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Everything posted by reggiejax

  1. Well he was trying to kiss her right during her 'I love Joe' phase and right after he told her Joe wasn't a good guy. That might have had something to do with. I don't think Mikey is a bad lug. Just a bit dim. My point exactly. At what point was there ever ANY indication that Mikey was even remotely a choice Juelia considered? There was that one incredibly awkward moment with Mikey. That is it. Yet tonight we see Juelia acting as if choosing Mikey was the road not taken and begging Harrison to have Mikey come back. Such horseshit.
  2. I never thought I would be glad to see Ashley I crying again, but it was a welcome respite from the Joe/Juelia/Samantha crisis that seemingly was never going to end. Either that or she was going to be tossed into a volcano, what with a way the rest of the BIP cast (save Joe and Samantha) were straining their pea brains to figure out a way for her to stay. And all I could think was, how is their strategizing to keep Juelia around any different than what Joe did? Less douchey maybe, but really no different. Ironically, keeping her around placed her in a fate worth than death (or Joe). Now she's stuck with Mikey. And is it me, or was Juelia not the one who contorted herself in what can only be described as a full body dry heave to avoid having to kiss Mikey? But now apparently he was the one that got away. Good luck with that Juelia.
  3. I would love for this to be a trend, but it wouldn't exactly be new. Certainly not for NBC, which managed to make both a TV movie and a series based on Harper Valley PTA. I am pretty certain there have been other shows and/or TV movies based on songs. I can't think of them right now, but Harper Valley PTA immediately sprung to mind when I read this.
  4. Nope, you're not. I would rather watch the whole Biggs family every week rather than one minute of her. I just cannot stand that woman! I could never stand Michelle Money. Pretty much anything good anyone has to say about her, I believe the complete opposite, particularly the idea that she is funny. I would sooner laugh at Jason Biggs peeing on Chelsea Handler than at anything Michelle Money has to say. And Biggs urinating on Chelsea Handler basically sealed the idea with me that Biggs is nothing but a piece of human garbage. That's how much I can't stand Michelle Money.
  5. Joe is a dipshit, who looks like an uglier Beavis, but I agree this drama is much ado about nothing. All this handwringing and blubbering over that dufus. Where do they think they are? The show brings in new people every week for the sole purpose of doing what is happening right now, stirring up trouble with the various couples. I guess it is rather sleazy that Joe went in with a specific plan that called for using one of the women, but would Juelia really feel any better if Joe ditched her for Samantha in a more spontaneous manner? My guess is not really. Juelia should look on the bright side, ugly Beavis is Samantha's problem now. I am loving Ashley S. I was especially loving her correct usage of the word literally throughout the episode. Of course the streak literally ended when she misused it quite badly during the preview for tomorrow's episode. I like Carly, but I don't know what to make of the fact that she missed her brother's wedding to appear on BIP. I hope expressing her love for Kirk physically, which is the style in Bachelor Nation at this time, makes up for it.
  6. Hey, that's really unfair. What did wolves ever do to deserve such enmity? Mikey was being rather dramatic over a woman who could barely contain her distinct lack of interest in him. I love Tenley, and it saddens me that her two main suitors are Mr Villains gotta Vill and party boy Joshua. Joshua was bit too open with his drug experiences, but it did provide one of the funnier moments when Ashley S made a face as Josh regaled the group with tales of his use of Molly. Granted, Ashley S strikes me as more a fan of anti-psychotics, but that is still no reason for her to get all judgemental and icked out with her facial expressions. As for Joe, on The Bachelorette I merely thought he looked like a person who had been kicked in the head by a horse. But his time in Paradise seems to confirm that he almost certainly was. That boy ain't right.
  7. I haven't seen the show, so I don't know the context, but is it possible he said that because a 50 year old rock star would look like shit, ugly as sin, and older than his years? Especially those of the hard living, Keith Richards wannabe variety, as I presume Leary is playing?
