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Everything posted by Cekrypton1

  1. Jason Alexander "acts" in that commercial like he is on a Broadway stage. It's a really weird choice. Almost as weird as his choice of wigs.
  2. I assume Aussie almost Inhuman James will become JT James?
  3. How can you not love Garner's unselfconscious cackle? So winning (and simultaneously annoying.)
  4. I thought Coulson's look of shock when Ward showed up on the security footage was well played by Clark Gregg. I just watched the past two episodes back to back, and maybe it's the lack of a week off between them, but it seems like there is finally some story momentum.
  5. I really loved the character beat of Darhk trying to explain away that he figured out Oliver was GA WITHOUT Andy's help. Such a nice little moment showing that he feels he always is the smartest guy in the room. If they get to a season six, the flashbacks should just be season one scenes with Tommy, Moira, and Laurel.
  6. After watching the Flash/Supergirl crossover last week with Silver Banshee, why can't Arrow's FX team put in the soundwave graphics when Canary screams? Because as it is now, KC looks so stupid, and I am mortified for her, when she has to do the Canary scream.
  7. Chiming in late to say that these two have amazing chemistry and both shows should be cancelled to make room for the Flash/Supergirl Power Hour.
  8. Fun fact: This season started four years ago with the summer of deception. What I am saying is that 30 episodes is a lot.
  9. I'm going to say it again: I think Zoom is Jay's Speed Force incarnated. Jay took the V7, which for some reason caused his speed force to separate from his body and become a stand-alone entity. That is why it's name is "Zoom".
  10. I will say Brandon thinking about selling his baseball cards in the 90s is remarkably prescient. Now that the collectors' market has collapsed, they are likely worth nada.
  11. Oh man, Liv's discussion of "homewords" made me miss the regular EHG commentary on these segments so much. Awesome entry today.
  12. All that talk from Dylan showcasing his knowledge of literature, and I notice Brandon is holding a copy of the Of Mice and Men Clif Notes when he first meets Jeff in the polka-dot vest.
  13. I feel like if he had started his music "career" ten years later, David could have had a credible Brandon Flowers-esque run.
  14. Re: the end of Royal Pains--"Summer's over guys. Summer's over FOREVER!"
  15. Oh Scandal, it wouldn't be a presidential election in your universe without one candidate having a dead/dying child card to play. "Little Cyrus Beene."--Sally Langston cuts HARD.
  16. Already Firestorm is too much of a deus ex machina (if he'd been used on the Acheron he'd have ended things in 20 seconds) that I understand why the powers that be downgraded his power set. But I agree that what they went with is underwhelming (and yet strangely, still the most powerful on the team.)
  17. Okay show, either find money for Firestorm effects, or completely give up the Firestorm idea and just use Jax and Stein on their own. It's ridiculous that they are not using Firestorm and are finding DUMB ways for them not to use Firestorm. Or, hey Hunter, they are a team, quit sending them on separate away teams.
  18. I realize that there'd be no show if they could just pop back and kill baby Savage, but it is such a gaping plot-hole, that it is almost criminally negligent that the writers didn't think of it and have some in-show dialog/reason for why this can't happen. They keep bopping around 1970-2046 looking to off Savage and it's all I can do to keep from yelling, "Go back and kill him as a baby!"
  19. Two things: Did no one think it odd that the heroes outed Oliver's secret ID to Mick and Snart? I mean, they knew who Barry is, but to the best of my knowledge, didn't know that Oliver was Green Arrow. So when they get back to 2016, these two will have that to hold over him. Point the second: What is keeping Hunter et al from going back in time to a week before the meteor shower changed Savage and killing him in his sleep? Has there been any in-story explanation for not doing the easiest thing possible?
  20. I have to assume at this point that "Zoom" is actually Jay's incarnated Speed Force, that somehow his messing with velocity-7 separated the Speed Force from him and gave it life. Hence the name "Zoom." Harry is just a great character, he says typing the obvious.
  21. I never realized, until Sarah mentions it, that the writers decided that wiping out the cast in a fiery bus crash could be the makings of a CHRISTMAS episode. I am still laughing.
  22. This is the first time I've ever enjoyed Bridget Reagan. Her "six-walls/cube" line is what put me over the top for Dottie.
  23. I know it's not, but in listening to this and the other episode with Jack Canner, I hear him as Garrett Dillahunt.
  24. Movie idea: RuPual gets elected President in "First Lady."
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