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Everything posted by mlp

  1. I'm usually not very interested in the teenagers but I've been impressed with Vance Walker since he was on ANW Junior, partly because of his backstory and partly because he's really good. Last night, I liked Anna McCarthy because she came across as a very nice girl and the blond boy who works three jobs. He also seemed nice and he had skills. I hope they all do well.
  2. I wasn't surprised that The Bald Guy was on the bottom of that particular challenge but I hated to see them go. I liked all of them and was hoping they'd win. Now I'm going to root for the Puerto Ricans. I like them too. I'm going to be really disappointed if Khana makes it to the finale or, worse yet, wins. Hopefully, working with just two people next week will be their downfall.
  3. I don't like Akeela and her attitude but I was sort of glad she won because I was worried about Cheryl whom I do like. She is pushing herself so hard that she's jeopardizing her health and safety. She still has to participate in the team challenges but some of the pressure will be off I think. At least she won't have to do the individual ones any more. I wondered why neither of them thought to carry a half-filled bucket in each hand on the beam. It seems like that would have helped them with balance. I don't mind Paul. He's worked hard all his life, supported his family, loves his wife. He's just a guy who has spent his career working with men who have similar communication styles and aren't easily offended.
  4. That got the cynic in me really wondering. It reminded me of many seasons ago when the judges told Leslie the same thing at the end and he seemed seriously baffled and quite sure he hadn't done that. I thought at the time that Gordon/producers/someone didn't want Leslie to win so they concocted a flaw he couldn't dispute. Obviously, viewers can't see the difference and the cook can't argue too much. Leslie didn't get to taste his dessert but Kendall did and he seemed confused by the accusation. The judges had already cast aspersions on the churros during the cooking segment. I wondered if they planned to oust Kendall next but couldn't get past his team being safe not to mention Richie lying to the judges.
  5. I have no sympathy for Melanie. She had to know the rules going in and she tried to break them by being sneaky. Maybe she thought she could cry pitifully and the producers would sympathize and let her get away with it. I have no idea but I hope she leaves next.
  6. I wish I'd stop watching this because Caroline actually makes me angry even though I know it's just a TV show. I just want to reach into my set and smack her. I keep wondering if she's a real contestant or a ringer they brought in to be a villain. I understood what Gordon was saying about having Lan in the video to represent her culture and tie it to the team's dish. However, she doesn't look Asian at all, at least to me, so I'm not sure that message would have come across in a very short video unless they used voice over and she talked about it.
  7. So far I like almost everyone. I don't care for Brooke but I recognize that she's a great chef and knowledgeable and she does seem OK on this show. Sunny has been fine too. I used to like her years ago before she got so loud and obnoxious and she seemed more like that old self. I wonder if TPTB told her to tone it down. I wonder how Ippy has suddenly resurfaced. I just saw him on Alex vs. America a few weeks ago and didn't even recognize him. I liked him when he was on FNS years ago but I think he's probably too laid back to hold his own with all the stronger personalities on this show. I don't think the blonde woman who wants to cook healthy stuff will last long.
  8. I was glad Hosea won. I didn't see his season of TC so I had no pre-conceived opinion of him and I liked him tonight. I was happy that Sarah Hauman went out first. Her uncle and I are friends because we belong to the same Kiwanis club here in the Midwest. A few months ago, he arranged for her to be the guest speaker (via Zoom) for a meeting. I was looking forward to it because I thought she'd talk about her season on TC. Instead she barely mentioned it and just talked about herself. She wasn't a good speaker and seemed a bit self-centered. I wasn't impressed.
  9. Yes, exactly. Almost all the food has looked really good unlike, for example, the mac and cheese crap last season. Most of the contestants have been OK too. The only other unpleasant one was on the long departed Creole truck and she wasn't anywhere near as bad as the Khana women. Someone on Reddit said that, in Detroit, "everyone knows" that Khana "stole" their recipes from the people that helped them set up their business and promoted them as their own. I have no idea if that's true or not but it wouldn't surprise me.
  10. I didn't care for Cade and I'm not sorry he's gone but I did feel a bit sorry for him because he's going to be embarrassed when his son sees this episode and realizes dad isn't really a hero. He should have been fishing instead of playing to the cameras. Alan has been my favorite since the first episode but I like Wyatt too. I hope they both go a long way.
