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Everything posted by TVbitch

  1. Hate it! At least before the living room actually looked like a mob boss' living room. Now it looks like some high rise office space with bad modern art. The acoustics in there must be terible. I guess Sonny and the Q's use the same interior designer. Why are they spending money on this shit, when they could have spent it keeping Britt around?!?!
  2. OMG thank you for reporting this. I don't always watch Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, so I missed it. Well, I just watched Sunday's episode and his segment on Wendy was fucking hilarious. Then, after the credits John sits there and eats a big sloppy sandwhich Wendy-style which is also fucking hilarious. Worth a watch for sure.
  3. Contrast Liz comforting Mike and making it okay for him wherever he is at with Sonny trying to force water on him, telling him he has to eat, and informing him he will be waiting there for whenever Mike is ready to talk. Mike probably cannot wait to die just to get away from Sonny! Chase cries pretty, like Janelle. Speaking of, I loved that look on her face when she heard Willow announce Sasha and Chase are having an affair. Get 'em girl! LOL at pathetic Sasha running into the bedroom to avoid Willow, then running out the door to avoid Michael. Way to let Chase take the beatings for your stupid plan.
  4. When they put the spoon into Reynolds dish, it was bigger than the piece of fish! That was amuse bouche! But I would not be amused if I paid for an entree and got that! And that dish pointed out how much the judges are lacking, cuz after they salivated over it for 10 minutes I still had no idea how it tasted. "I could imagine going to the finest places in the world and being served this!" "This is a restaurant quality dish!" "If this is you cooking savory, then you should cook savory." Then in the big Broth Off: "You've packed it with flavor." "You've pounded the flavor in there." "Yours is all about flavor and yours is about technique." Um, okay, but can someone please tell me how these dishes taste? Even yesterday when the judges sucked 500 prawn heads, I STILL don't know what prawn brains tastes like? ...anyone? Bueller? Bueller? And finally, if they are going to taste all the dishes, which they should, then at least let me SEE all the dishes. Maybe say a couple words. Jeez. Okay, end of rant! ...for today
  5. Glad y'all report the same thing, cuz I seriously thought my ears are getting old. I had it up really loud and still could not make out a lot of the dialogue. (Couldn't read any of those text messages either!) Half way through I was going to restart it with subtitles, but the episode was not compelling enough for me to do that. Glad to learn the Amazon Prime version has clearer sound @MicheleinPhilly Only a few great moments, like V and Felix's busstop chat.
  6. I think Issa and Molly's friendship is just going through normal growing pains. When you are in your 20's, it is easier to have that "best friend" that you are super tight with and share everything. As you get older, life gets more complicated and you mature (hopefully). It's natural for that BFF friendship to need to shift and breathe as new situations and relationships come into your life. I thought Molly not sharing Andrew's apology with Issa immediately was a sign of her adapting and maturing. It meant something to Molly, and she just wanted to keep that for herself at the moment.
  7. What was the last thing Valentine said to Laura about Charlotte? I couldn't make it out. Something like "take her." I really liked the exchanges between Val/Charlotte and Val/Laura. Valentine first tries to gaslight Charlotte like he does everyone else about what she "thought" she saw, but then can't bring himself to lie to her, and realizes what he has done to her moral compass. Good facial acting from Val and Laura (Lulu not so much). Even Charlotte stepped it up. If they actually stick Chase with Sasha, I will cut a bitch. Maybe Sasha planned this whole thing to upgrade from Eeyore to a real man while ditching the bay bay. And of course, Carly and Jason dithering over who is right about whether to send the hit man/enforcer to the meeting with the rival mob boss while passing a baby back and forth. Jesus Wept.
  8. Watched the cookout. They really want Chris to be the villain this season, don't they? First they slag him in Gordon's restaurant service for not having the number of potions right (which he apparently denied) and now in the cook off for portions and seasoning. And they keep showing little snippits of him looking dour. He is not my favorite at all, but I kind of hate it when they do that. (If he in anyway endangers my Simon, I will say "off with his head!" of course) Speaking of Simon, his booming baritone is hilarious, it's like two octaves below everyone else's voice and always can be heard. Andy needs to be replaced. Maybe he will get better but he is mistaking frenetic energy for excitement, and really does not add anything in terms of judging. So far the judges are way to bland in their descriptions of the food and they just agree with each other about everything. They need a John Torode or a Greg Wallace even, who are very good at describing flavors and textures in detail and explaining why they work or don't work. And they will disagree whole heartedly if that is how they feel.
  9. Chase has been super worried that Willow is emotionally fragile and near her breaking point, so he decides the best course of action is to ignore the reasonable chat they JUST had wherein she seemed quite sane and happy and spring an affair on her to drive her into a marriage she decided against so that she can get even more fixated on Wiley without even being his "real" stepmom. Right. I can't even be mad at Chase cuz Chase would not do this. They are criminally hijacking a good and decent character for slackjawed Saint Michael of the Bland. It's like instead of building up the good they (happened to stumble on) in this show, they are just hell-bent to shove Corinthii down our throats.
  10. Thanks @seltzer3. I don't mind the thought of keeping it light by having fruit in it, but I would think at least cooked or macerated fruit. I guess having sponge with fresh strawberries (which I often find too firm and sour) just doesn't sound appealing to me.
  11. Hey all ya'll, well poo, I'm not gonna get to comment very much cuz the episodes are running a full day behind for me in the states, and I hate to be spoiled. I skipped over the Gordon cook and went to the elimination episode last night. OMG, the Faux Poh drama! I guess it's not entirely her fault but it will make me a Poh Foe real quick if we continue to be subjected to it. Also, I do not get the appeal of a cake with big chunks of raw fruit. I don't see how that would be good. Bummed about Lynton cuz he was some age appropriate Man Candy for me. The judges are trying to be super high energy but it seems forced. They are missing that element of sly or cheeky humor that Gary and Matt sometimes brought. But it is early days, so we'll see. There was definitely a let down without Gordon who is able (when he is not in the US just shouting) to go from humor to high intensity to serious quite well.
