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Kiss my mutt

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Everything posted by Kiss my mutt

  1. I agree, I see Tawney as living the life she feels she is supposed to as a Christian wife. She decorated their house in a typical fashion with the cross and inspirational quotes on the walls, she stays at home, serving her husband, always deferential and soft-spoken, she meets his physical needs by cooking and sleeping with him and dresses modestly and unassumingly in non-descript dresses and skirts. But it all feels hollow. Her need for security replaces her yearnings for freedom and to develop her inner self. Daniel appears to be the impetus that makes her want to ask more from life, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. I'm looking forward to seeing her metamorphosis, at least I hope there is one. Just edited to add: I really love the subtext of this show. It's not always the things that are said but unsaid.
  2. When Daniel was first let out, Jared started getting obscene texts, some of them threatening to slit his sister's throat. He hid it from his parents but his friend Claire convinced him to talk to Jon, the lawyer and his sister about it. I'm not sure if his parents ever found out but it was weird that it was never mentioned again or followed up on. Just kind of my take on it.
  3. I can't use lanolin either. I don't know if it makes a difference that it is "medical grade" as they liked to point out incessantly. My husband and I started joking around calling things around the house medical grade. Like, this is really good medical grade ice cream. I thought their logo was bland. Maybe if they could tie it in with New Zealand sheep it might be sexier product. Not sure why deciding a product that only makes up 3% of sales is worth expanding but I guess that was her original vision and Marcus took her back to that.
  4. I do admire that Heather has resisted the urge to get Hollywood breasts at least. Not sure if terry has looked in a mirror but Paul is much more attractive. Terry comes off as a whiney bitch.
  5. I guess I may be missing an important element but is banishment that bad other than having to admit guilt of course. It would have been understandable if the family moved after Daniel was imprisoned. It's not like the tire company is thriving and they would have had a more expansive market if they moved somewhere else. Plus less stigma for Amantha and Jared to have grown up with. I'm just not getting why they all move out of that corrupt hell hole. I'm from Georgia so I know a lot of my relatives would never think to cross a state line to live (they look at me askance for moving to nc)but in this case I think it would be doable. Does anybody else think that Teddy could have sent those texts to Jared? Just crossed my mind. I love Daniels character even though I sometimes just want him to spit it out. Also love Adelaide Clemons from Parade's End as Valentine Wannop. She is so adorable. Just on a pickier note: I'm not buying those Georgia accents.
  6. I only remember Pia Zadora from the song When the Rain Begins to Fall with Jermaine Jackson. And those silver suits they were wearing.
  7. Way to keep it real, Heather, calling a wart a growth. I did okay with the Vicky scene since I had seen it being previewed a few dozen times already.
  8. The mural wasn't my taste but it definitely had a Miami/Cuban vibe so I thought it worked okay.
  9. The only thing that Meghan got right was at the end when she said she made the decision to not invite her and would accept the consequences.
  10. Heather seems like type that could slight you and then have you believing it's your fault or you're overreacting. I kind of soured on her ever since she and Kristin did the belay down the side of the hill. Not to mention tough mudder.
  11. Kristen gets very little air time but you can always count on her bringing up blowjobs. They should have made that her tag line. I may be pretty but I still have to give my prick husband blowjobs.
  12. Yeah, that sure didn't look like an engagement ring. I wonder if she was a little disappointed.
  13. I'm three episodes in and am confused by who the blond Jesus lady that is always in the background is. Is she a friend of the housewives. I had all but forgotten Lizzie was ever on this show until she showed up. I so want Shannon to be okay. I'm not sure how that looks in her world but for a start I think she needs to let up on herself and just be. FTR I probably would have reacted the same to Meghan's phone call since it would have caught me off guard and I was driving with kids in the back.
  14. I was surprised that They never made use of the phone number of the girl from the bar that Danny stuck in his shirt. I was expecting this would cause a greater wedge between Diana and John. I'm wondering if Danny wanted to be killed by his family as an act of revenge. He sure didn't seem like he was trying to live with all the recklessness in his life.
  15. I'm intrigued by the increasing stash of non-cashed checks in Danny's glove compartment.
  16. I'd like to see anyone swap with gwenyth Paltrow.
  17. I don't get uptv but I just have to see this chick's hair.
  18. How is basement Ryan getting so much ass? I didn't even think his balls had dropped.
  19. I really thought Davina handled herself well up against the experts. They were getting all riled up and emotional and she just stated her opinion and stayed calm while not letting their accusations to unchallenged.
  20. I can't believe shauna is only 43. Her plastic surgery or whatever she has done to her face makes her look a good ten years older. When she was giving her spiel about her past husbands it was pretty pathetic. Like that is the only thing she could say about her life. I definitely feel for her daughters.
  21. I'm thinking Tami supports Reggie? Maybe she got a decent settlement from her divorce. I not sure what Reggie does.
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