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Everything posted by mrsh

  1. I cannot stand Karl. She lives to find reasons to be miserable. What exactly is wrong with Jo moving to make her life easier and be closer to Isaac? Oh, because Karl believes Isaac needs to be in one household during the week? Well tough shit manatee! Its not about what you and your 500 chins believe, its about what's best for Isaac! She will never be happy, until she gets Jo out of Isaacs life and then she'll bitch about Jo being a piece of crap. I'm sure Javi got shook around once Karl found out Vee was pregnant. Probably doesn't help that Vee is the most gorgeous pregnant woman ever and Karl is just a manatee. I hope when Isaac gets a bit older he asks to go live with Jo. I get that Karl had a rough childhood, but build a bridge and get over it Karl. Instead of marrying Javi for the benefits and getting hideous tattoos she should have gotten therapy for herself to work out her issues. Its obvious that she tries to be large and in charge by abusing her husband, but deep down she's super insecure. Oh and Leah, Jenelle and Adumb are all huge turds.
  2. She's toned and almost ten years older now, but its absurd to say she was chubby back then. At most she was probably a size 4 when she was on Ugly Betty. With young girls and women having body image issues it's ridiculous to say a size 4 woman is chubby.
  3. Not trying to pick on you, but when was she ever chubby on Ugly Betty? She had a rocking body way back then, I'm rewatching Ugly Betty and even with the tacky Hilda Suarez clothes you can tell she had an amazing body.
  4. I feel so bad for Bruce having to deal with his selfish, shrew daughters and step daughters. Fyi Khloe, Bruce isn't required to run each and every decision he makes by you. Youre a 30 year old woman, so try having some empathy and imagine how difficult it's been for him to live a lie for 65 years. I thought Khloe was being ridiculous and self centered and it was so unecessary for her to drag Kendall into her pity party. Also, why weren't Bruce's kids included in this special. All the K girls didn't need to be there, it should have been Kendall, Kylie and his kids. No need for the kartrashian girls to be there. Also, lol at kylie acting all freaked out about the facial surgeries Bruce is planning. Like she hasn't gone through them herself lol
  5. So I just watched the big Tyler/Catelyn and B&T showdown. B&T came across as just the sweetest people to me. Even with mega douche Tyler coming at them and being a huge baby, Teresa never lost her cool. If anything she tried to empathize with douchelord and see things from his perspective. Kudos to Cate for admitting she's screwed up in the past. But she needs to smavk Tyler every tine he refers to Carly as his kid
  6. So by your statement, all men and boys are rapists who randomly attack innocent women?
  7. This episode was annoying. Glad to see that the parents finally paid some attention to Bay. Got to say that I agree with what Mary Beth told Travis. As women, we need to be smart and not put ourselves in dangerous situations. Now that doesn't mean that its right for anyone to be raped. In a perfect world women could walk around naked, get wasted and nothing bad would happen, but life isn't fair ad the reality is we need to protect ourselves from potentially bad situations. John blaming Tank and saying it didn't matter that Tank was drunk, as the guy he needed to be responsible for Bay was ridiculous. So as women, we're too delicate and feeble minded to be responsible for our own sexuality? Yes, great lesson to give young women. Get wasted, have sex, regret it and all the blame can go on your equally drunk partner.
  8. I agree with you as far as not getting wasted and drinking in moderation. So then in this case Bay should take this as a lesson learned to not get so wasted that she blacks out and can't remember who she had sex with. Again, why is it just the males responsibility? Each of us has to be responsible for how much we drink and not rely on someone else to "take care" of us. If Tank had been sober then it would be a different story, but what has been shown to us so far seems like drunk sex, which isn't rape.
  9. Bay is only a victim of poor decisions on her part. Unless we get a full depiction of what really happened and we find out Bay was unconscious while Tank had sex with her then she wasnt raped. By the way, I've also had drunken moments in my youth when I blacked out, and you can be fully conscious and seem just fine and not remember what happened the next morning. What are young men to do in a situation like this? Do they need to get a written statement from girls they have sex with, in case said girl can't remember the next morning? Why is it the man's responsibility? Also, tank didn't beat or kill her so no need for the dramatics. Unless we get a scene with what really happened from the show, then it seems like a case of drunk sex and nothing more.