  12. Very 24 cliff-hanger. With Dar, Max and Quin dead, and their families estranged, there will be no one to register the impact of whatever happens. All they have is each other, and too much has happened for them to ride off into the sunset together, so I think it would be most fitting that one dies and one is left to live with it, and wander the earth Kwai Chang Caine style.
  13. @howiveaddict, the show specifically said that the mom HAD been home and locked in her room when the police were there for the welfare check.
  14. It's terrible that innocent guy is rotting in jail, but I hate it when they do an episode that is not resolved yet. I get agitated and then there is no resolution. And why on earth would that boy protect his ex-girfriend who just shot him in the chest? Maybe they were out there hooking up and he didn't want the new girlfriend to find out.
  15. FINALE SPOILER ALERT!! Yay! I knew Thomas would win based on how well nearly all of his food was received. He also did great in the professional kitchens proving he could do fancy schmancy technique if he wanted to. It will be a crime if he doesn't make food a career. I figured Sandy would go one step too far somewhere with her unique flavor combinations. David seemed to faulter a tiny bit in the last few challenges, but his dishes always looked spectacular. His entre in the finale was crazy gorgeous. This show (and UK PRO) will always be my favorite cookery shows. I will miss it, but at least MCAU will soften the pain.
  16. It was a little shocking that the police went for a welfare check in broad daylight and missed a woman locked in a room and a body in the backyard. What does it matter if her DNA was not on the wood chips. Only the two of them had access to the washing machine and he's dead! The whole family seemed off. She might have had borderline personality disorder. Why did they not get divorced? Who loves a house to the point they are willing to stay in it with a spouse they hate so much they are constantly having to call the police and must sleep in a locked room?
  17. Disappointed with the entire episode. I felt all of the designers took a step back from what have been their best looks on the show. Maybe in making them come up with so many pieces they peaked early. Just what you want in a semi-final! I would have liked the tea ceremony if it hadn't started with a Heidi "look at me!!!" moment. Naomi Campbell can be bitchy but at least she brings some fire to this snoozefest.
  18. Do women in that age group actually have parties like that? Cooking, dining, drinking, singing, howling, lesbian intrigue, getting into with a friend's ex, and some letter burning woo. Jesus God, I'm exhausted just watching. Maybe I'm underachieving just opening some wine and ordering take out.
  19. Did they say how long it had been since the shooting? What did Eve's husband say he deserved, I couldn't make it out. I was glad he was sane enough to give her a bit of shit, though. Can't believe Eve is STILL telling him how they will work it out. Yes, until she gets excited by the chase again. That gymast actor did a great impression of the Comer pout.
  20. I find it amusing when designers like Ji talk fervently about their brand being about individuality and standing out ..but then their clothes are stuff I feel like I've seen in any given Target. I mean, do they not get out much? And her dress looked like that PR unconventional materials challenge seatbelt dress, only not as good. Stop trying to make Tim "fun"! The reason I fell in love with him in the first place was he was this stodgy nerdy prim guy who was unique. I don't need him to be generic TV host Tim. Heidi never bothered me too much on PR, but they are making me actively dislike her here. Good job show! You could see the stress and discomfort in both designers faces when they were made to fight each other for the win (that the judges already knew full well would go to Johnny). That is not entertaining in any way.
  21. We're back in the "real world". Can someone fill me in on what is going on with the main guy having the affair with judge Charlotte . I did not see last season. I thought he was back together with his ex at the firm. It seems like they should retitle the show "The Fucking Good Fight." I don't have a problem with salty language (being a foul-mouth myself), but they are pushing it too hard. As bad as I am, I would NEVER use that word in any kind of business/professional setting. Glad to see MJFox. Also enjoyed David Lee sparring with Luca. The twist ending of David being the smarter attorney on the case was cool, and I loved his scared airplane faces.
  22. Reddick, Boseman & Lockhart attempt to adjust to their new landscape as a small subsidiary of STR Laurie, a huge multi-national law firm; Diane encounters a familiar face in court; Lucca is given an exciting, high-profile divorce case.
  23. Robert has been a joy to watch the last couple days. So, were they going to bring Britt back but then changed their mind? I mean, to have her working at the hospital and involved with Julian and in scenes with Peter and Leisl only for her to suddenly disappear without any goodbyes. Just weird.
  24. I hope all the guys that wear hats in the kitchen are eliminated first! : D If we had this version of Gordon in the US, I might actually watch US Masterchef! I love how when Gordon calls them over for an URGENT 30 second meeting, Simon is totally not paying attention and even looks at his fingernails like he is thinking "whatever dude"! LOL Love me some Simon. I am hoping he makes it far since they haven't featured him at all yet. Gordon is propping up the judges, as @Myriad said. They were pretty bland at their table of blah. I wish we could keep him!
  25. Good show, but why not at least show us a glimpse of all the dishes. God knows they had plenty of time to do that! I only recongized a few people, cuz I have zero memory skills. Lots of great dishes and I'm quite glad not to have to slog through the "audition" rounds. The new judges are fine and don't miss the old ones. Having said that I am glad they included them in the intro instead of trying to make it like they never existed like some show do. Um, perhaps I have been housebound for a bit, but there are a lot of fine looking gents in the mix. The two male judges are hot too, and I even find Gordon attractive when he is not trying to be !!AMERICAN!! Kind of glad there is only one immunity pin. Hope they also swich up the replication elimination challenge which has always been my least favorite. How many episodes will there be each week?
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