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Everything posted by TVbitch

  1. Yes, Mo was SOOOO impressed with herself that she made a fire without ever touching flint before. I was like, seriously?! They already had a firemaking challenge at one tribal and you STILL haven't even given it a go?! I don't see that she has actually done much of anything, except make herself useful to David. They keep emphasizing how she is doing this for her FAMILY. Sorry, but I don't care. I hate the sob story winners. Oh dear, if Sharn goes to the other side, David, Mo and Tarzan are out to dry. That would probably be her best move since she's already pissed off David. He better dust off those idols. If he can only play them up till 5, now is the time! I hope he does an epic blindside with the second one no one knows about!
  2. Wow. I have never heard Dr. Now flat out tell someone that part of getting better was to accept that they could no longer rely on the crutch of disability to support them! He totally called out the girlfriend too, telling her she was obese and an enabler. She ended up being an asset ...but I couldn't tell if she ever lost any weight. Dr. Now was clearly charmed by Tommy and had smiles and encouragement for him. Which makes me all the more question what was going on last week when Ashley, who also had a sexual abuse history, got no smiles or positive encouragement or therapy, even when she had been doing well but then relapsed. Perhaps there is a lot we don't know. Dr. Baby Voice looked more like a professional in this epsiode! However, pushing a sexual abuse survivor to open up to his elderly mom ...on the first visit ...when he said he is not ready ...that is ridiculous. When she realized that was not going to happen, she changed it to, "at least open up to your girlfriend!" AKA: Just open up to someone cuz TLC needs that footage for this episode!
  3. I don't get to watch today cuz Bernie Sanders is here. Thanks to @patty1h's report, I will spare myself from checking it out online. Did she actually cover any topics, other than herself? Earlier this week, when she pulled out her list of amazing hot topics to cover, I thought, oh maybe she is gonna do that so she can stay on track. But no, she flashed it at the audience for a second and I froze the screen and was reading it. Like she actually had "pulled pork" written on there. Like when pondering what interesting celebrity news to bring us, her first thought was, "They will be dying to hear about my sandwich!"
  4. Sonny has severe narcissistic personal disorder. Why can't Alexis' act like a grown woman around boys she hearts. If they smear Chase's character to make Michael/Willow happen, I will flip a table. Forgot to point out this hilarious moment from Monday: Diane says to Sam/Jason at Monica's: "I assume Scout and Danny are upstairs?" To which Jason throws up his hands in a 'how the fuck should I know' gesture and says, "I guess so."
  5. Sharn, Sharn, Sharn. She just doesn't learn. Really? She's gonna go after Dave and incur his wrath just to send him to exile where there is only 1 in 6 shot he leaves the game. Another smart move by Dave, manipulating Zach. I swear, if Dave makes it to the final and they don't vote for him, I will be outraged! Having said that, if Shonee masterminds and pulls off an upset, I am okay with her winning the whole thing. I notice she mewls and squeals a lot. I think that makes her seem harmless, like a cute little kitten. But she is very smart, as she proved again at Ep. 17 tribal.
  6. A huge snake and a little chinchilla.... what can go wrong? Sam tries so hard to be "cool" but she seems just as needy, overly dramatic, and impulsive as her kids.
  7. Two weeks in and there are some real contenders. I guess I am the only one watching, such a shame as it is a superb cookery program! Like that they have a signature and an invention test before any eliminations.
  8. TVbitch