  11. Between that and her piercings, she actually gives me the creeps. I can't wait until that truck is gone. The producer machinations were too much for me. I really liked the Paisani boys so I was sorry to see them leave. I think there must be a lot of time we don't see between the assignments and the teams running to their trucks to start cooking. There was no reason for the Bald Guy to suddenly have packages of pork chops for example. The teams must plan their dishes and determine what they need and then someone goes shopping. That's the only thing that makes sense to me.
  12. I do too. I also don't watch The Kitchen because Sunny is so loud and obnoxious. On the Easter baking show she does, she's just fine. If she acted like that all the time, I could tolerate her.
  13. Is it my faulty memory or were the first challenges more complex and more difficult than in previous seasons? I was worn out just watching. There must be a lot of instruction that goes on that we don't see. I find it hard to believe that every contestant already knew how to operate all the equipment featured. I wonder what they would have done if one of the final two had been someone who was afraid of water and/or couldn't swim.
  14. He did a whole series on Discovery+ a couple years ago cooking savory. According to Wikipedia, he also staged years ago at The French Laundry.
  15. I can't wait to see the viscous predator. Maybe somebody gets slimed. :)
  16. Me! I can't stand her. I'm actually less enthusiastic about watching Chopped since she became a regular. I did enjoy last night's episode. The two chefs I liked made it to the dessert round and the guy I thought should win did. The young woman was good but the guy edged her out. I was happy with the judges' decision.
  17. I prefer almost anyone to Nancy but I wish they'd get Stephanie Boswell or Sherry Yard or someone who is actually a baker instead of Damaris. I have nothing against Damaris but she isn't known for having baking expertise.
  18. I'd never heard of him either but I don't follow sports so............ He did seem nice. I like the Paisani boys. They seem like genuinely nice guys. I was fully expecting them to win based on the editing so I was very surprised they came in 4th. I'll sort of miss the guy with the green beard. He looked weird but he seemed nice unlike those two women he was with. He amused me during the confessionals because he kept nodding like a bobblehead while the boss lady was talking. I wasn't at all sorry to see that truck go.
  19. I took an instant dislike to Zoe during the first episode but I haven't had any problem with her since. I couldn't remember what I didn't like and you just reminded me. Damaris had gained a lot of weight. I saw her recently on a new GGG and she had slimmed down and looked great. When they were filming this show, maybe she was just hungry. :)
  20. Aw, Lee. I liked him and I wanted him to win even though he was one of the older contestants and was already quite thin. He wanted to buy a new plane to reach more people in his territory which is an admirable goal but it's not quite the same motivation as wanting to provide for your child or prove something to yourself. I think he knew he wasn't going to make it to the end so there was no reason to push himself to the point of jeopardizing his health before tapping. Ann did an amazing amount of physical labor for a small woman almost 60 y/o. She knew her body needed food and I think she was worried about having a heart attack alone and hours from help. I didn't blame her for tapping either. It was a shame she didn't get to use that great cabin she built.
  21. I keep wondering why Gordon is involved in a show this bad. Surely he doesn't need the money. I also wonder if Caroline was hired to play a part. She doesn't seem to be all that knowledgeable and she's not attractive but she's very good at being the villain. Queen was difficult and hard to work with so I was glad to see her go. Megan seems a lot nicer but she just acted like a doormat instead of ignoring Queen and getting the tables set and so on. She's never going to win. The heavy-set gal (don't know her name) needs to take several steps back from her false eyelashes. She must think they make her look more attractive but she can't have looked in a mirror. Yike. The only one I sort of like is the tall guy with the ridiculous dangling earring but that earring puts me off. I can't remember what his product is so I have no idea if it's something Gordon might want to promote.
  22. I was happy to see Amanda leave. I didn't like her attitude - or her eyelashes. And she was wearing heels in the kitchen.
  23. His eyebrows are dyed too. :0 It looked more green than blue on my TV.
  24. Sadly, this and comments above are true for me. I used to be glued to my TV, tape it and watch it again, sometimes more than once. I'm still watching but with a lot less enthusiasm until one of the "old timers" shows up.
  25. I was surprised that brown bread in a can was such a surprise to so many. I grew up back east and we had it often, sliced with cream cheese and sometimes jelly.
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