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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. 13,000 dollar playground set...backyard pools...Alexa...those boys are going to be in for a shock when the inevitable downgrade in lifestyle happens.
  2. I had to see it so now you all have to see it! Lol
  3. Now, she wants to act like she gives a damn about Kaiser! I know I am going to Hell for this but Endtable is on track to beat out Lux for the title of "Homliest-looking child in the TM2 franchise."
  4. Funny how her books and degree don't stop her from engaging with David and Jenelle! Also, I hate how she is insinuating that she is somehow above Briana because she has a damn degree. Like somehow that absolves her of her own trashy behavior.
  5. How hard is it to tell a ghostwriter your life story?
  6. You don't make a claim like that without evidence to back it up! Besides, nobody beats on the Hulk!
  7. Kail telling the producers she may have to walk away from from Teen Mom over Jenelle/Briana...sure, Jan. You are not about to walk away from six figure payday over people you'll only see a few times a year.
  8. How was Veil passive when she spent a good deal of her time with Quinn plotting to get away from him. She could have easily gotten rid of him but then had his 100 or so plus fanatical followers to deal with.
  9. OMG! This 1000 times. How can Nathan be so calm when discussing David punching his son or how Kaiser shows obvious signs of trauma from being beaten by David? If you aren't going to light Lurch's ass up, at least go back to court to alter the custody to where it is stipulated that David cannot physically discipline Kaiser.
  10. There is a very good reason something is off with her interaction with Bernard. I can spoil it if you want.
  11. "We're doing such a good job!" Meanwhile the back of Endtable's head looks like she's been sleeping on the back of a cast iron skillet. Jenelle's crying because she knows that David's child abusing ways have been exposed and he is going to take it out on her. If you're going to run your mouth, at least get all of the details straight, Leah. Matter of fact, how about mind your business. You fell right into Brian's messy trap. And speaking of being messy, pot meet kettle, Kail! Since the moment you have first graced reality tv, it's been one endless messyfest! Thank you, Lincoln for saying what we've all been thinking about Lux's name. Sorry for being gross, but Bone looks like she smells like used tampons. Kail sure knows how to pick them. Not like we didn't know Adam was a POS, but to want stop child support in exchange for a name change.....
  12. My mind went there as well and hopefully that is one line Delos didn't cross. Plus, I imagine Plantation World would be a PR nightmare.
  13. So Chester the potential child molester moved out and Amber needs to go away for 90 days.
  14. I absolutely abhor this trend of wearing band shirts of bands you know good and damn well you don't listen to!
  15. You mean investing Jenelle's own money into her t-shirt and make up line? Lol
  16. I am scared for Barb too especially if she refuses to let Jace go to the Land for visitation. If she hasn't already, Barb should put security cameras outside of her house. One can't be too cautious when you have to deal with two gun-toting idiots who hate your guts.
  17. I know Tyler may have been in a manic phase but it was refreshing to see him talk about parenting Nova with such enthusiasm. Too bad his wife couldn't muster up the same enthusiasm or at least attempt to seem interested in something that isn't related to her trauma. Also, did Cate have on a corset because her breast were practically up to her chins. She just looked so stiff and uncomfortable on stage. Glad to see that Bentley and Leah have age-appropriate responsibilities around the house.
  18. If you're going to deflect from your wife being a gun-toting lunatic, don't make claims about your mother in law that are easily refutable.
  19. I guess Amber's broke ass version of John Waters-looking hubby got himself arrested again and Tyler refuses to bail him out?
  20. Someone on FB pointed out the copy of the police report was faxed from the same dealership(Marshal Mize Ford) Ryan bought his truck from and that Mac's ex-husband works there as well.
  21. I don't believe for a second Butch and April wanted Carly because she is blood and family takes care of family. No, they wanted her because they could receive more assistance( increase in SNAP benefits and cash assistance).
  22. Is it me or did Cate seem annoyed while talking to Butch...excuse me, Darl ? Like "why are we talking about you and not me?" Ryan, all that huffing and puffing about wanting to go home...So you can go get high in peace? Going to pick up Bentley next weekend? More like Jen and Larry picking him up since you aren't allowed to be alone with him. How embarrassing was it to see 3 adults up there on stage coddling a 30 year old man. He knew Maci had the receipts on those text messages and didn't want to be called out on it. Yes, Amber! You're not a bad mom, you just play one on tv, right? RME
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