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Kiss my mutt

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Everything posted by Kiss my mutt

  1. I’m having a hard time even finding cute tops that aren’t cropped, so the tucks is the last thing I need. I might look at the glasses. I wear my readers on my head so much I have a grove in my scalp from them. Wow! No food items this time. That’s a first.
  2. I bet Lawson is excited because it proves he actually had sex with a woman once.
  3. I broke my toe and didn’t even go to the doctors. What was I thinking?!
  4. I’m loving Clint’s suit! Gina, try again, sweets.
  5. I’m befuddled and confused by Chris but could it be he’s really in love with her? I’d like to think so, but he always looks like he signaling for help!
  6. Pepper’s face looks good. She finally got it right. Or her plastic surgeon did.
  7. Airris going on about how much he love himself and Jas should do the same. I’m like she does love herself, she’s divorcing your ass.
  8. Good lord, Kris was bugging me when she kept saying “I’m done!l and then stomping out only to return to say how done she was three more times. Okay, bish. I really hope they say something about her pushing Jeymie and she gets railed for that on one of these shows. That’s inexcusable and as someone else mentioned, there’s no way that would stand of if she had a male partner who did that. If she does that on camera, who knows what would she’s like behind closed doors. I’m sure this isn’t the first time she’s had a physical altercation with someone. She’s pure trash.
  9. I guess it’s easier to fake hobbling around for weeks on end than it is to fake seizures. I bet her toe feels fine on days she wants to do something. Too bad she didn’t go to college because she could have majored in theatrical performance.
  10. You can buy underwear complete with bulge on wish.com. Also biker shorts. Don’t ask me how I know. He could buy them there to resell with a huge markup with his story.
  11. I’m sure they are fine with that because you can’t repossess a hospital stay. These two sure know how to live in the moment.
  12. I really hope Dorinda gets a taste of her own medicine. That’s the only way it would be watchable with her in it. Such a vile, vile creature.
  13. They also found out how much a five day hospital stay for the test cost too and might interfere with more important spending like cars, furniture, vacations etc. I wonder if they have any bills, medical or otherwise that are in collections.
  14. Rishi and Jen has sex when she met him the first time and I think there might have been a second visit before COVID too when they were intimate. Then COVID happened and when she went back she said she wanted to wait until they were married to sweeten the deal to get him to commit.
  15. Wouldn’t it be awesome, if she swerved and didn’t get pregnant though. I might watch a video just to say thank you.
  16. Goodness, this show has been such a snooze for the most part. I loved the Australian version because it’s was much more authentic and there was a lot of promise for more of the couples-plus it was fun! This just paled in comparison.
  17. We’ll, it won’t be long before he’s love-bombing another Michelle/Serena look-alike. That guy is in love with being in love.
  18. I think it would have been better had it ended with episode 9 with them both going over the cliff and dying.
  19. Yeah, I also think this strategy is listed in the “How to Become a Parolee” handbook. This case was disturbing. These kids were like the children of Manson running wild. I keep trying to wrap my head around how gangster these kids were and how completely backwards those parents were letting it happen. I feel for Ricky’s parents and I hope they continue to have custodial rights over their grandchild.
  20. I’m hoping that the girl that Ori wants gives him the old heave-ho. His ego needs to be taken down several notches.
  21. I’m just watching to see if Gabe wears his backpack to his wedding, if he finally decides to come out of his room.
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