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Everything posted by mlp

  1. There seemed to be lot of that on this episode - people who were hesitating and seemed to be allowing the competitor to catch up on purpose. I didn't understand it at all. I'd be quite happy to see that. The whole "first mom" thing has been ridiculous and annoying since it started and Sandy irritates me anyway.
  2. This show is ridiculous but I knew that going in so I can't really complain - unlike, for example, Gordon Ramsay's Food Stars which is ridiculous but not meant to be. The contestants must get a lot of coaching behind the scenes because there's no way a total novice could produce complicated dishes in 45 minutes just from a quick demo and some notes. I don't really know what a "content creator" is or what they do but I can't imagine most of these goofs could produce anything I'd want to watch. I like Jeff in his mentor role. He's a lot funnier when he's subtle than when he's loud and manic like he is on The Kitchen. I was glad he told that one woman not to wear boots in the kitchen. Anne used to be very firm about safe footwear but she's let high heels slide in recent seasons. I don't like the pairs concept but it seems like it's just for the nonsense in the first part so I guess I can live with it.
  3. mlp

    S10.E10: Rats

    At this point, I sort of wish they all could win for different reasons. Mikey probably needs it most but his obsession with his son seems to border on unhealthy. Maybe he just doesn't have anything else to talk about. I do give him credit for creativity and keeping himself busy. He doesn't seem real bright so a sudden windfall might be a lot for him to handle. I've been rooting for Alan all along but he seems to be fading and, as said above, he probably needs the win the least of the remaining three. By the end of last night's episode, I realized that I'm hoping that Wyatt wins. I wonder what he does for a living. He talked about working hard every day but he didn't say what his job is. Maybe he said in an earlier episode and I've forgotten. Anyway, after listening to his thoughts on his life, I'm cheering him on.
  4. Darn. For some reason, I thought tonight was going to be the finale so I was dismayed to realize I have to watch this mess one more week. Got to stick it out now though. I didn't quite understand what the sword swallowing had to do with the steak entree but I won't miss Ashley and her eyelashes. The judges seemed far too effusive about Caroline but I imagine Gordon tells them ahead of time who he favors. I was surprised that Wayne Newton didn't get more attention.
  5. That was a ridiculous challenge - 90 minutes to make a fancy cake and get it perfect. There were several shots where I saw people, with their bare hands, taking cake layers out of metal pans which had supposedly just come out of the oven a few minutes before. No way. I suspect there was down time between baking and decorating that we didn't see and which wasn't counted in the 90 minutes. I liked Kyle and was sorry to see him go but, yeah, his cake was a mess and adding cream cheese was the kiss of death.
  6. The pool was my least liked display. I didn't even think it should have won its first segment. It looked like a jumbled mess of stuff to me. The accessory ATM as cleverly done but no one mentioned the obvious problem with it. There was no way to request an accessory that goes with your outfit. If I were wearing pink or red, I wouldn't want a blue purse. I wouldn't want to have to climb a ladder to get a hat either. I liked the office much better. I don't understand why Antonia was on this show. She barely participated in the kitchen segment and she showed up for the finale in that black pleather jumpsuit she wears on FN shows a lot. She seemed underdressed and out of place.
  7. I've been having the same thoughts. I can't decide if something is missing from this season or it's just that we've seen most of it before. I'm surprised that Melanie lasted as long as she did. She was whining about missing Brian by week 2 (of the show). Also she didn't seem to be eating anything at all that had protein. Alan has been my favorite from the beginning and I still hope he wins. I like his sense of humor. When he talks about the hardships or missing family, he's more philosophical and/or matter of fact than actually complaining and whining. I got a kick out of his fish "birthday cake." My family pays scant attention to birthdays after people reach their teens. If my kids remember to text "Happy Birthday, Mom," I'm fine with it.
  8. I hate to agree with Caroline about anything but she was right that using a recipe format was a bad idea. They didn't have the time or coordinated items to do that effectively. In the end, they seemed to have scrapped that idea. I watched both sessions with second-hand embarrassment but the men's segment made me cringe. I liked Tony until this episode but he deserved to go home. Lan will probably win. She's done OK so far and she looks good. I can't imagine that Gordon will decide to associate himself with Caroline and her nasty persona and hideous hair or Ashley and her ridiculous eyelashes.
  9. I preferred the front myself. I thought it made the right statement without being OTT. I thought the backyard was overdone and garish. The handle was genius. I've noticed that it's been featured every time the show is promoted.
  10. David was my favorite all along. I figured the east coast would win this year no matter what and I was sure of it when Guy Fieri rather aggressively said the final dish was an eggplant challenge. It wasn't. The chefs were told they had to use eggplant and the fruit (forgot what it was) in their dishes but no one said those things had to be the "stars" of the dishes. They just had to use them. I felt sure that Guy was setting David up for criticism. I think Sam was less impressive overall but her sob story got her extra points plus, of course, she was on the right coast. I liked her just fine but I didn't think she should have won.
  11. Agreed. I always got a kick out of yelling "Food Truck Road Trip" along with the announcer at the beginning. :) I can't even do that any more.
  12. I would have been happy with either Ben or Todd winning but I was sort of pulling for Todd. I would have loved to see the older guy with grandchildren beat out the young guns. In the end, I was happy for Ben and Todd came so close that he earned some bragging rights even though he lost (by a very narrow margin). Kenji must have gone some place in his head where he wasn't thinking rationally. He kept up his repetitious actions long past a time frame that made any sense. I also wished the follow up had been a little longer.