    Tennis Thread

    My friend is losing a lot of money on the condo she rented for the tournament. NO refund cuz it had a 30-day cancellation policy. I thought it was lame they did not at least give 50% back given the extraordinary circumstances. I hope instead of wholly cancelling tournaments, they have them without an audience and televise them. They would at least make the advertising revenue, and keep the tennis going. Players may have to settle for a smaller purse, but everyone is going to have to compromise.
  9. Staying to protect Hugh, who is a friend of JLP and is now helping him escape, would probably be considered a valid side-quest according to the Qowat Milat's moral code If I recall correctly, and I may not, Elnor first stayed to help Hugh, but then after Hugh was already dead, Elnor was in touch with Rios and the ship and declined again to be brought back aboard because "they need me here". That is the instance I was questioning.
  10. Nice to know Riker's still Riker ...and still doesn't need Q's fantasy women! Did anyone catch anything Agnes saw in her Oh mind meld. It went by all "Galadriel/Sam flames in the shire" for me. I thought Elnor had bound himself to Picard's mission. Then he's all, "I'm staying here." Uh, rude! Dude needs to leave with the mission he came with.
  11. Doh! Carrie is truly cursed when it comes to getting dudes killed. In this episode she takes out two Presidents, a platoon of soldiers, and almost took out Max. Poor guy didn't even get to sleep with her first! If Max does manage to live, this will scar him to the point he won't want to ...ala Quinn. This season seems a bit more 24ish to me. Max escaping the Taliban was very Kim in the raveen with the cougar. David is hot.
  12. But if they were in on it together, wouldn't it be stupid for the son to point police in her direction?
  13. Not me. I'm not an old lady, but I'm cranky. I do not have a smart phone or a Facebook, and have disdain for a lot of things about tech, social media and millennial culture. While I strive not to be too rigid, judgemental or dismissive about the new generations' ways, I usually find myself chuckling at Bill.
  14. I was furious that Cyndi had a 1/4 million stolen, but the cops didn't care. However, the guy WENT TO JAIL FOR OVER A YEAR for defrauding the hotel of a couple thousand! Then he gets out and steals a bunch of money from other women, which induces more yawns from law enforcement, and is not persued again until he impersonates a fireman! Then after conning the last lady, they are more concerned about proving he was wearing military uniforms! I'm sorry, is it not illegal to steal over a million dollars from various women?! Okay, I won't pick on Andrea too much.... but... I did feel assaulted by her eyebrows, y'all. And, I think it was a mistake for her to bring up her husband being a fighter pilot in the interview with the perp. It weakened her position as a professional journalist by making the case personal to her, and the perp picked right up on that.
  15. Um, er, uh... well at least now I won't have to be outraged at who loses cuz none of them wowed. I guess I most want to see Sergio's cuz some are pretty to look at. But dude really needs to give up the armchair activism. I found it hard to even discern what I was looking at in a lot of Nancy's pieces. I like the clothes she made during the show much more than her collection. Victoria's was better than I thought it would be, but that is not saying much. Her poor husband gave up being a celebrity athlete to become a truck driver who is on the road all the time so he can support Victoria's dream until she becomes rich and famous. Oh honey, don't be on the edge of your seat waiting for that. Geoffrey... dear, just take a vallium and push through. Some of it had potential but hasn't puffy been done?
  16. That has to be the stupidest flash challenge ever. I like Snaz, too. How does he always look unshowered when I am quite sure he showers every day.
  17. Glad to see Ronnie Leatherman back! And he got a confession. WTF with that woman going all ganster on that guy. Yeah he was a dick, but you could have gotten yourself, him and others killed. And how would she ever think she was not going to get caught given the earlier altercations that the police knew about! She was a very cool customer during their first interview. But this is why I would never confess. The cops are all "tell us the truth so we can help you!!!" The woman came clean and pleaded guilty, but the cops are just high-fiving over the confession, they rarely are actually going to go to bat for you. I agree the Tulsa cases have been interesting lately. Lots of variety and follow through.
  18. Can't believe they are writing Jordan this dumb. Like TJ would not show up for work at the hospital! I guess Jason will have to save him. Did Peter frame Leisl framing Peter? I must have missed that.
  19. Come on, Alex handwrote three 8-page letters! There were not even cross outs on them! His hand must still be cramping!! I stopped watching years ago but popped in for Derek's death and now to see how they ended Karev. The episode was grueling to get through, and the new perfect children gave me the creeps. Really? He meets them, they show him their rooms and ask if they can call him dad. ?!
  20. On the youtube someone said that Nene said she didn't know anything about being racially profiled. Wendy tried to put that on her "friends" but they aren't having it. I wonder why no new show today.
  21. I knew as soon as Max didn't get on it, that chopper was going down! Max is not part of that troop, he was on a specific mission to repair that thingie, so why is he feeling all emotional about needing to stay with those guys. Ah, does Max finally feel like he belongs?! Can someone help me out. I don't remember much of last season. Why was Carry in the Russian prison? And did she sleep with handsome handler guy while there? (If not I'm sure she will soon!) Was he a good guy or bad guy last season?
  22. I am impressed, 48 Hours! I think they saved some lives. That dark web stuff is so crazy.
  23. WTF?! I predict Wendy is gonna catch hell again for today's show. Among other things, she told us how her dear friend Boof always takes a smelly dump at her place that is so bad she now makes him go elsewhere to use the bathroom. What a sweet story to tell ....as one does ...about one's good friends ...on public TV. Holy crap, indeed.
  24. I don't watch any Big Brothers, but your analogy is apt. Brooke should not be a problem if they just stick to the plan. I hope none of them are stupid enough to give her an inroad. She (or any of the remaining on that tribe) will easily win if they get to the final.
  25. Y'all, I think my beloved Dr. Now was a bit off in this one. He did not really seem very invested in Ashley for whatever reason. He seemed to almost be reading from a script at every appointment. Even after she lost over 100 pounds, moved to Houston, and joined a gym, he barely smiled at her. I've seen him give way more positive encouragement to patients who achieved FAR less. When he dashed her surgery hopes as being up to 6 months out because of IBS, she was exceeding her goal at that time. He didn't seem to appreciate how crushing that might be and set up some kind of support to help her deal with that setback and stay motivated. Also, he knows she is a victim of sexual abuse, yet he never brought up dealing with the reasons behind her emotional eating, as he does with most patients. She was clearly depressed. When she said at one appointment that not turning to food for comfort was hard, he said "not eating is hard?!" The way he said it was quite patronizing. Like saying to an alcoholic "not drinking is hard?!" He knows it is more complicated than that. I kept waiting for him to suggest therapy. Anyway, I am also growing weary of this show. It is too rote at this point to get anything from it.
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