  10. I feel both Bay and Tank are equally at fault for this situation. I say this as a mother to a 14 year old son and two daughters, but if you were in Tank's shoes and your friend that you had drunk sex with implied that you raped her how would you take it? This situation can ruin Tank's life and label him a sex offender for life. They were both drunk and if Bay claims she can't remember, how can she be certain she pushed him away? Why is it just the males responsibility to make sure she was ok to have sex with? Both made a bad choice, but if Tank was drinking then his decision making was impaired and if Bay was leading him on then I can see how they ended up having sex. It was both their faults, so for Bay to act like a poor victim of Tank the rapist is ridiculous.
  11. I feel the same way. I feel like Bay made a bad mistake by drinking so much, and as a result she had sex with Tank and regretted it in the morning. It happens and sucks, but that doesn't make it rape. Seems like Tank was just as wasted as Bay, and if she gave him signs that she was into it then he wouldn't have been in the state of mind to question it. From the previews for next week though, it seems that ita gonna be a witch hunt against Tank. Which ticks me off because I don't think he did anything wrong.
  12. I'm tired of Bay being a punching bag and the writers making her into a weenie. Hiw is she responsible for what happened to the blond girls boyfriend? HE took the drugs, Bay was just an innocent bystander who also got burned by his dumb choices. Why was Bay so apologetic? Whatever blond girls problems are they sure aren't Bay's fault. That whole part just irritated me. Tired of Daphne getting everything handed to her.
  13. I'm not a huge fan of eithe Maddie or Shia LaBoeuf but am I missing something? Is he a pedophile or accused of it in real life? I know he's had some problems but I don't find him or the video disturbing because of his personal life. I finally saw the video and thought it was beautiful. I didn't see anything inappropriate save maybe the nude color costumes, but to me it was pretty clearly about a child's rocky relationship with her father. I think to talk about calling CPS is taking it way too far, Melissa is a shitty mom for a lot of reasons but I don't think this video is one of them.
  14. I love David Tennant so it hurt my soul to hear him described as dull and talentless. Gracepoint was not his best work, he was much better in Broadchurch and fantastic on Doctor Who. Admittedly, I wasn't a huge fan of Gracepoint, except for the ending and extra episode it was an exact copy of Broadchurch. I didn't care for Anna Gunn though, her portayal of Ellie paled in comparison to Olivia Colemann. I was also surprised that Michael Pena wasn't very good in this, as I have enjoyed him in other roles. Although, I thought he did a good job in the scene where he confronts Joe.
  15. What can I say about this train wreck that hasn't already been said...Tori is just so unlikeable, I love how she still doesn't understand why Mary Jo told her to own what she did. Tori is so lacking self awareness that its baffling. As for Dean, his tantrum about Mary Jo just proves what douchecanoe he truly is. I'm ashamed to say, my ex husband was just like Dean and not just by being a fat, bloated unemployed liar, but anytime he got called out by anyone he would throw a fit just like Dean did. He would only do it when he knew what you were saying was true. I would feel sorry for Skeletori but she's just so dumb that I think those two idiots deserve each other.
  16. Brett reminds me of the overemotional character that Brendan Fraser played in Bedazzled. Lol
  17. I think Justin's family would have handled the news ok, if Darth Vader would have kept her trap shut. I don't know if she was drunk or if she's always that rude, but I give Evelin credit for staying conposed during her interrogation. Justins mom seemed to take the news in stride and was polite at least. Off topic, but Darth's facial expressions reminded me of a Ghostface mask, so maybe they need to rethink her nickname. As for Mohammed, he may be using Danielle for a green card but he comes across as a nice guy. I liked him better this episode.
