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Everything posted by snarts

  1. I vowed I wouldn't watch this. Damn MTV with their mini marathons... Maci looks good, those stupid holes in her ear aside. But her boyfriend is ugly. I adore Bentley. Can't believe the kids are in kindergarten. The storyline is tired. Catelynn & Tyler. WTF are they doing getting pregnant again? Did either of them go to school, do they work? Why are they still together? ugh, I can't stand them. Amber. Still doing a lot of laying around on the couch. Leah is a cutie. Gary UGH. I'm the same category as Tyler for me. Why would anyone date him? Farrah cracks me up. Seriously the most entrepreneurial one of this group. It's sad but I feel like she's the only one who won't be broke a year after MTV leaves.
  2. Not a Bethany fan but I do think she adds something to the cast. Season preview looked fantastic. Who's the new chick? Friend of Ramona's? Carole's looking rough. Her hair is begging her to eat some food. Luann, gorgeous as usual.
  3. Why does Andy keep directing questions at Brandi? It's annoying. I'm interested in hearing from Eileen. That said, Eileen certainly has Brandi's number and is the best at succinctly expressing herself. I hope she gets a chance to talk about something other than Brandi at some point.
  4. The most telling moment of part 1 was Brandi telling Lisa to watch her back. Lisa said something like "oh, I will" and Brandi followed up with "you'd better". So again, why would any of these women want Brandi as a friend? Calling Kyle a c*nt, threatening Lisa, threatening violence toward Kyle, and she wonders why people judge her?? Crazy. Kim sucks. Echoing everyone's thoughts on how she can demand loyalty from Kyle yet sit idly by while her attack dog (heh) insults her sister. I loved how lisaR owned her during the what would you do for $ discussion.
  5. Oh please let this be true, I also noticed that while Andy said nice to see you to some of the HOs, he didn't say it to all of them. Purposeful? My problem with Brandi is that she, like Gretchen in the OC, doesn't belong on the show. Speaking purely from an income/societal position, she's no where near the rest of the women. Kim's on that edge as well, although with family connections Brandi's without. Brandi's lifestyle, as she likes to point out, is so very different than the other women. She's out partying and banging guys in their 20s. No one wants to see her rented house, cars, and trips to Cabo with her hair dresser. Well maybe someone does, but they're not the same viewers as those interested in lifestyles of the rich and famous the other women seem to enjoy. Brandi's face looks terrible. She must be taking advice from the Jennifer girl, they now have the same look. I hated all of their dresses. What good is putting them in things that are uncomfortable to sit in and look terrible? Anything strapless should definitely be avoided. Poor Eileen. Kyle's makeup looked great during the early convo with Kim. I hope she doesn't cry it all off later. I like that she was so composed there, especially considering how purposely flippant and mean Kim was being. I liked how Yo was quick to mention Bella when Andy was going about Gigi. Yo looks amazing. I do wonder if stopping all the holistic meds might be helpful in her treatment.
  6. I'll admit I was a huge Kim Richards fan. From her early Disney days to Tuff Turf (loved, loved that movie. Huge James Spader crush). I do remember her seeming a bit ditzy. However, it's not like today where celebs all have social media and the paparazzi are everywhere. Back then the most you'd see would be an interview in a teen magazine. No candid sound bytes for sure. I was excited to see her on this show. What a disappointment she's been. Not only stupid, but mean as well. Another three part reunion? I'm not sure I'm up for it. Already missing the early part of this season when we got to see house & travel porn while the drama was kept to a minimum. While I understand how these shows have evolved, I originally started watching to see their families/lifestyles/interactions. Like Kyle, all the fighting stresses me out. That said, I hope Kim get her ass handed to her at the reunion. She's just plain awful to everyone. I also hope it's the last we see of Brandi, who really doesn't fit in this group at all.
  7. Kim & Brandi deserve each other, I hope they remain BFF. Both like to throw out half truths and accusations, hoping they'll stick, and then quickly turn around and play the victim. It's exhausting. The story Kim spun for Adrienne was a great example. Convenient to leave out any mention of her threats to LisaR, her ridicule of Eileen and her accusations toward Kyle. Oh no, better to make it look like LisaR attacked her while Kyle stood by watching. Poor little Kimmy. The woman is ridiculous. The desert home is gorgeous. Kim was seething from the moment she walked in. Glad Kyle kept her emotions in check long enough to point out the inconsistencies with Kim's house accusations. What really got me was how evil Kim got so quickly. What was her line about all of Kyle's supposed friends? Just plain nasty. The wedding ceremony Lisa performed was sweet. I can see Pump being a hot spot for weddings. Everyone looked beautiful at the final dinner. The dynamic without Brandi is so much lighter and relaxed. Speaking of, she looked pathetic on her date, sitting there in her spanx, slurring her words, and making out at the table. Plus, enough with the age comments, she's in the same demographic no matter how many 20 year olds she bangs.
  8. If true, I think it's hilarious she outed herself. Unless of course, in true Stassi style, she's trying to generate interest. Jax did say she asked to borrow money, right?
  9. Stassi seems so scared of something. Is Patrick a controlling asshole? Love, love, love that Katie is so over her. About time.
  10. I agree. Lauren's a wet rag who won't even make lasagna. I miss lil Bit. Hot Dogg seems alright, I'm just bored with everyone talking about her.
  11. If Kim didnt behave like a drug addict in need of help then people wouldn't discuss their concerns about her. Her BFF Brandi only legitimized their concerns with her talk about 2am calls, pain patches, and her fragile state.
