhere. A basement is really unusual in Southern California - and in the San Francisco Bay Area too. A relative of mine was thinking of buying a house in San Jose. One of the things she liked was that it had a "basement" - which was only about 25 square feet and contained the furnace and the water heater.
  6. I can see it being said occasionally, but not being said so often that you would bet on how many times you would hear it while on a shopping trip. But it could be one of those "jokes" that everyone who says it thinks they the are so clever and original, but the person they say it to hears it 20 times a day.
  7. Do people really say "Do you have a license for that thing?" that often to people in wheelchairs?
  8. I agree. While I understand how frustrating it must have been for Matt to be accused of stealing the money and, later, the scooter, he earned the reputation. There have been plenty of examples of Matt being a not-so-nice big brother (teaching Greg the wrong way to throw a football, etc).
  9. During the second half, I said, "Well, I guess we know which tribe will lose immunity." Then, during the immunity challenge, I thought, "No wonder they let us know who loses, this tribe has no chance to win." Then they almost caught up and I wondered if they were just playing those misleading editing tricks, but, no, they forecasted the outcome early on. I hope it becomes less obvious, and that maybe this time it just had to do with the winning tribe being rather boring. Yeah, but then they would have had to have Russell and Coach back, and, while Coach might have been good for a few laughs, I may have had to skip a season for the first time ever.
  10. I don't think Michaela has any chance of winning, but I really hope she makes it to the individual immunity challenges - I want to see how awesome she can be when she isn't dragged down my teammates (hope Ozzie makes it to individual immunity too) The returning players also know the what the others' gameplay is like. When they are all newbies, they don't know who is going to be a threat (other than the obvious physical threats). Plus, I think they tend to switch up the tribes more often in returning player seasons - perhaps the players realize they may not be on the same tribe as the physically strong players until the merge. Perhaps a pair of flippers attached to a chain? I was glad to see Tony go, but also a little disappointed because I was hoping that he would be hiding in his little hole one day and someone steps on him.
  11. Curler lady - Like others, I found it odd that none of the sharks mentioned "proprietary" or "patent." I imagine being her patient - "You have a cataract in your left eye and some horrible little crow's feet on both eyes. I can take care of all of that for you. Also, your eyesight being as bad as it is, you probably didn't notice how much the hair products and tools you use are damaging your hair, but I have a way you can get the same look without the damage and in only a fraction of the time." The Wine Guy - I think his product would be more suited to "home parties" - invite all your wine loving friends over to mix and match their own wine, then print out a label and paste it on. Then, those who really love their "recipe" can order more bottles from the representative. But I hate wine, so my opinion probably shouldn't matter. MealEnders - You have finished a normal sized meal, but, while sitting there chatting with friends, you find yourself wanting to nibble some more, so you take of of his "candies" so you don't want to eat more. But, you have to make a conscious decision to eat one. I wondered if they work because, if you eat one, you are making yourself aware that you are full and should stop. If you can remember to eat one of his candies and had the willpower to do so, then you could also eat something else that is less-than-tasty or brush your teeth, etc or snap a rubber band on your wrist or put a piece of duct tape over your mouth, etc... Also, he seemed to be marketing the candies only as a way to stop eating at the end of a meal. Wouldn't it be better to promote them as a way to keep from snacking all day? The Billboard Bags - never heard of them before. Thought they were nice..
  12. Late to watch this - I had a houseguest who has a tendency to talk through shows and, therefore, I saved my favorites until after she was gone. I am confused by one thing - it seemed like this mom's group had been together for a while, but I thought the Demelos were new to the neighborhood. Super-organized Mom might only have one child. Plus, her husband may be more helpful or have more time to help out. Then again, she might have a full time aid.
  13. So you have to choose between the Walking Dead and the Much Too Alive? Some of the contestants are way too hyper. Add me to the list of people who haven't learned the names of the contestants - unless their names are Tattooed Guy, Bearded Guy, Blond Lady, Dark Haired Slightly Crossed Eyed Lady, Woman Who Has an Accent Sometimes, and Oh Yeah I Forgot About Her (those are the final six - I don't even remember the nicknames of the ones who left earlier)
  14. You are not the only one who heard jack-hammering (although, I don't think it was in your head, but,rather, in the machine). They gave me earplugs, but I could still hear the thumping and hammering. It reminded me of my office mate many years ago - they were building a skyscraper across the street and had to hammer giant pillars/rods/beams (big metal things) into the ground. There was the constant bang, bang, bang... all day. One afternoon, my co-worker said to me, "I have a pounding headache. It pounding so loud, you can probably hear it from your desk." He had a very dry wit. I don't know if it is this way for everyone, but I found the MRI room to be very cold. They gave me a blanket, but it wasn't enough.
