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Everything posted by DisneyBoy

  1. Oh wow - good catch Boes. I totally forgot about the "land in Ireland" plot... WELLLLL, I hesitate to agree that good storylines were sacrificed. This show almost never takes the interesting story angle or thinks about story potential (Eve, Eric, Nicole, John, etc, etc, etc have all been prevented from leading interesting lives, even though we can think up interesting plots for them). But as for good characters being sacrificed, the only one that comes to mind is AIDEN. Other than him....Will? I know we all wanted to see Will redeemed in the future, but I really can't say he was a good character. I appreciated that he represented a minority and had serious history with the other characters. But Will wasn't all that interesting (at least to me) since I tuned back in for Kristin's first return. I also thought Serena had potential, but everyone else hated her so...who else was really "sacrificed" in order to bring back the veterans for the anniversary?
  2. I agree. I could easily see them having avoided the whole marriage thing altogether out of fear and not wanting to jinx the fact that they were back together. I'm pretty sure that's the direction Amy will go, so that we can see a wedding take place during these four movies.Sookie has to come back. I realize Melissa's schedule must be pretty packed right now, but I honestly can't imagine her refusing to participate on the basis of her stardom. Gilmore Girls was a good steady paycheck with great material and a terrific cast. I've never heard anything about her being unhappy with the show, so I'm going to go ahead and assume she will be participating.
  3. As I was saying, I'm pretty sure Jess was just being a wise-ass.
  4. I don't think Aiden has become a psycho....yet. Let's hope after next week it stays that way.
  5. What did Abigail say about Cameron...? I can't think of anything more horrible then being in a room with a bunch of aunts and grandmothers while a man is stripping. Of course, Abigail was well enough to be there. Paige's funeral, not so much. *eye roll* You can tell you're watching a program aimed at women when the bachelor party is stripper-free and significantly more tame than the party the women are having. These producers sure know their audience! Caroline is killing it this episode! And I love how creepy and awkward Jennifer is. Of course Abigail has to stroke the stripper's arm in passing...this girl is unbelievable! The actor playing Doug is also killing it. He's so natural and believable as the father with one too many in his system. I'm going to MISS Daniel Cosgrove something fierce. The stripper is a friend of Caroline's, but pushes Abi into her? What a piece of work....
  6. Ha! That's cute. I assumed we'd had a time jump since the funeral ...
  7. I thought this was pretty obvious.
  8. I'm really, really hoping Aiden only pretends to kill Hope and this is a fake-out to keep viewers guessing. Cause her having to fight off Aiden for real will hurt too much to watch. Not looking forward to Abigail getting one second of screentime during the big anniversary. I even hate how centrally she was positioned in the group photo. Why? For reals, gang - what kind of deal with the devil did she make to get so much exposure on this show for so long??!?
  9. I haven't read or seen any spoilers to this effect, but I think from the way it is being played that Aiden will try and fake Hope's murder, Romeo and Juliet-style. He clearly loves her and is just telling Andre what he wants to hear. It's a rather smart concept, I suppose, but it all boils down to how this plays out with Bo added into the mix. If Bo interferes and Aiden ends up having to try and convince people he was faking the murder so he could run off with his Bride, I doubt they will believe him.
  10. These scenes with Shawn D are awesome and so real....except for his 180 turnaround in the span of five minutes. But still, great stuff. I'm not understanding the Bo stuff. After Caroline returned to Salem, he left for Europe or the rainforest - on opposite sides of the globe - to help sone team search for plants - suddenly, he's a botanist? - and Victor didn't know? And at what point did these other "tell us about the formula!" guys get a hold of him?? Julie's "it's your bachelorette party!" was adorable lame.
  11. I took it as Jess very clearly complaining for the sake of complaining. I actually love that line because he's being kind of cute but at the same time being a total punk.
  12. It's a lovely shot with 31 actors, which is really impressive...and I can't lie that I'm getting some sick pleasure out of knowing Galen wasn't there, because I really cannot separate him from the memory of the insipid Passions...but it would have been really nice to see Aiden and Bo included, to say nothing of Eve and Justin. And I definitely think Eileen Davidson deserved a presence. Was she even up on stage during the last Daytime Emmy Awards' tribute to DAYS?
