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Everything posted by ouinason

  1. They do look very happy. Like, I get that there are obvious problems with such a young marriage, but they look much happier than some other couple's I have seen on their wedding day.
  2. I hate myself for liking them. Though I'm super bummed that they don't seem to be going for the super obvious Dante/Brit hate to love thing, setting it up for her to be Rocco's stepmom and back in "her baby"'s life when Lulu wakes from her coma. (I think they would be pretty and it would be disgustingly soapy, but I don't really think it would work anyway) I understood that Kevin broke down Dante's programing by Dr. Kirk, not the initial brainwashing. I had sort of assumed that Dante had been deprogrammed to be reprogrammed (like wiping a hard drive to reuse it), so that's why he's better. I would also assume that the second programming wasn't as deep set as the original.
  3. Boy oh boy the condensed the hell out of things toward the end.
  4. Agreed. Hillary seems genuinely interested in the kids as people and not props, that's gotta be very nice for the poor Duggar boys who all blend together in their parent's eyes.
  5. One of my husband and roommate's coworkers in security overnight used to go into the offices and steal food out of fridges and desk drawers. And he didn't even get fired, just reassigned so he doesn't leave the guard house anymore and always works days with other guys. It's so annoying that he got away with it because their boss said "there is no proof that it's him". Ass.
  6. Maxie and Georgie did have a very stable and lovely single parent household.
  7. Nope, Emma was the subject of custody issues IN UNTERO and had the whole drama of Robin being dead and then seemingly running out on her. That's not stable. Baby Noah seems to have that though.
  8. I just want one child to exist on this show that has no WTD story, no switch, no custody fight, raised in a functional family home, and no OMG fake health scare.
  9. Madame D is already screwing around with Benedict, so unless they backtrack in time to tell that story, it doesn't work at all. It would be interesting, and I like the actress, but it doesn't really work with the book at all.
  10. considering they never even did a DNA test to prove Sam was Alexis' daughter, and they haven't even bothered to get Sonny's prints to find out who he is.... I think the writers only remember that these things exist when it is convenient for them. Also, Avery is totally Morgan's kid, I will die on that hill. DNA is only used badly or to switch out on this show.
  11. I think it's a step up that this generation has PJs at all, unlike Joy and her siblings.
  12. I want the wedding to fall apart and Peter to be exposed... then Finn and Anna can just decide to grab Violet and go to Cali to have a quiet family wedding with the Drakes. Which is what they should have done in the first place. I don't even hate Peter but I'm so done with his story now.
  13. Honestly, the critique of her dress doesn't bother me, it's a validly ugly outfit, it's the "fat girl" bit that is horrible.
  14. Good for her for putting that ..... jerk, yeah, we'll go with that... in their place.
  15. Yeah, Hayden did Finn super dirty, but it was hella soapy. The slide show thing at the wedding reminds me of my own. We did the pictures before the ceremony, like the lives leading up to that moment, including our engagement pics.
  16. it's probably titanium or something. Those black rings are quite popular now. It annoys the crap out of me, personally, because I wanted a silver or white gold band when I got married 10 years ago, but preacher FIL insisted the rings had to be yellow gold for tradition and "symbolism" or whatever. Which was fine, since my husband's ring was his grandfather's gold band, but still annoying!
  17. you may not have a program that deals with zipped files on your pc. I think there are free file compression/decompression programs online if you google. maybe 7zip.
  18. Aww, I liked their kiss. They both seemed to be really happy and into it. She was hanging onto his waist like he might try to get away, lol. It wasn't awkward or weird like some first kisses I have seen.... and definitely not their first kiss, IDC what anyone tries to bullshit. And the hug after was great. Also, I just happened to have "Reason" by Unspoken come on my Spotify right as the video really got going, which was muted, so it was..... a very weird juxtaposition.
  19. Either that or Alec is dedicated to a second and greater generation of "Baldwin Brothers".
  20. Great, they got married on my 10th aniversary.
  21. Sam never got a PI license, she sponged off of Spin's and I think Curtis got one. saying she has one now, after a prison stint, is ridiculous.
  22. I think that the level of "knowing" Marina is similar enough that Eloise would feel compelled to write a letter to Philip in condolence if she were to die and have things play out basically the same.
  23. Yes, Marina and Pen are both quite selfish and childish in the way they behave with/about each other.
  24. That sign is very insensitive, but I still laughed when I saw it. I admit to being a dark humor kind of person though. GOOD Christians shouldn't do things like that. (I am a BAD one, obviously)
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