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Everything posted by mrsh

  1. I agree with you. Based on Elizabeth's description on Andrrrrrei I was expecting a rude, pushy, abusive neanderthal. Yet, the Andrrrrei that I have seen seems like a really nice guy. He's serious and straightforward and takes no bullshit, but doesnt seem controlling. The club thing doesn't bother me at all. He never said Elizabeth couldnt go out with her girlfriends, she said that. Also, I haven't seen him have a bad temper. If he did, then he would have blown up at her dad and brother and instead he was calm and never even raised his voice. She is setting him up to look bad, and that makes her look worse in my opinion.
  2. Kanal!! I about choked on my breakfast quesadilla, I'm seriously dying!!
  3. Brianna just loves drama and to be honest, she is a puta just like Kwhale is. No doubt Brianna would fuck any man who tells her she's pretty and shows interest. I can let her first tweet about seeing Jo go, but when it was suggested that she would fuck him she added fuel to the fire with her comment. If she had any morals or class, she would have shut that down by saying that was going too far and inappropriate. This is Brianna though and I think we all know that if Jo ever lost his mind and was willing Brianna would be on her back in an instant.
  4. the fantasy of a family was a strong pull for her it seems. I was a teen mom myself and while my son's father was nowhere as bad as Adumb, I foolishly tried to make it work for about 2 years after my son was born. It took failure after failure for it to sink in that it wasnt gonna work. Of course now, almost 20 years later I cringe thinking about that time because I was being stupid, but at the time I couldn't see clearly. So I can see where Chelsea was coming from. Like i said, she's not perfect and made stupid choices. She seems head over heels for Cole and I have a feeling she probably looks back at her time chasing after Adumb with embarrassment.
  5. Chelsea definitely has flaws, but do do you, me and every human being. She's made really stupid choices and has suffered in her own way. The difference is that she seems to have learned (slowly, but at least she learned) and now appreciates what she has. She loves Aubree and has shown self awareness when she realized that she chose a terrible father for Aubree. If she wants to be a stay at home mom and have a family are valid goals and I'm sure Randy has made sure that she and the kids are set for life. I personally don't see how she can be compared to Jenelle, Kail or Leah, they are all messes who havent learned a thing and will go on to continue their messed up lives once the show ends.
  6. Absolutely. Having kids play in the frontyard, unattended is definitely being left to fend for themselves. Especially, as Jenelle and Lurch were locked in their bedroom, apparently asleep. It's one thing to let your kids play in a fenced backyard while the parents are inside. Also, lets be real, its not like Jenelle was using this situation to show the kids the joy of using their imaginations and playing outside. She and Lurch wanted them out of their hair, and there was no concern for the kids safety. Also want to point out that just because stranger abductions are rare doesnt mean it is safe to let your 6 year olds out alone. What kind of parent takes the chance and says " well, odds are they won't get kidnapped, so what the heck, have them play by the road!"
  7. I'm gonna have to disagree with you on this. Jace and Maryssa are 8 or 9, and not old enough to play in the front yard, which is where they were, unsupervised. Much less, watching Kaiser out in front of the house. If they had been in a gated backyard, then it wouldn't be an issue. They were sent out front, because Jenelle and Lurch are too lazy to go out with them to supervise them and wanted them out of the way.They are kids and should not be left to fend for themselves while their loser parents sit in their room getting high or being on their phones. Barb is Jace's mom in all they ways that count, and she left him with Jenelle, hoping that she could trust J to watch him, and maybe spend time with the kid, since you know, she constantly cries about how all she wants is her son back. So when she saw the kids were just sent out front where they could have been kidnapped or ran over she was rightly pissed.
  8. I nearly spit out my coffee at carvalanche!!!
  9. Briana is a complete dunce. I'm not surprised that she clicked with Jenelle, they are both idiots who make terrible life choices. Not surprised at all by Lurch pulling a knife out in a fit of rage, it concerns because it shows the facade he is putting up crumbling. I can see him killing Jenelle in a fit of rage, and also killing The Roll and Jace to spite Nathan and Babs. Those kids need to be removed from the home asap and not allowed to spend time alone with either UBT or Jenelle.
  10. This really brraks my heart, because it cobfirns what we all already knew, that that bastard Lurch is abusing The Roll. I am in tears just thinking about that monster raising a hand at that adorable chunker, the fact that he had the nerve to punch a 2 year old while Jenelle was most likely there and knows what is going on just pisses me off so much. I hope Lurch and Jenelle woyld just die already, they are both monsters and I have no pity for her. The only victims are the kids.
  11. I'm just so happy that The Roll is getting kisses and cuddles from someone. God knows the beast he crawled out of can't be bothered to kiss his sweet little face.
