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Everything posted by healthnut

  1. So e of the events were fun. I liked it better last year when the girls had their own competition. Who picked the participants for the salmon ladder...terrible. Thomas Stillings got more airtime in this than he did all season. The Geoff vs Isaac showdown was so lame and even lamer when Isaac got stuck and Geoff got hurt. Enjoyed the wing nut challenge and the freestyle but those welts...yikes! The team competition was fun in stages 1 & 3 but stage 2 was a dud. And they stop calling men who weigh 180lbs heavy? That’s so annoying.
  2. Black Swan & West Side Story by Shane Lynn Bourne
  3. She's part Japanese = typical build is long torso, shorter legs. I agree that hair is costumey looking long. YES ditch the fried extensions. Gina is just not a very pretty person DCC level without all the contouring, fake hair, fake books, etc. Hate to say it but her looks are all store bought. Gabby looks AMAZING and I cannot say enough how glad I am she has her life in order. I want her to stay so bad. Tess does not have implants They sure look like implants. I think Gina looks great, she’s always had great abs now her hair looks much better, I do agree, she’d look great with a bob, though.
  4. Peacekitty...Did you watch John Carroll’s interview with Survivor Specialists? I’m actively rooting against Kama just to save this season. Still, I don’t feel like there’s anyone to root for. The most likable people are on EoE, or maybe it just feels that way because we know the most about them. Why on earth did Lesu try to target each other? Could they really not get Joe & Aurora on board? Misfit alliance of 7 > Kama 6 oh well
  5. Actually, US Nationals is in January and is always up against the first or second round of NFL playoffs which air on Saturday afternoon and evening and Sunday afternoons which is the same time the primo figure skating events take place, men and ladies free skates. March Madness is a big deal, no doubt, but a small fraction of the NFL playoff audience and I imagine, a lot less overlap.
  6. I think NBC should do the same thing with skating they do with gymnastics. Post the entire competition on YouTube for free. Let the sport get a following again instead of waiting for a US lady to be relevant.
  7. I don’t really care for the evil turn Alec has made considering what a saint he was before but if Dr. Bell isn’t going to be evil, I guess someone has to be shady. The Mena/Micah relationship was always weird so I’m fine with it going away. It was way too soon for him to ask her to marry him anyway. I like Mena and Dr. Austin’s working relationship so I’m not ready for it to be complicated by them getting together yet. Love Jane Leeves, I forgot about her completely, her character really took a backseat during all the Quovadis stuff. Could care less about Julian. I’m glad she’s alive but Devon just broke off his wedding, he doesn’t need to be in another relationship.
  8. Wasn’t Michael Weiss always trying the quad lutz and two footing it every time? I never understood why he didn’t just do a toe or salchow. I agree the US needs a female star to spark casual interest again. It sure as heck isn’t Bradie or Mariah. Nathan won’t do it anymore than Evan did in 2009/2010. It’s gotta be a lady.
  9. Looking at the short dance when you can compare the dance teams easily since they’re all doing the same pattern, P/C are miles ahead of these other teams, it’s amazing. Clearly S/K are the anointed ones to challenge them, whatever. Like someone said above, they bore me to tears, I prefer S/B. It’s sad that in a season where Chock & Bates and Piper & Paul have improved so much they end up finishing lower at this year’s world than last year.
  10. So when is the banquet when these are announced? My guesses: VOTY: Lacey, I’d love to see it be Tasha or Amy ROTY: Geez, who knows, I’ll say Brennan
  11. Who has seen the rhythm dances because I haven’t but I have a hard time believing Sinisita & Katsalapov were not grossly over scored.
  12. How much is the Gold Pass for future reference?
  13. Those two were a mess. Community was a bad idea and that didn’t help. I agree with several of you that the real takeaway from this episode is how poorly Everkin is doing (and Ellison but I can’t remember that episode). Guess MLB and Marvel didn’t come through.
  14. Anybody else listen to the Spencer interview? Definitely no recapping of the episode here, but at least Spencer seems to be in an okay place.
  15. Officially, stationary lift was not stationary so it was downgraded from Level 4 to base value, lost 4.3 points Their program components were very high, high 9s, beat Chock & Bates by over almost a point there.
  16. Holy Moly. Hubbell & Donahue just got 4th at Four Continents. No fall, but hammered in Technical elements over a downgraded lift and spin, crazy. Chock & Bates win.
  17. What did Famke do to her face? Cheek implants? Botox? She looks strange.
  18. Well Liu landed her triple axel cleanly. Her routine is very juvenile in my opinion, but good for her.
  19. I’m so frustrated about the hate directed at TSL and Christine Brennan. I left a thank you comment on their video Sunday and I had at least two trolls reply they were murderers and single handedly responsible for JC’s suicide. It’s absurd. Can’t enjoy nationals or Europeans.
  20. Just saw this on Hulu, I laughed so hard I cried. I see a lot of you weren’t as amused but I thought these two episodes (the previous one with the barber) were comedy gold.
  21. I got Adam Rippon So Elizaveta is out of nationals due to pneumonia. I wonder if they’ll name her to the team or send her to Europeans first and see how she does. Probably depends on what Evgenia does. I’m definitely more excited about Russian nationals than US ladies.
  22. I’ve always wondered if Jeff’s lack of hype coming into this season was due to an UTR female winning. Kara winning certainly wouldn’t be the most exciting end to a great season.
  23. This season was on fire for 5 7/8 episodes, them they killed Nate Sr and it’s been all downhill. I really don’t think they needed another murder and what a terrible reveal with Gabriel being Sam’s kid. So disappointing... And yes, Billy Brown’s acting was not good
  24. Excited for Hawayek & Baker, they won the NHK Trophy. Way to rise to the occasion and take advantage of Papadakis & Cizeron pulling out.
  25. Time violation for one of their lifts, it has happened three competitions in a row, they are trying to fix it.
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