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Everything posted by Temperance

  1. Janessa is 2 years old. Jill is probably desperate to be pregnant again. She's the age where she could have another baby or two or she's in menopause and infertile. In the meantime, she'll keep Janessa a baby for as long as possible. It's actually quite common in big families to keep the youngest younger. The Duggars did it, at least one family I know in real life did it, etc. Jill is 41. It's possible, but let's hope not.
  2. To be fair, JB and Michelle have a permanent custody. It would be rude of them not to include him in their children when he's been living with them for so long. JB and Michelle were planning on having a huge family. When Josie was born, Michelle told People she thought they would have three or four more. They got stuck at 19 and I doubt they think it's as good as biologically getting to 22 or 23. The press counts him as twenty, because most people aren't as familiar with the Duggar as we are. Also, they probably don't understand the intricacies of family court. Most people don't unless they've had reason to be involved. I was surprised one of my friends had to ask why they would say a father kidnapped his own child since he was the father. (Answer: He wasn't supposed to have custody.) (Also the child was found and returned to the mother.) Anyway if the Duggars had really wanted to keep going through adoption or foster care, they probably could have. The Arkansas authorities don't seem to care how they treat the kids, and what's five more to ignore?
  3. Her shorts aren't that short. They seem to be longer than arms length. These people are so materialistic and vapid. I find them boring. I can't imagine going to any spiritual place run by someone so worldy and materialistic.
  4. On another forum, someone mentioned that Jinger could try to be photographer and sell prints of her photos for money. A 1,000 followers seems like a lot to me. Influencing is weird.
  5. I think Memorial Day in general was dwarfed by Covid19. We couldn't hold the parades or hold religious/secular services and many people were grieving a fresh loss. I don't personally know anyone who died of Corona, but I still feel sad about those who are lost. Of course quite a few veterans died of COVID. And Lowes announced on the radio that there were be a few minutes of silence in their stores for those who served and passed on. It's not just the Duggars who did things a little differently this year.
  6. It always strikes me as telling that the Duggars revere JB's mother Mary as such a Godly influence. Happy Birthday Ivy! I think Jessa is likely pregnant with #4, but this is speculation on my part.
  7. @Oldernowiser I heard a story on the radio where this couple was dealing with her mother who was dealing with dementia. They were also part of an improv troup and they were advised to "step into her world". Basically accept her fantasies as they weren't hurting anyone. My mom and her family tended to guide grandma back to reality. Either approach seems to work.. My best advice is don't fight with her and make sure she's safe. Tell her the truth when it's important to like in @Absolom's story.
  8. @Jynnan tonnix One of the wisest things that my mama told me is that "Everybody's mother drives them crazy." I don't think you're worthless either, at least not to us. It might hard during coronavirus, but I think it's worth a try to find a conselor right now. Someone you could talk to maybe once a week over the phone or even just email when your mom is driving you nuts. Being that old isn't that easy and neither is being the caregiver. Every person I know in that role has stories just like parents do about the kids. I'm still having a tough week. I don't part of it is just quarantine moodiness. Part of it is grief. I'm so lucky in many ways, and yet I feel like things could be so much better. I hate that my life feels so far behind. I feel very lonely. I suppose it's my own fault for not trying harder to find friends on-line. I'm want to go out and yet I feel guilty for not social distancing. I'm trying to split the difference by wearing the mask and going on little errands like I went to a convenience store last night. Only the clerk and I were in the store. @galaxychaser Maybe you should get one of those I've fallen, but I can't get up buttons. I know you're young, but I also know you live alone and it might be comforting to know you just have to push the button to get help. Anxiety is big problem for all of us right now. Bad things, uncertain times, and lack of exercise can exacerbate those things. I feel like I should do sit-ups to help with my anxiety. If you don't like my suggestions, just ignore them or maybe laugh if you want to. I hope I didn't offend you. Here's a joke for everyone: Question: What did the horse say to the angry cow? (Answer in spoiler)
  9. Yeah it's a bible verse and a song. Not everyone here is religious or Christian and the song may not appeal to them. Fear is what drives fundies and fundie-lite Christians. It's certainly part of the world Jill grew up. JB and Michelle want their kids to fear God and them (JB and Michelle). Also Bethel Music is too "worldly" for Gothard and any of his followers including JB and Michelle. It has too much of a beat.
  10. I don't think so. The wedding info we had came from their wedding registry which someone on FJ found. They are registered at Amazon and Bed, Bath, and Beyond. There was a line in the bios for the family about "five married children" before the wedding, but nothing more direct than that.
  11. If you read the Maxwells blog, it's funny how blindsided their fans were by Jesse's wedding. Comment after comment features people saying they're surprised. That Steve allowed all his readers to say they were blindsided, makes me think he's gloating about the readers being kept in the dark. (Comments only get published if Steve approves and he's been known to edit comments as well.) I get that people have a right to their privacy, but this family blogs about all their personal lives. I also know Steve is terrified of broken engagements/courtships. It still seems mean like Steve is gloating about pulling a fast one on his readers.
  12. Sarah used to have her own room, but then was moved in with the younger girls. They said it was so she wouldn't be left out. I think Steve wants her to keep tabs on her little sisters and makes sure they're not straying from the fold.
  13. Someone said the material had zero stretch or give so she needed it big to be able to move in it. Like she could move her arms if the sleeves were big. The dress looks heavy and like it's wearing her. I love the big glasses trend. My glasses tend to be big.
  14. So they left their kids with someone babysitting during the pandemic. My parents took very trips without the kids. Modern couples seem more spoiled as getting sitters and going on dates, vacations and stuff. God forbid becoming parents should disrupt your life!
  15. It doesn't say she's mother to Ephesians. There's clearly punctuation there.
  16. It looks like brownies to me. He's old enough to know what he wants, so hopefully the brownies were his choice and he got exactly what he wanted.
  17. @jjane Your niece at least knows you love her and believe her and that will always mean something to her. Stay strong and keep doing what you can. @Jynnan tonnix I also know have been thinking of you. I hope your family and you are okay. I'm still dealing with fallout from my loss. I'm trying to stay postive and hope for the best.
  18. For a minute I thought we were talking Sarah Maxwell and the Maxwells. Sarah has a white golden retriever named Ellie, who is always being show with a niece or nephew. I think Willow was darker in color than Ellie, but I guess not.
  19. Well it's official... the most exciting news of the week... goes to the Maxwells! INTRODUCING MR. AND MRS. JESSE MAXWELL! This was posted on May 23, 2020 by Sarah Maxwell. We’re thrilled to share the news that Jesse and his bride, Anna, were joined together in holy matrimony today! We’re share more later. Traveling back home shortly. Praising the Lord! Love, Sarah for all the rest “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.” Proverbs 18:22" There's one photo on the blog of Jesse and his bride. They're both wearing glasses. She looks older, but she's around 19/20 years old.
  20. Yes I agree. I like that Derick is willing to change up his appearance. I saw this thread is hot and thought what did these boring people do now. I think the orange dress is the worst. The other two looks are better. The orange and the blue looks are very 90s.
  21. Anyway today is supposed to be Jesse Maxwell's wedding. I wonder how many of the Mighty Man Camp participants went to the wedding if it happened at all.
  22. I have never gotten that vibe or heard this rumor about Jackson and his brothers. I don't they're all that close necessarily although maybe Justin and he are close. Most of the Duggars aren't that close despite forced proximity. He is closer to his sister Hannie and they're only a year apart so that seems reasonable.
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