  8. Regardless of the fact that people think very little of Sharon Osbourne as a person, she is a formidable and successful presence on the business end of the entertainment industry, and has been for years. She grew up in it. Her father was one of England's most successful, and notorious, managers. He managed a bevy of British rock groups, most notably Black Sabbath. And more significantly, he was the type of manager who made good on the reputation the music industry has for employing unsavory gangster types. Her father may not have been an actual gangster, but he certainly had the qualities to have been one. This is a man who, legend has it, sicced his dogs on the manager who took over Ozzy Osbourne's career after Ozzy left Black Sabbath. That new manager was Sharon. She was reportedly pregnant at the time, and lost the baby. Or so the legend goes. And though she was estranged from her father for years because of things like that, the apple did not fall too far from the tree. She may not have the penchant for inflicting violence like her father, but Sharon is no shrinking violet and you best come prepared for a fight if you are going to take her on. So yeah, people in the industry do give her a lot of leeway. If the price is letting her goony daughter have a career, so be it. She may come off as simply Ozzy's embattled loudmouth of a wife, but don't let that fool you. She is not to be underestimated.
  9. Speaking as a Latino, while what Kelly Osbourne said was incredibly ignorant, I don't think she is a racist. I think she has a narrow world view, no doubt molded by the life of privilege she has led. I imagine for her Latinos probably only come in two varieties: celebrities and the help. The best case scenario is that she simply isn't good at expressing her thoughts, which is frightening considering what is ostensibly her chosen (ie her mom got her the job) profession. But that "apology", such as it was. was pathetic. It was far more a case of her covering her ass than it was an expression of regret or an attempt to make amends. It is very telling that there was more swearing (those Osbournes keeping it classy as always) than there was any expression of just how exactly she views Latinos and our place in society. But in terms of foot-in-mouth scandals, this one rates very low. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to work. The Donald's gold plated crapper isn't going to clean itself. ;)
  10. Damn it. The last 10 minutes were preempted here in Chicago for a tornado warning. A few gusts of wind and everyone shits a brick. Babies. Last I saw was my precious Ashley S. being wheeled off with what was no doubt a case of avian flu she caught from those birds. Can anyone fill me in on what happened after that?
  11. Why? Regardless of what anyone may think of her, Whoopi Goldberg is indeed famous. She may be reduced to farting on national television on a daily basis, be they brain farts or those of the gaseous variety, but she is famous. When you say her name, people know who you are talking about and what she has done. I have heard of this Cara Delevigne woman, but like many "celebrities" of recent vintage, I have no idea why I have heard of her. Maybe one day I will find out what she does, like when I discovered that Rita Ora is in fact a singer. Not one whose music I have ever heard, but that is what she does. Imagine my relief at solving that mystery.
  12. As a high school loser (never made it with the ladies) who has often fallen head over heels based on polite smiles, I resent the comparison to Nick Vile. ;) Still, I thought Nick was going to be Kaitlyn's choice. I guess she got all she needed from him and decided to go with cro-magnon Shawn. Seriously, that guy looks like if you mashed up Scott Caan and The Situation, then dropped the newly created blob down the ugly tree a few times. I seriously do not see the Ryan Gosling comparisons he has been tagged with. But I guess beauty, such as it is, truly is in the eye of the beholder. I give Kaitlyn and Shawn until Labor Day. Seriously, Kaitlyn could not be more obvious with her attempts to feign interest in her final choice. The woman has so many tells, she should be banned from ever getting within 100 yards of a poker table for her own financial safety.
  13. I see my vote for Tenley is still all by its lonesome. Well I don't care, I love her and she is reason #1 for me to watch BiP. For the men I voted for JJ, but only because he is the only one I have no problem identifying. As for who I want to see show up, I voted for Britt. I have seen enough of everyone else on that list, and it would also mean that her "romance" with that dude whose name I can't remember clearly would have failed if she shows up. It will fail anyway, but her showing up on BiP would really drive it home.
  14. In my zeal to defend Norm, I totally forgot that Anthony Jeselnik as host makes this season a must see. He is very quick and sharp, especially when it comes to Norm. But even if he were phoning it in on LCS, I would still watch just for him because his performances on the Comedy Central Roasts, particularly the Mike Tyson roast, are legendary.
  15. I like Norm, and am willing to give him a lot of leeway, which I think I am going to find myself doing often on this season of LCS. The wording of his critique was extremely poor, but I got what he meant. He was saying that joke initially started out from a very specific point of view, but by the end the comedian had made it universal. As for Amy Miller, I disagree with Norm's idea that her joke could only be told by a black person, but wholeheartedly agree that she kind of crammed that one in and it did not really fit with what she had been doing up to that point. She went for being topical and edgy at the expense of the flow of her set. Overall I found myself enjoying more of the comedians than I ever had in previous years. I don't know if that means the comedians are better or (more likely) if the show simply decided to spare us the stiffs. Either way, it made for a better show.