  13. It will probably insufferable no matter how they play it. I'm not sure why I keep doing it to myself but I'm sure I'll be watching even so.
  14. I am a bit puzzled about his relationship with his kids. The chyron said he's only 35 y/o so he was a teenager when they were born. I think he said he's been in the States for 11 years so it sounded to me like he hardly knows them. I wonder if the kids who are almost adults actually want to leave what they know behind. Maybe they're dirt poor and they do. Dunno.
  15. I did too but that was partly because they're my favorite HGTV people and partly because I didn't understand why Antonia wasn't more help. I like her but leaving like that seemed really odd. I agreed with last night's decision. I can't stand Alison Victoria but she and Ty did a bang up job on their Ken room. I thought the bathroom in the other team's suite was great but the bedroom looked clunky. That supposed canopy bed was atrocious. I always hate watching anyone demolish stuff that could easily be removed and repurposed or even donated. The kitchen cabinets in the first episode were a perfect example. They didn't fit the Barbie theme but there didn't appear to be anything wrong with them. It pained me to see them destroyed just for TV.
  16. Yeah. Maggots, blood, pus, squirrel brain and more maggots. Bleccch. I will admit to turning my head more than once. A little of that goes too long a way. Alan was doing great fishing until he lost his first lure. It seems like there must have been something different about the second one that was letting fish get away. It also seems like he would have thought of that and made a correction if at all possible.
  17. Gordon's "mentoring" style is reprehensible - yelling and screaming, belittling people, throwing food. I know that's his shtick on these shows but I'll never understand why he wants to represent himself that way. The blue team made a big mistake when they chose to do pork chops 3 or 4 inches thick. They didn't have the expertise or the time to do that right. You posted while I was typing the same thought. LOL Totally agree.
  18. I'm usually not very interested in the teenagers but I've been impressed with Vance Walker since he was on ANW Junior, partly because of his backstory and partly because he's really good. Last night, I liked Anna McCarthy because she came across as a very nice girl and the blond boy who works three jobs. He also seemed nice and he had skills. I hope they all do well.
  19. I wasn't surprised that The Bald Guy was on the bottom of that particular challenge but I hated to see them go. I liked all of them and was hoping they'd win. Now I'm going to root for the Puerto Ricans. I like them too. I'm going to be really disappointed if Khana makes it to the finale or, worse yet, wins. Hopefully, working with just two people next week will be their downfall.
  20. I don't like Akeela and her attitude but I was sort of glad she won because I was worried about Cheryl whom I do like. She is pushing herself so hard that she's jeopardizing her health and safety. She still has to participate in the team challenges but some of the pressure will be off I think. At least she won't have to do the individual ones any more. I wondered why neither of them thought to carry a half-filled bucket in each hand on the beam. It seems like that would have helped them with balance. I don't mind Paul. He's worked hard all his life, supported his family, loves his wife. He's just a guy who has spent his career working with men who have similar communication styles and aren't easily offended.
  21. That got the cynic in me really wondering. It reminded me of many seasons ago when the judges told Leslie the same thing at the end and he seemed seriously baffled and quite sure he hadn't done that. I thought at the time that Gordon/producers/someone didn't want Leslie to win so they concocted a flaw he couldn't dispute. Obviously, viewers can't see the difference and the cook can't argue too much. Leslie didn't get to taste his dessert but Kendall did and he seemed confused by the accusation. The judges had already cast aspersions on the churros during the cooking segment. I wondered if they planned to oust Kendall next but couldn't get past his team being safe not to mention Richie lying to the judges.
  22. I have no sympathy for Melanie. She had to know the rules going in and she tried to break them by being sneaky. Maybe she thought she could cry pitifully and the producers would sympathize and let her get away with it. I have no idea but I hope she leaves next.
  23. I wish I'd stop watching this because Caroline actually makes me angry even though I know it's just a TV show. I just want to reach into my set and smack her. I keep wondering if she's a real contestant or a ringer they brought in to be a villain. I understood what Gordon was saying about having Lan in the video to represent her culture and tie it to the team's dish. However, she doesn't look Asian at all, at least to me, so I'm not sure that message would have come across in a very short video unless they used voice over and she talked about it.
  24. So far I like almost everyone. I don't care for Brooke but I recognize that she's a great chef and knowledgeable and she does seem OK on this show. Sunny has been fine too. I used to like her years ago before she got so loud and obnoxious and she seemed more like that old self. I wonder if TPTB told her to tone it down. I wonder how Ippy has suddenly resurfaced. I just saw him on Alex vs. America a few weeks ago and didn't even recognize him. I liked him when he was on FNS years ago but I think he's probably too laid back to hold his own with all the stronger personalities on this show. I don't think the blonde woman who wants to cook healthy stuff will last long.
  25. I was glad Hosea won. I didn't see his season of TC so I had no pre-conceived opinion of him and I liked him tonight. I was happy that Sarah Hauman went out first. Her uncle and I are friends because we belong to the same Kiwanis club here in the Midwest. A few months ago, he arranged for her to be the guest speaker (via Zoom) for a meeting. I was looking forward to it because I thought she'd talk about her season on TC. Instead she barely mentioned it and just talked about herself. She wasn't a good speaker and seemed a bit self-centered. I wasn't impressed.
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