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Everything posted by toodles

  1. Stop scaring me. Things are bad enough right now.
  2. Or you can walk 15 minutes in the sun dumbass Janelle. The sun is a great source of vit d too. That's Vegas 101. That's one of the first things my dr. told me when I moved here. She lived here long enough to learn the best times to walk. But this is Janelle and she is completely baffled by life and today her dumdassness is getting on my very last nerve.
  3. Oh please don't tell on me! on second thought, wth. I'll just ditch detention anyway.
  4. I call it the Santa Claus God. I think that the true God, however you perceive it, is the One who walks with you through good times and bad. The Santa Claus God is the one who connects when you pray for a pony or a rental. This God pretends to hear you. In one ear and out the other. It's the Santa Claus God the Brownies were praying to and good luck with that.
  5. Pick me! Pick me!! I know the answer!!!! Kody doesn't have a single fuck to give about Meri. Not even a pretend fuck for the sake of Tee Vee. You're welcome.
  6. toodles


    Skinny filter much? She must have found Grammerly or something.
  7. She's lost a lot of weight. She looks great. Relevant to nothing comment. That is a really expensive fridge behind her. I'm shopping for a new one and I have fridge envy.
  8. Who would even consider wearing something that fit like that in the crouch area? What designer designs clothes like this? These have to be LulaOHHELLNO!!!!
  9. I can't believe you found that! I was thinking about this today. I remember leaving, scratching my head and asking myself "what the hell was that?" There was an old guy sitting in the back doing a crossword. I should have sat with him. It would have been more fun.
  10. I'm not the amazing CJ. And I think this a different event. The event I attended was in Vegas where I live.
  11. My guess is they were left over from the massive world launch of STRIVE with Janelle that I attended many moons ago. She was selling them there. I saw one person buy one. ETA: The bag was $45 smackaroos. $45 must be the magic number.
  12. Janelle can't stay on track for 21 seconds. 21 days. Whoo boy. That's a good one.
  13. It's a very delicate balance. I run into that myself.
  14. No kidding. Pewwwww. Clint's mom is my new hero. That is all.
  15. Make sure you add Dr. Now just doesn't understand how hard this is for me.
  16. Oh brother. Like Walmart isn't bad enough. Now I need to be on the lookout for God botherers.
  17. Or it could be the answer to the question: What kind of ice cream to you want? or Do you want the soup or salad? or How would you like your eggs? Meri has to make a big, fu*@ing, hairy deal out of everything. She made a big deal out of missing Maddie's birthing. She made a big deal out of not being called when one of the kids came home and she missed it. She made a big deal out of not wanting to ride with Janelle to their shrink appt and the list goes on and On and ON. Nothing is ever her fault and every misstep someone else takes is just so mean and unforgivable. Sorry if what I say is offensive, but get off the cross Meri. We need the wood, Just stop playing the whoa is me song. It's really old.
  18. Bondy is particularly interesting this week.
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