  12. Oh my, Kyle's right. Kim's behavior is indefensible. What an evil bitch. Even if everyone's concern is misplaced (which I seriously doubt). hell, even if their concern is fake, Kim only brought it on herself with her behavior on poker party night. She should be the one apologizing. Instead, she's full of such anger. The venom she was spewing in every direction but Brandi was utterly ridiculous. I wanted to smack the bitch. Wish I could see her face when/if she watches the tape and sees how Brandi defen's her by talking behind her back to everyone telling them they should be worrird, and how the situation is worse than they even know. Karma Kim, karma.
  13. Oh Fiona, you just know this is going to end up badly... Don't like what's happening with Kevin & Vee but I guess it's not out of the ordinary. Just hope they can fix it and meet in the middle somewhere. The previews don't bode well for Lip. I wish he could stay in Miami. Nothing good will come out of his being home for the Summer. Unless he plays a role in getting Ian some needed help. Wish Mickey would reach out to the family. I felt so bad for him watching Ian come unglued with all the stolen suitcases, So over Frank, don't care how he lost the money, wish he would've either a) left with Sheila, or b) been in the basement.
  14. I'm not an emotional person yet I teared up watching the wedding too. Can't believe how far both these girls have come since the Jersey Shore days. Loved the scenes with Nicole's parents. Wishing both families all the best.
  15. I was so frustrated watching this episode. I felt for Kyle and I wish she were quicker on her feet in arguments. I can't imagine how betrayed she felt after having that heart to heart with her sister only to have Kim turn around the next day(or the same day in Kim's mind) bring uninvited Brandi to the party, Say what you want about Kim's motives, but Brandi has made her's quite clear with the "who do love more" and "I'm not hugging that bitch". It's like a classic game of I'll steal your friend. Unfortunately, Kim's perpetual victimnness plays right into it. What bothers me the most is the level of evil in Brandi. She could give two shits about Kim. Kim is simply a storyline to her, While I've lost a lot of respect for Kim with her behavior, she is an addict, and a sick one at that. For Brandi to be trifling around, using her for airtime and trying to drive a wedge between her and Kyle, is just plain awful,. It reminds me of those people who try to take advantage of the elderly or senile for the purpose of stealing their money. As an adoptee who's known forever and never had any interest in meeting my birth parents (I do thank them for their decision, I've been afforded a great life) I understood Max wanting to better understand his background. I also felt for Lisa & Ken. I know that has to sting a bit, even when you know it's not a affront to your parenting., As a parent, you want your kids to be happy and fulfilled, More Eileen & LisaR please!
  16. eileen posted on Twitter that it was indeed Vince. He thought everyone had left and was getting leftover pizza out of the fridge in the garage.
  17. Brandi's evil. Why couldn't she let Kyle & Kim chat? If anyone's looking for a storyline it's her. Now she's Kim's savior? Ok, sure. She's using Kim to make herself relevant which is pretty sick when you consider how emotionally unstable Kim is. I felt bad for Kyle, Brandi's determined to make her look bad regardless of her reaction. Imagine if Kyle hadn't tried to talk to Kim after the comment, Brandi would've accused her of staying at the party with the cameras rather than ensuring Kim was safe. She'd go on and on about how she left and was the only one who cares about Kim. Loved Eileen shutting her down. She & LisaR certainly appear to have her number. I'm glad, I just Kim would realize she's playing with a snake who's certainly going to bite her eventually.
  18. Yes! I do not find Jordan attractive in the slightest. The model comment shocked me, I was waiting for him to laugh. Also, Averey is so gorgeous, I hope that wasn't her I saw kissing him. Would have loved to have seen Dustin with Heather as his partner. Loving Zach and Jonna having to work together,
  19. Was this the one where Puck got married or was that Battle of Sexes? I miss Emily Bailey.
  20. Was that salvia? Wow, I've been shocked by the before/after meth pics but this molly episode scared me more. Both girls were wrecked. Physically, their skin was so bad, all those bruises, and why did their hands look stained black? Mentally, they were gone, could barely form coherent sentences. Molly is a motherfucker, stay away kids.
  21. Loved the couple moving to Panama, especially the writer who eschewed all forms of exercise and liked "her wine". More real people like this please, HHI.
  22. Never realized how ridiculous and confusing this show is until I tried to explain to the people I made watch it with me last night. I would've thought teenage girls would enjoy this mess, but both ewwww'd multiple times as I explained the "plot". I just hope I'm not accused of contributing to the deliquency of minors because I also introduced them to Are you The One? I will say, that I adored seeing arguments over the cable box. I like the real life moments. Do we ever see Katie's apartment?
  23. These kids did not watch last season. Are they even trying to figure the matches out logically? Silly me for even asking that. This cast makes last years peeps look like MENSA members. Poor Ellie, I was sad that Anthony wasn't her match. Oh, and Jenny is not that cute. I find her annoying boring. I hope her eventual match is the dorky guy with the big ears, the one who was all stalkerish over the matched blonde chick.
  24. My favorite moment, when the cameraman zoomed in and lingered on the bottle of lube at Tom's apartment.
  25. Let me sum up the Adrienne diatribe..."waaaah, she was nice to me while working for/with me and then said mean things about me later, waaahh" Kat has her own issues, but when Eddie and Ben appear to dislike Adrienne as well, I know who I'm siding with...
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