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Everything posted by toodles

  1. Don't forget My Sister Wives Closet. A money pit of Robyn's design. So many tears over a hobby business. She dragged everyone in to this whether they wanted to participate or not. Others wanted something else but Robyn had a dream and Kody by the balls so MSWC was it. It completely flopped and not a word is said. Cry me a river about the table scraps. I have complete faith Robyn is up for the job.
  2. I'm sittin' here, like, agreein ' with you. Like, I'm sittin' here, like wishin' I could like this post, like a thousand times.
  3. The metaphor of bad packing as a sign of a chaotic life is really true for the 600 lb people. If anyone's life is a complete and utter mess it's the 600 lb people. Most 90 dayers are pretty bad too, but I'm reasonably sure most of them aren't hosed off on the front porch because they can't fit through the bathroom door.
  4. With this group, you are never allowed to change your mind. Or change at all. Ever. You can't want something just for yourself, because it might impact the faaaaaamily. They need to be honest and just admit they don't really care about family. It's about protecting the brand and the TLC paycheck. For the sake of discussion let's just say that Janelle saved her pennies and decided she wants to take a road trip to visit her children, both biological and bonus. This would take awhile. I'll say that further that she has enough money and time to do this. A trip to visit kids with just her kids would be ok. But let's just say she wanted to explore her interest in Native Americans and their history and culture. So this will be part of this trip. She has three other wives to babysit her husband. He won't even notice she's gone. Why would the family even care that she wants to learn more about Native Americans just because she wants to. But to listen to them, it would affect the faaaaaamily. They should be saying a wife who wants to do something to enrich just themselves could affect the brand. Meri did it smart and just started doing what she wants. I say good for her. Yeah she asked for help to buy the B&B. She didn't get it, but worked it out another way. I think at some point all the wives will stop hearing angels singink (if they haven't already) and will start looking for ways to spread their own wings.
  5. You too? I'm tired of having to wrestle my little dog for space in a queen size bed.
  6. Hmmm. So the Princess wants everyone to kneel before Zod? Yeah, well good luck with that.
  7. toodles


    I'm so sad for you.😪 I'm headed to Lowes, Wal-Mart and the Dollar tree in a few minutes. They are all within the same shopping center for me. But you are blessed to live in SF so there's that.
  8. I think that's a great idea. My suggestion is The Kids of Kody Brown: The Robyn's and rest of Not Robyn's.
  9. Wasn't Vegas just so bad!!?!!!! Now she wants it back and it was a Utopia. Oh please.
  10. There was the marriage counseling episode with the rock building on the beach. Kody told Christine that love the family or else. I can't imagine living that life. No one is allowed to grow or change or want something more than the faaaaaaaaamily. Christine raised the kids and that was her role. If she didn't like it so much, too bad. She has had enough and who can blame her. Sucks to be Robyn. Christine is not about to raise her kids too.
  11. It takes Janelle a week to decide if she wants to take a walk or not. Making a vision board? Hoo boy. That's a good one. For the record, I think that no one over the age of 15 should make a vision board. I can't believe that I watched an episode of TV featuring grown-ass women doing just that.
  12. Be careful what you wish for. They could drag out Maddie birthing in the tub again or Mariah's VSE of her "love story". Shudder.
  13. Well hey. I always appreciate know it all assholes telling me that since I don't agree with you I'm wrong. And then they proceed to tell me how I should have done with a shit eating condescending grin on their face. Virtue Signalers can all suck it. Big time.
  14. As long as it's turkey bacon it won't count.
  15. Saying in a small voice-I love black olives. I eat them on pizza AND Mexican food. No veggie tray is complete in my house without black olives.
  16. I saw this picture and I said the same thing. Really??
  17. I'm on an organization kick myself. I've watched I don't know how many videos on YouTube about dollar store and Ikea hacks for organization. My cupboards and pantry look great. They just opened a new dollar store near the cuddle -sac. It's my new favorite store. I doubt I would have spotted a Brownie in the wild there though. Being creative or thrifty are not in their vocabulary.
  18. Ok, Clint did not write the rant. No way is he using whomever in a sentence. Ever.
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