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Everything posted by JennB

  1. There was some speculation somewhere else that Sam may have gone to great lengths to get Dean back...lengths like opening the cage. So maybe in the process, he had a run-in with a demon that overpowered him. Back to Claire: There was also speculation elsewhere that she might have to do with Castiel's grace. After Gadreel left Sam, some of his grace was left behind. Cas briefly possessed Claire, so it stands to reason that some of his grace is in her.
  2. I got a Jeremy Renner vibe from Cole, too. I think my main disappointment with the episode was that the scene previewed at Comic-Con was Dean and Sam playing cat and mouse in the bunker, and I was waiting for it to come, but it never did. We never got to see them interact. Cas was off with the TV character version of Valium. We barely got to see the chemistry between the actors and characters that usually gives the show so much energy.
  3. I was bored until the last scene. I wish they hadn't jumped forward in time; I would have liked to see Sam finding out Dean was a demon from Dean himself. The Cas plot is the worst. It doesn't even make sense. Since when is Cas anything but supportive of free will?
  4. They did have a couple clips of Ruby, but you're right, no Ellen or Jo. However, when was the last time they even mentioned the Harvelles on the show? Also no mention of Jessica, who I think is really important in explaining Sam's motivations in the earlier seasons. Eh, Chuck already apologized for that. :)
  5. "Wendigo" was at least better than the worst hour of TV this group ever produced, "Man's Best Friend With Benefits." That, I would like an apology for. I love that they gushed over how great Chuck was when they barely ended his storyline and have mentioned him maybe once since he was last seen. I just started watching a few months ago (I've spent the past six months binge-watching and finished just in time for the new season), so I hadn't heard the bee story before. Interesting that they used bees again with Cain when they had so many problems the first time around.
  6. I can barely remember Cas ever getting to ride shotgun. Road Trip?
  7. After seeing Carrie's complete lack of knowledge of how to take care of a baby (notice she put the car seat in the front seat), I figured she would just leave the baby in the bathtub while she went to do something else, like answer the phone. Then I remembered reading that something super-intense was going to happen. I was tenser during that scene than during the mob in Pakistan. I'm sure Claire Danes struggled to get through that. @Trois: The weirdest part about the phony accents is that some of the scenes in Pakistan were captioned, and some were in English with accents. Plus, Aayan and the reporter were both speaking English. Why do they keep switching languages? I guess it's so we don't have to read captions all the time, but it's weird. Loved the apartment manager (and I wish they'd given her character a name). I can see her becoming Quinn's one link to the world away from the CIA.
  8. BTW, the bartender in the second episode is Bodie from Dawson's Creek My favorite part about Boreanaz's horrible accent is that back when he first had to use it, he said in an interview that he could do it because his wife (at the time) was Irish. Maybe that's why she left him?
  9. Chelsea is now the most mature person on this show. CHELSEA. Let that sink in. I never wanted Jeremy to shut up more than at the drop-off. Leah's perfectly capable of standing up for herself, as we've seen over and over. He and Miranda should have walked away when Leah and Corey started fighting. Also, maybe consider yelling at each other anywhere but three feet away from your children. I just want to find Jace and give him a hug and take him to the zoo and buy him toys.
  10. @Wootini, I was also glad that Matthew was so casual about the kiss, and about homosexuality in general. "I'm straight, but I'll kiss a dude and tell him he's hot. What's the big deal?" And he basically said that even if he were gay, it's not an issue. I liked his attitude about the whole thing, while the others were trying to bring in the homosexual panic.
  11. Denzel's going to be the best-looking Wise Man in the third-grade Christmas pageant!
  12. I wonder if Adam's 1510 was out of the more recent 2400, not 1600? That would explain a lot.
  13. Balthazar is a villain I usually forget about, and I feel bad about that when I do remember him. I wish he'd gotten more than one episode. "UNACCEPTABLE!" Those overalls must have been passed around the WB's sets, because I remember one of the girls on 7th Heaven wearing them around the same time. And now that I've outed myself as a former 7th Heaven watcher, I'll go sit in the corner and think about what I've done.
  14. Top Chef Under the Dome - The chefs can only use ingredients that are under the dome. Everything is served on plates covered by domes. The judges reminisce about the first time they cooked under a dome.
  15. I cringed all through Timeline because Michael Ealy used to date Halle Berry. The game planners might want to make sure the players don't have awkward connections to celebrities mentioned in the games beforehand. I hate when the celebrity in the final round starts out with "He's an actor. He's really funny." Yeah, that narrows it down. Don't give a whole narrative; just start naming movies and roles.
  16. @ferretrick : Whoever does that should get a contract role and stay on the show, just so we can thank him or her every week.
  17. @IchabodCranium: I had the same thoughts. When the guys met the women and were pretending they'd never met, all I could think was, "There's no way they've never met before." The guys have been on soaps for years, and soap actors all know each other. They have to have met each other's spouses before. Also, I rolled my eyes so hard at Spencer's Ronn Moss reference on Monday that I almost sprained something. I love how Tyler kept saying on Twitter that he was trying to be "zany" and wanted to have fun with the whole thing. Apparently he's fine with how he was portrayed, or at least hasn't complained, but his idea of "zany" is very different from anyone else's. Maybe that's just his "weird" sense of humor. (Pssst, Tyler: "Dry humor" isn't rare.)
  18. Did anyone else notice a couple of the players grinning when Mena Suvari guessed "American Pie," since she was in the movie?
  19. The credits are Giles making tea...Giles shaking his head at the teens' shenanigans...Giles getting knocked unconscious...Giles rolling his eyes...
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