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Everything posted by Cekrypton1

  1. Tara's "Who made the moon? What kind of question is that? It's the moon, no one fucking made it."--Still laughing at this.
  2. A whole multiverse of Wells and each one is the best thing on their planet. Tom Cavanaugh is a national treasure.
  3. "Kryptonian kegels"--Ha! I figured the Kara/James romance would never go anywhere for that precise reason. The old "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex" problem, gender-flipped.
  4. There is no way that house is from the 1930s. Take an architecture appreciation class, Allison.
  5. It's here--the most notorious 90210 episode I never saw. I may actually try to watch if first, before listening.
  6. Okay, Ray is knocked out and divested of his suit on a weekly basis. It literally happens every week--we see it. And yet, the only way to stop the suit this time is to blow it up? Weak, writers, so weak. I will say at least this week divesting Ray of his suit allowed for perhaps the greatest Heatwave one-liner of the entire series: Ray: I designed it so an idiot could use it. Mick: An idiot does. Pardon the pun, but that is a quality burn.
  7. The previous two seasons, the big bads were occultish assassins, and before that superhuman assassin. How is Church even a threat, let alone still walking around? I mean, we already had Brick, so team Arrow should be up on how to take out menacing, thuggish gang leaders.
  8. David T. Cole: "Warlords get shit done." Tara: "Thank you!" That was the best laugh of the day. Also, Tara and Sarah's defense of raisins was the same point, so technically it was two arguments for raisins, one (repeated) against.
  9. Brandon's "I could be in a limo with Steve right now" evinced a loud--"Then why aren't you? You clearly don't care!" from me. Could we put to bed the TV trope of the obnoxious, lived harder than our character, prickly, rehab guy? So, so tired. One enduring question I have about the hearing--who are those other people in the room as spectators and why are they there? Why? The only ones who want to be there voluntarily are Alex and Janice. Who would go to this meeting for shits and giggles?
  10. Sampson pulling himself off the arrow was a pretty awesome move. And I loved Ollie's, "I trusted my team to do their job" line to Sampson. Like, ooooh, sick management theory burn, Green Arrow!
  11. Also, I was a little thrown when Kelly tells Jackie she has school and Jackie's reply is, "Nothing is more important than this!" Really? Modeling is more important than school? Chill, Jackie.
  12. As God is my witness, I'd always remembered LuAnne as Grace Zabriskie
  13. Anyone else having issues with this not showing up in iTunes podcast feed?
  14. I will give the show credit that they were pretty subtle about working in references to Brandon doing student president work, as that will become crucial later. A rare case where the writers were actually on top of things.
  15. "Peter" is President's Choice Eric Stoltz.
  16. The way Angela was talking to Tyrell, it sounded like the talk of someone in charge. Remember when she reminded Darlene of when they were kids, Elliot and Darlene would act like they were smarter than Angela? I wonder if, based on their childhoods, Angela knows a way to trigger Mr. Robot to become the dominant personality, and she and Mr. Robot have been planning this Evil Corp revenge together? I love when we get to see Mr. Robot, channeled by Elliot, interact with other characters. Mallek does a good job of subtlely shading his performance in the conversation with Tyrell in the car, with some Slater-ness.
  17. Also, my prediction re: Wellick is that he is alive and that post-hack, Elliot turned him over to Scott WhatHisName, of the murdered wife. And he's being held/tortured in Scott's house. Not a spoiler, just my speculation.
  18. Like Sarah, I too am suspicious of Price's speech. He's far too smart and clever to subscribe to standard megalomania. Aren't fSociety still inside the FBI, via the femtocell hack? And Angela knows this. Why not just have Darlene and the other wipe whatever evidence they have on fSociety/Angela and solve her (Angela's) problems that way?
  19. I always mis-remember Josh dying--I keep thinking he's walking and gets whacked by the truck. The scene with the car always surprises me.
  20. I believe Mrs. Wellick calls Eliiot "Ollie" as that is how he identified himself to her when they met outside her apartment at the end of S1. It was in the previouslies for this episode, so it's not exactly any new bombshell piece of information. That is how she knows him, not that Eliot has been Angela's ex- Ollie all this time.
  21. Meant to add: I initially thought the burp was Dave interrupting (sorry Dave) and laughed even harder when I realized it was the baby.
  22. As Sarah notes, Dylan's situation is well-deserved. It is the natural endpoint to all of his "college is just the man telling you what to learn" BS. There are billions of people on the planet without wealth, who have all learned to get by. Yet remove the money from Dylan and he is about as useful and resourceful as Onnn-drea's baby. Poor little rich boy is not a good look for anyone, but even worse for Dylan "I'm a student of life" McKay.
  23. Isn't teen girls looking for a dead body Pretty Little Liars?
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