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  1. Where I am the school isd buses wont pick you uo if you are within a certain number of miles from the school. I cant remember the mileage, but it is kind of crazy for little kids to walk that far. We have no public transport where I live.
  2. No matter how much work you do as a teacher, if the kids don't test well you are blamed. This leads to competition between teachers, and to some using nonethical ways to make sure their students score better than others.
  3. I got nostalgic seeing the scantron machine. Our district got rid of ours a few years ago to do online testing.
  4. We saw this every time we took a bus on a school trip!
  5. Quite a few actually because they want the kids to acknowledge that they are correct. I see this happen with younger substitute teachers a lot. They want to be seen as cool or one of the kids and not as the adult or authority figure.
  6. My mom was also from the South, but I could sometimes get away with yes. I could never answer yeah though, it had to be yes.
  7. I loved all the Haley Mills movies as a kid. I do wonder why I never thought to question why she is the only one in her family with an English accent in Summer Magic and That Darn Cat.
  8. Which Trollope book or books would you recommend beginning with if you have never read his work before?
  9. Was glad to see and hear Celine. Her singing Edith Piaf was a bonus.
  10. I'm glad Simone did not go now.
  11. I thought I would like it, but I am finding it disjointed as well.
  12. I guess they are more recgnizable than Asterix and Obelix.
  13. I heard that after I posted. I just get tired of seeing them everywhere.
  14. Okay, I did like the brief glimpse of The Little Prince. Minions, why? They make me think of talking Twinkies.
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