  13. I hate EJ's personal history and I definitely hate that Sami forgave him and I'm really tired of her every plotline revolving around him...but I'm a sucker for a good DiMerra resurrection so I am also looking forward to whatever news they cook up. It will probably be something Sami can use against Stefano since James is pretty clearly not returning. I assumed they would fast-track Marlena and John's reconciliation to coincide with the anniversary. I assumed the Hope and Aiden wedding would fall apart and John and Marlena would step in and exchange their vows. I guess they aren't pushing it forward that quickly...? I like the idea of Eve and Justin because I think having a legitimate relationship with a respectable man would pull her character out of the sewer where she's been trapped since she was reintroduced. I really hope they move forward with Eve and Justin and keep Eddie as the scheming villain trying to keep them apart. It just sucks that KDP isn't sticking around for too much longer because this seems like her first actually interesting storyline. Count me among those who would have enjoyed seeing her gaslight Jennifer, though...
  14. I don't think I could stomach seeing Thersa be friends with Abby. I'd want her to reach for the fireplace poker.
  15. I would like to see the people of Salem have more varied employment. They're all independently rich mega moguls or working for the ISA/Cops or Doctors. Eric the priest, Theresa the designer and Marlena the therapist have the three most unique jobs (on paper anyway).
  16. My unpopular opinion is that I actually liked the Chad who was around when Kristin first returned. The one who worked at the coffee shop and refused to become entangled in Stefano's bizarro family dynamics. I like the Chad we currently have, but that guy seemed to have a certain integrity to him. I guess I'm tired of everybody discovering they are related to Stefano and immediately getting wrapped up in his games and being labeled as a villain.
  17. Probably wishful thinking. Did I miss it, or did Justin explain to Sonny at length why he felt Chad - his partner and friend - had killed Will? I feel like there was a whole conversation there needing to take place. Doesn't Sonny want to spend time with Ari and see justice done for Will? Heck, was Sonny even aware of the multiple murders?? I want to say its too bad Sonny isn't sticking around longer, but we have 47 storylines all going at once and I wouldn't want to see him stay just to cry over and over.
  18. I expect to be moved beyond reason by Kelly's new Emily. I really hope and believe that Amy will do marvelous things with that. And after all these years we may finally get to know more about Emily as a person instead of as a wife and mother.
  19. Gabi found out about Eddie and Paige on Thursday. I didn't care much for this week. Monday was a big day, but the rest bored me. How I wish there was one single happy thread playing out. The Basic Black storyline is all we got, and it seems to be back-burnered until after the 50th. But then, I also don't know what happened to the Johnny Be Good story either. How are we supposed to care about Mar and John getting hitched again if we don't actually see them overcoming their past relationship problems?
  20. See, if Daddy Herandez is back in town to make his absence up to his kids, why not take that 100K and put it towards...oh...I don't know...setting up Arianna with a trust fund, and getting Gabby into a really good college. Cause I'm betting "I used to be a model before I killed someone" probably isn't helping her during interviews. I'm glad plots are intertwining finally, but seriously man. What?!? And neither Eve nor Rafe are at all questioning how he has that much moolah?? IMO, that scene of him being deliberate with his writing in the hotel room was just a long-winded attempt at showing us he's tracking his family members. DAYS couldn't write an OCD plot to save their lives. They can't even do a funeral properly, right?
  21. I'm just disappointed that apparently twice now Sami has failed to celebrate Halloween. Last year she left on Halloween and this year, same story. I want to see some fun costumes!
  22. Michel would be welcome in very small doses. I basically want about 150 times more of Paris than him, though. I have no problem with Gigi being right back as she was one of the characters introduced when the show was still at its peak. There's a lot of history wrapped up in her, so she's welcome. If we do get into whether or not Luke and Lorelai have had kids, it will be impossible for Amy not to bring April up. I kind of just want to pretend that everything after Rory returned home didn't happen. Heck, I'm even fine with Lane not being married to Zach.
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