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Everything posted by RedDelicious

  1. ☝️ truth @bichonblitz. Lindsay must have paid for the GX rental for the summer because we know Carl doesn't have any money. Unless production is chipping in on all their vehicles, which is also possible.
  2. Omg fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck youuuuu Amanda. And Paige. And even Jules a little bit. You go play with your boyfriends that both of you are on your phones with constantly whether you’re calling them every two hours from the closet or gorilla texting them because they went out without you. Go to hell. Seriously. You don’t get to call the shots because you think you’re all high and mighty with your relationships. Kyle is a serial cheater and only douchebags drive G-wagons. It’s 2020 ffs, not 2002.
  3. Because Bethenny is like that with everyone. She couldn't let Ramona have her new beginning party after the Mario breakup without beating it into the ground and not letting it go. I re-watched that episode recently and Bethenny was so laser focused on putting Ramona down and droning on and on with her questions. She was suuuuuuuch a massive bitch. Let Ramona have her party and heal in her own way already. On the Brooklyn Bridge walk, Ramona was 100% right.
  4. I don’t recall, they would have shopped them if they weren’t lining up anyway 😊 She looked great though 💃🏼
  5. I don’t know, I have that issue of Playboy with KKB on the cover; she did a good job posing for that. And it was tasteful. I’d rather see her with no clothes on than Bethenny who looks like a hairless cat 😊
  6. Hell, even my ex-boyfriend from 12 years ago claimed to invent the skinny margarita (mortifying). I always liked KKB, off kilter moments and all. The whole point of cook vs. chef was she was rightfully calling Bethenny out on her bullshit of making herself up to be more than she is, and to date, that has never changed. The same ex-boyfriend used to claim he was a professional chef because he spent a few years at Johnson and Wales. The extent of his experience was cooking omelets at the local Ramada. Yeah.
  7. Also I can't stand bitchy Craig at Thomas's dinner party. He was so out of line. I still can't stand Craig.
  8. I cannot get over how much younger they all looked 6/7 years ago!!
  9. I actually liked Lu's dress too, just not the way she styled it. It reminded me of 1990s Ralph Lauren florals which I loved, loved. The 90s are trending now too.
  10. I kind of get where Dorinda is coming from. When you are single and running a household and managing your own affairs, and all of your friends are married (ladies on the show notwithstanding) you never get an ounce of credit or any slack for how consuming that can be. Sometimes it can be overwhelming. And sometimes you just get sick of being overwhelmed. No you don’t need a man. You certainly don’t. But not having a partner in life kinda stinks sometimes. You get over it, but sometimes it just stinks. And you don’t need or want Ramona trying to hug you like you’re six and afraid of the dark. Sometimes you just need to lose your shit a little bit. Then you pick up and keep going. I kinda get it. That poor dog groomer. He was a good sport. Sonja still has a good figure, just the alcohol bloat is pushing the limits of her tummy tuck 😬
  11. I was in a somewhat similar situation. Except the other girl never figured out that she would have been better off moving on. She got her wish and had a child with him. It messed me up for a long time. I finally saw the light and now I think of the saying she won the battle, but I won the war. Especially now that we're on stay at home and they're literally stuck together with a three-year old. I'm not so forgiving of Ashley though. She's whacked beyond all reason. I actually think that's who she is irrespective of Thomas.
  12. Let us not forget Season One Amanda who came running at Kyle's every booty call, and they weren't even together. ETA: Also Amanda's face was prettier at this weight. She's too skinny now.
  13. I was so glad it wasn’t Jules and Carl.
  14. Amanda sure can dish out the judgement. That’s a shiny glass house she’s living in.
  15. Omg. You guys. Kyle with her new hair and new face with the crazy eyes looks like Beverly Hills Michelle Duggar 🤪
  16. Chris's proposal made me cry too! I loved the card exchange as well. I'm so happy for them. The ring isn't huge but it appears to be a good stone. So many times I have seen the former wife of a divorced couple get engaged, causing a knee jerk reaction in the former husband, and he too has to get engaged and remarried tout suite. Somehow I don't see that happening with Matt and Caryn. She might push for it but with Amy moving away, I think the game of the Matt/Caryn taunting Amy with Caryn's presence on the farm won't be so much fun anymore. Plus what does Caryn actually SEE in Matt? He's such a whiny prick! If he had half of a decent personality and wasn't a complete narcissist, he might actually be tolerable. I think Caryn enjoys thinking she's better than Amy, but really she's just a big old homewrecking who-ah. I'm looking at you Janice Rossi, 2R. Also my sister does a fantastic vocal impression of Matt. It is the funniest thing I've ever heard.
  17. What is the purpose of a bus buddy and/or the difference between a bus buddy and a boot buddy?
  18. Quoting you for context - My opinion on this whole matter is the paid chat site is just that. A paid chat site. I don't think it is a dating site, even if it is marketed as one. The Lanas have never agreed to communicate with David outside of the site. Our answer is right there, and where the context comes into play. The job of The Lanas is to keep David chatting, therefore keep him paying, and so after each stand-up, they have to offer a little bait to keep the chats going. That is their job, to keep the chats going. And for seven years, they have succeeded. If David wanted a beautiful Ukranian girlfriend that badly, shouldn't he have signed up with a matchmaker or a better dating site?
  19. Man I feel bad for Jason. She’s a lying liar who lies, and I’ve never believed the filth she’s spewed about him to garner pity for herself. I’m sure they had some nasty arguments and said some nasty things, and who wouldn’t under the circumstances. Bethenny and Kate Gosselin are cut from the same toxic cloth.
  20. Lunch lady boobs! They look terrible. They make your body look like an apple regardless of whether you actually are an apple. Luann's aren't much better. She's so thin now and hers are like half of a softball on either side of her chest. Clearly not under the muscle.
  21. Elyse's face and reaction when Sonja made the pussy comment said it all. I think we were all Elyse in that moment. And the two blonde women talking and pointing in the background when they were all in the kitchen! Get these broads out of here. Ramona needs to get away from the stringy skimpy stuff in bathing suits and dresses and wear things with more structure. She has a great figure and needs to contain it better than she is. She also needs to ditch the cold shoulder tops - they're so middle aged woman trying to be sexy (which is exactly what she's trying to do but its not a good look). One thing that has stood out to me with the New York women is the massive solid gold Rolexes. Tins, Dorinda and KKB have them and Paul gave one to Bethenny/Jaws (of Lyfe). There are probably others, but those are the ones I specifically recall. Wow.
  22. This sounds terrible, but there are a hundred other efforts I would donate to before I would ever donate to BStrong. I'm not giving her my money so she can credit herself.
  23. For what its worth, I didn't take it as a dig at Atlanta at all - I thought she was referring to Lilly Pulitzer style prints/florals which are popular on Nantucket and in Atlanta/the South ❤️ Oh my gosh, YES. I could not STAND gangster Heather. I also agree chewing gum is worse than MF. Leah is like the ultimate Girl, Interrupted. I think Lu lives on the UWS which is not very countessy. I loathe "pee" and "piss"....why didn't she just say it smelled like dog?? Not at all countessy!
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