  16. I don't know why they would need a 50 year old lead. Scott Bakula was in his mid to late 30's during the run of the show. Granted, the show's "present" was in the mid to late 90's, which would make Sam Beckett in his 40's, but that didn't preclude Bakula from playing the part. And in any case, the time period for Sam's leaping was essentially only a 35 year period, 1953 to the late 80's. There would be no reason that a new show couldn't restrict leaps to the time period of, for example, 1980 through 2015. That era certainly includes historical equivalents to anything Sam would have encountered. Be it national tragedy (9/11 instead of JFK), war (Iraq/Afghanistan instead of Vietnam), and any number of social movements. As far as lame jokes about Friends, grunge or anything else in the pop cultural firmament, the original Quantum Leap was hardly above goofing on some easy targets. Be it disco, glam rock, or the 70's in general.
  17. I cannot believe I didn't realize this before, but the reporter, Ruben Salazar, is another real life person from that time and place being portrayed on this show. Ruben Salazar was a reporter who was heavy into that era's Chicano movement. I don't know if he ever "outed" a cop as actually being Latino, but he certainly was a thorn in the LAPD's side. In case you want to know more about Ruben Salazar.
  18. The general opinion was that Manson was not untalented, but he was raw as hell, especially as a guitar player. And as such the songs he wrote required a lot of work to make them into something truly listenable. Probably more work than is worth the effort. I have heard a few of his songs, and they sound far better when someone else performs them than when Manson does. And this is just my opinion, but I think "Look at Your Game Girl" is a really great song regardless of who performs it, though not surprisingly the best version is the one done by Guns n Roses. The show featured Manson playing this song on one of the early episodes (I think it might have been the premiere) and it sounds pretty good even in what is supposed to be a very raw form. Funny enough, one of the music industry people, I believe it was Dennis Wilson's friend Gregg Jakobsen, thought Manson might have possibly made it is a novelty act. Mostly because his true musical talent was that he could improvise a little ditty on the spur of the moment, and make it, if not great musically, at least entertaining. They felt that he was so good at improvising lyrics that, had he been born 30 years later, he might have been a rapper. A tremendous irony considering how racist Manson is towards black people.
  19. In real life doctors will be OB/GYN, but on The Cosby Show, the gynecological end of Cliff's profession was virtually never referred to. For the audience's purposes, Cliff delivered babies. And that is about all we ever got regarding his profession. And in any case, his career was more referenced than portrayed. I could probably count on my fingers the number of episodes that showed him at work. And I think I would have plenty of fingers left over.
  20. Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable was an obstetrician, not a gynecologist.
  21. Did not know that about Ramon Novarro. Then again, I only knew his name and that he was a discount Valentino. Personally I thought the character was an amalgam of the endless Hollywood Mysteries and Scandals (cue AJ Benza) that have occured over the years. A bit of Rock Hudson for the star with a hidden sexual life, a dash of Thomas Ince for the studio coverup, and a heaping helping of Sal Mineo for the murdered faded star angle. But I think Ramon Novarro was clearly the inspiration here.
  22. That was my line of thinking as well, but as has been pointed out, both on the Aquarius forum and especially the Astronaut Wives Club forum, just because it happened in real life many years ago, doesn't mean people necessarily know about it. Even if it is information that seems like it should be general knowledge, we can't assume that everyone knows it. And that is a valid point, if a bit disheartening at times.
  23. Before seeing the photo, as I was reading this, I thought Tina was played by Linda Purl. She is the one I associate with "Like Normal People". Imagine my surprise when I saw it was Julie Anne Haddock from the Facts of Life. I don't remember her from "Like Normal People", perhaps because she was not constantly saying "Rajah" throughout the movie (and yes I know I am going to hell), but a quick check on IMDB confirms Miss Haddock's appearance in that classic TV movie. I imagine younger readers think you are joking around, but in fact that is a pretty accurate estimate of the length of Garrett's fame. As was once said about Michael Scott, "And just like that, as mysteriously as he arrived, he was gone".
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