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Kiss my mutt

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Everything posted by Kiss my mutt

  1. I wonder how they justify being in such worldly publications anyway? Would they call it witnessing? I'm thinking its more cha-Ching!
  2. So is Jason's job a seller on ebay? I thought he worked somewhere else?
  3. I think her daughter with the short red hair and glasses should get power of attorney of her mom when she's 18. CPS might need to stop by.
  4. I thought we saw the gender reveal on the previews when she pulled that kid out of a box. I think I've seen it a good 7-8 times.
  5. Welcome and thank you, Kacky! Loved your analysis of vocal fry and historical development. Very interesting. :)
  6. Kind of funny they were defending "Devil's Den". I can imagine the kids repeating that to their under schooled family after the trip. Hubs walked in when Anna was announcing the "gender reveal" party and seemed a bit horrified at what that could mean. And he's from Arkansas.
  7. I'm surprised they didn't apply their courtship rules and only ask for married couples. And what if I get aroused by all this kissing?
  8. I am thinking that Chelsea's mom was directing the meat packing comment to her daughter to show her how limited his options were compared to in Nicaragua. Maybe I'm reading too much into it. Chelsea definitely bugs as to how selfish she is. On a side note, she went to the same college as my sil. Anderson is a small private Christian school. She said lots of students got married in school or right after implying it was to not commit sexual sin. What this has to do with Chelsea-probably nothing.
  9. I wonder if Mo is the laughing stock of the Tunisian "bezness"? I think if anything he got scammed thinking Danielle was better off than she was. So I say: Dear Mo, Bezness: you're doing it wrong. KMM
  10. Dear Cassia, Ombré: you're doing it wrong. KMM
  11. I guess I can understand why Jill didn't know the proposal song was about them since it sounds like every other contemporary Christian rock song out there.
  12. I'm not sure why other salons locally would buy their house products. Wouldn't that be advertising for unique?
  13. Not to imply jennice is big at all but they way she went on about being so tiny confused me. She seemed fairly average. Also, not really the thing you want to keep emphasizing when you want to be taken seriously as a deck hand. Can't have it both ways.
  14. Jason is going to deserve every heaping coal Cassia dumps on his head. He has had plenty of warning as to what kind of girl she is and what makes him think he is so special that it will work out with him when it didn't with his friend? Hopefully his friend was smart enough not to keep putting up with her crap and got the hell out of there. I did like his dad though. Can't wait to see his expressions when she is there. Love me some Amy. I thought it was funny when she answered that stupid question with she was worried it would hurt. What did these morons think she should say?
  15. How fun! You'll have to tell us about it. I saw they were on tour. I'll have to see if they make it to nc!
  16. Thanks! Yeah same here. This season I am really digging Sal. I usually favor Murr. But that whole senior park presentation at the town hall meeting was so funny. Probably my favorite skits are the presentations where they don't know the topics and have to wing them. Also thought it was funny that Sal got recognized at the drugstore. I doubt they could get past me but I'd play along. They need a chick on the show! Murr has such an unassuming look about him I often think he gets away with more.
  17. Do you guys think Murr really married Jenna (Sal's sister) on the last episode?
  18. I think that is cool they are doing their kiss privately. I don't even mind so much if it's just to be different! What I didn't get was if they were kissing before the ceremony or after. And if it was after what did they do instead of kiss when they were pronouced husband and wife? And what kind of guidance do you think the pastor was giving? You go right and you go left?
  19. I kinda felt sorry for Brett in the beginning but now I just want to slap him into the middle of next week for being such a ninny. He's gonna get shit on but he seems like such a dumbass that he probably won't notice. Sorry to be so negative. Maybe it's his lips that are getting to me. I really don't know what Chelsea's rush is to get back to Illinois. In Nicaragua she might enjoy some celebrity status. She keeps repeating how much he is sacrificing and you'd follow the person you love but I don't see her doing that. I'd much rather hear here speak Spanish anyway. Her voice is annoying in English. And yes I also call bs that there is no running water in the country. Like another poster said I wonder what Chelsea does for a living. What is it with these grown ass people expecting their parents to support them?
  20. As a teacher, I was really appalled at how the PE teacher conducted himself on tv. He works with third and fourth graders? And as a parent I would never want my kids to be in his class. I also don't think he's as hot and a catch as he thinks he is. I feel like Danielle is being taken advantage of. I wouldn't think she would pass a psych screen. She doesn't seem capable of making good decisions and you can see how her daughters have to play parent with her. I would really be concerned she might do something drastic if this falls through. It looks like she has a son too who doesn't live with her?
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