  15. In the writer's room: Writer A: Hmm, we should have them cooking something Writer B: How about lasagna? I just had some at Denny's last night. Delicious. A: Lasagna it is. We can have Bernie cutting up stuff to put in it. What's in it? How about cheese? B: Yeah, there was cheese, but I don't think we have a grater on the set. There were also some chunks of red things. I don't know what they are called. A: Must have been red peppers. B: Last night's lasagna was a little hot, it must be red peppers. Oh great! I am realizing now that I must have stopped watching at the last commercial. What happened at the end?
  16. I have had an MRI on my head (proof that I am not literally brainless). I didn't have any trouble with it but I am also not claustrophobic and endured no well trauma. My biggest problem with it was that it was boring - I kept worrying that I would fall asleep and move my head too much, which would make it take longer. It took about an hour (and they didn't have to do any parts over). My daughter also had an MRI on her head (she's not brainless either). She was 8 at the time and they let me go into the room with her (they encouraged it). I kept my hand on her leg so she would know I was there. But, I realize the point of the scene was so Mitchell could prove he had some mechanical ability. I don't know you, but I assume that you, at 10, were much smaller than Cam is now. Peter who? I have never seen GoT, and have no idea who is on it. I looked up Peter Dinklage on IMdB and I have seen pictures of him, but I don't remember seeing him in anything. Looking through the list of things he's been on, it makes sense that I don't know him (I probably should watch 30 Rock someday).
  17. Not only do I have know idea what they meant, I don't remember them saying it. In my defense, I wasn't giving the show my full attention and I may have left the room at one point (because I certainly am not getting old and forgetful)
  18. This isn't my favorite show, but I like enough to keep watching. I think the writing is rather fresh (to me anyway, I don't watch a lot of the newer sitcoms). And, while the characters can be a bit silly or OOT at times (it is a sitcom), I find that they seem to stay true to their personality traits. My biggest complaint is that the acting seems wooden - like it was one of the first read-throughs of the script. Jack has the most lines/scenes, which may be why I notice it most with him (I haven't watched JM in anything else), but often he very wooden - looks at person, says the line, looks at person, says the line, etc without much emotion/inflection. I think that it could be a really good show if the acting lived up to the writing.
  19. Three little letters - QVC. I think people go with Laurie because they think their product would do well on a shopping channel. I have never bought anything from QVC or HSN (infomercials have sucked me in once or twice), and I don't know anyone who has. I don't even know anyone who routinely watches those channels. Frankly, I am surprised that those channels are still around - I would think internet shopping has made them obsolete.
  20. Whenever they do that "Decide right now, before you have heard the other offers, or I am out" crap I always think that the shark must feel that this is such a great idea that the other sharks are going to jump in with better offers. I want to her one of the entrepreneurs say, "Well, you certainly don't want to do business with someone who wouldn't consider all their options, would you?"
  21. Toymail seems like a good idea, until you really start thinking about it. But it is "only" $50, so there would be plenty of people who buy it without thinking about all the details, they just know that their kids would be able to leave voice messages without having to give them your phone. It works using wi-fi, so does that mean that you can only use it for sending messages when you have the wifi password or the wifi is free? I thought it sounded different - like she used a contraction one time but said the words separately the other time. I would imagine that, unless your hotel has a bunch of empty rooms and you figure any rent is better than no rent, that they price for a room for part of a day would be pretty close to the price of the room for the whole day. They will have to do just as much cleaning, the guest will use as much electricity and water.
  22. Now the episodes will be how the have to get Mike to legally be able to practice law. Show has been back on for almost a month and I just got around to watching this episode. I am thinking of checking out the threads for the next few episodes and see if it gets better. If the comments are "too much yelling" "Why do they care so much about Mike becoming a lawyer?" "Mike is a jerk" "How does this firm survive when they never actually do anything for their clients?" then I am out.
  23. I would expect him to help out too. I figured it wasn't discussed in the posts because this week's episode had a plot where Ruby is doing "mom stuff" and Bow feels bad because of it. If there were a similar plot where Dre or Bow was being put down because Pops did something instead of them, then I would think posters would be complaining that he was abled bodied and should be expected to contribute.
  24. $1,875 for a baptism outfit that would be worn once! Plus it has to be dry cleaned and the bonnet is sold separately. Yikes!
  25. I just had to check and the Gucci Baby Cape is a real thing. Sells on Gucci's website for $350. So nice of Raj to save his dad money by buying it on sale. I have a DVR through Comcast and the show is set on automatic recording of new episodes. Although I had no trouble with this week, there have been a number of times that the show didn't tape - and it only seems to happen with BBT. I have no idea why. Like many sitcoms, the finances on this show are rather goofy, but I think they show the guys as being middle class (perhaps upper middle class, depending on your definition). They make comments about Penny and Bernie making more, but, other than that (and not including Raj this episode), I don't recall the guys making comments that would lead me to believe they are poor. The eat take-out all the time, they collect sci-fi memorablia, Leonard bought Penny a car, etc.. They never wonder how they will pay the rent or complain about the price of something.
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