  12. I'm sure by then UBT will have murdered Jenelle and buried her on The Land, assuming he isnt caught I would imagine that with Jenelle being "missing" there would be zero reason for Jace or the Roll to be around UBT
  13. I'm not picking on you by any means but this made me chuckle a little. When I got married and before I had kids, I said the same thing and for the most part was able to do a decent job of it. Then my youngest was born and everything changed, ky house is a mess, clean, but not a magazine spread by any means. He is 20 months now and is a high maintenance kid, so he needs to be close to me at all times and I can only take so much screaming so I choose to spend time with him versus cleaning. I think Chelsea may be priorotizing her time with her kids over organizing and cleaning as well. Mind you, if I made the money she does I would hire a cleaning lady and maybe get my house professionally organized. I'd like to have a beautiful home, but for now it will have to wait. Also, I think it would be awful if Cole thought Chelsea wasn't pulling her weight by cleaning. He seems like an understanding guy and I think he is happy to have her stay home with baby Watson, instead of shipping him off to daycare like Jenelle does to her kids.
  14. Fuck UBT and fuck Jenelle!!! I have a son about a year ypungerthan Kaiser and ecen though he can be a pain at times, I love him with every fiber of my being and show and tell him so every single day. I cannot fathom how Jenelle can be so cold to her babies. I am so glad I live way across the country, because if I ever saw UBT in person I would punch him in the face. FUCK YOU JENELLE AND DAVID!!!!! I pray that Doris wins and gets Kaiser, he deserves better and if I could, I would bring gim to my house and give him hugs, attention and healthy meals.
  15. I will contribute to this fund as well. I will even help pay for Jenelle to fix her dogs asshole bellybutton if she agrees to let Jace and Kaiser live out the rest of their lives in peace with Babs and Nathan's mom.
  16. Jenelleis is a complete sociopath. It is only a matter of time before a murder occurs on The Land, and I pray that the kids are not harmed when it happens. I have no pity for Jenelle, she is not a victim in an abusive relationship, she is as much an abuser as UBT is and the only victims are those poor kids. I've said it before and I'll say it again with no remorse, the best thing for Jace and The Roll would be if Jenelle died. Only then will they be free from that monster and her revolving door of soulmates. Kail is a raging bitch and I wish Javi had not dropped the child support case and her vacation had been ruined. Chelsea is boring but it makes me happy to see Aubree and Watson being so loved and cherished. Chelsea really hit the jackpot with Cole. Leah...meh
  17. I completely agree. First thing that came to my mind. So gross to be sleeping with someone while pregnant woth someone else's child.
  18. I can see it happening, because Jo is a good father who understands that even though Soapy isn't his responsibility, Soapy is still Isaac's brother. I don't think it will happen too often, because I would hope Vee would encourage boundaries to be set.
  19. This is why ratchet putas like Karl will never have a stable life with a responsible and committed man. Karl craves dysfunction and chaos and she is impulsive and selfish. She wanted to spread her leds for Chris Lopez and whoever else she slept with while married abd so she did it. With no regard for hwr husband or children and how ot may affect them. So no sympathy from me when women cry about their loser baby daddies. Karl is just like Brianna now, putas who spread it for everyone and then can't understand why men don't take them seriously. Only difference is that Karl lucked out with Jo and Javi.
  20. Books? I find it hard to believe Lurch and Jenelle read to the kids. They barely feed them as it is. Quit pretending you're a mother Jenelle, we all know it's an act.
  21. yes, they were all so nonchalant about the scabies. I was eating snack of homemade salsa and chips and completely lost my appetite thinking of them sharing scabies. So disgusting.
  22. wouldn't surprise me if this ends up being true. Jenelle is the exact type of creature that would turn a blid eye to her soulmate of the moment molesting her children. When Lurch made the uncle bad touch comment, he gave me the creeps and made me wonder what normal non child molesting man would even joke like that.
  23. I remember in either the first or second reunion show, sad dr. panda asked Babs if she felt Jenelle was loveable and Babs said no. People, including myself thought it was an awful thing for a mother to say about her daughter. However, now I see that it was and is the truth. Babs surely knows Jenelle is a sociopath but as a mom can't accept it. Jenelle is so dead emotionally that she cant recognize the fear in Jace's whole being anytime Lurch is mentioned. It sounds awful but the best thing that could have happened for Jace beaides having been put up for adoption woyld have been for Jenelle to have overdosed back when she was on heavy drugs.
  24. So now that Jenelle and lurch are officially married, I foresee that Jenelle will disappear or have a tragic accident soon. Praying that Jace and the Roll wont be around when it happens.
  25. Yes to the bolded section. I am sure that the beast will physically abuse those boys at some point. Can you imagine if Isaac says he wants to go live with Jo and Vee? the beast would shake his head until the thought left poor Isaacs mind. I can see her abusing those boys and then crying to manipulate them into staying with her.
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