  18. My first thought when I saw that Kirlyam doesn't have her green card yet was " I bet Alan is either hiding it or delaying the process". I get the vibe he wants to keep her dependent on him for everything, and wouldn't be happy to have her working and interacting with people he doesn't know.
  19. I can't believe this is the same show from a few seasons ago. I just can't believe that Bobby and Chibs would just blindly follow Jax as he careens toward self destruction and not even try to stop him. It feels like these characters are a shadow of their former selves. Does Jax even care that Tara, the supposed love of his life and mother of his kids is dead? Has he even spent any real time with his kids who just lost their mom? Also, I dont buy that Chibs would be attracted to the sheriff, it just feels so forced. I'll stick around to the end, but its been a disappointing season thus far.
  20. Maybe in the end Tara will wake up in the hospital after her hand got crushed and we'll be told that from that point on it was all a dream. Tara will finally put her brain to use, realize Jax is never leaving the club and get the boys and herself the hell away from Charming. I've gotta say this season hasn't been what I expected. I don't expect a happy ending but with Tara's death there's really no one to root for, maybe Nero but even he's caught up in Gemma's web of lies.
  21. So I finally caught this train wreck. I thought Kendra's hysterical sobbing when her friend got there was fake. All the crying noises and scrunched up face yet I saw no tears. I doubt I'll be watching episode two.
  22. The feeling I get from Javi is that he sees himself as having won a prize by getting with Kail. He got himself a white woman and has a child with her. Some Hispanic's feel they make it big by hooking up with a white man/woman. I think that's also why Kail is such a bitch to Javi, sometimes she talks to him like he's slow abd he just gives his fish lipped smile and takes it. I never saw her act like that when she was with Jordan. I may be wrong but that's my feeling. Also, javi is jealous abd insecure about Jo. That explains why he had to knock kail up so quickly and why he's obsessed with trying to replace Jo as Isaacs father. Seriously, his obsession with isaac is so creepy.
  23. Well Kail is the queen of hypocrisy, chins and scarves
  24. I'm not even halfway done with this episode, but I just can't with these idiots. Kail- first off virtual high five to Jo for being so calm and composed toward Kailyn and her five quivering chins. She is so ignorant and selfish, hello your son is half Hispanic and his haircut was cute. Much better than those ghetto designs that Blob and mighty mouse shaved into his head. You want to talk about looking like a thug? Shame on mighty mouse for not speaking up and setting her straight. Although, he was probably afraid he'd get Hulk Smashed like usual. I still maintain that Kail's real problem is she still loves Jo, is pissed she can't have him so she married mighty mouse so she wouldn't be alone. It eats her up that Isaac is the spitting image of Jo so she resorts to always starting ridiculous drama with Jo to make his life hell for not being with her. I have no doubt if Jo was ever interested in hooking up, she would be there in a hot minute. Leah- custody is about what's best for the girlses, not what's best for you. She may love them, but she doesn't take care of them like they deserve, if she's so stressed then why not let Corey have them and give them the stability they need? By the way, Corey isn't trying to take away her children (which aren't just hers, but his as well) she would still see them and have access to them, but now Corety would make sure they get to all of Ali's appointments. Of course, for Leah irs not about that, she's obviously more worried about receiving as much child support money from corey as possible. Also, where the heck is Adderall? Leah is always shown going out with friends or spacing off in bed or the couch, when does she take care of her kids? Jenelle- she's delusional and Gaythan gives me the creeps. He probably hasn't abused Jace yet, but if given the chance he will. Babs needs to keep Jace at all costs. Also, what the hell was Jenelle saying about it being barbras fault that she doesn't have jace? Hello you delusional bitch, you lost custody because you preferred partying, drugs and chasing dick to your own son! All of which is your fault! She should be kissing Barbras ass for taking care of Jace Chelsea- keep doing what you're doing. Stay away from Adumb's dick and keep focused on Aubree and yourself. I seriously need to stop watching this trash, it gives me high blood pressure from all the stupid.
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