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Everything posted by JennB

  1. Saw that coming a mile away, especially since there hadn't been a "shocking" death yet this season. Charlie emailing the file before dying is the 21st century version of the disk with Jenny's cure for Angel getting lost on "Buffy."
  2. "Despite what I've been saying for years, that ass just might quit." Gina Linetti, national treasure. It might have been funnier if Holt hadn't been conning Terry - if he'd said, "I just wanted you to digitize the files, that's all."
  3. I thought it was less about the transition hurting Mason (I can't remember how to do calculus, but I know the name of Kourtney Kardashian's oldest child) and more about how it would be confusing for him. Everyone else in the family is either old enough to understand what it means or too young to, in the future, remember Bruce pre-transition. Mason's at the age to ask a lot of questions and wonder what it all means. Kourtney has to be wondering how to explain that Grandpa is going to be dressing differently, wearing makeup, etc. I'm so, so happy that Bruce's family has been so supportive, because so many trans people don't have that. I think this interview was extremely important, both for people considering transitioning and for people who don't understand it. I think (and hope) Bruce's openness with the process will be a huge step forward for the trans community.
  4. Felicity? If only for the fashion? If you have a thousand hours to kill and a strong stomach, you can always rewatch Beverly Hills, 90210, which I've been trying to blog my way through for a few years now. (I finally made it to the post-Brandon years!)
  5. I commend you for tackling the last of the episodes all in a row, because I could never get through them after they first aired. They all run together for me. I didn't get that emotional during the finale, but whenever I see the clip of the girl at bat smiling that "I got this" smile, I get goosebumps.
  6. Absolutely - not to mention the fact that staying with someone who encouraged your addiction is a horrible idea when you're trying to stay sober. Neither of them is going to benefit from staying together.
  7. I was more interested in John's follow-up than anything in the actual episode. I wish Candy had said something about Sarrah moving to be with Daniel after treatment, but I guess it might have ruined the mood if she hadn't seemed supportive. My guess is that Sarrah is completely dependent on Daniel, which is why Daniel asked his family to look after her while he was gone. If he cuts her off, she won't stay sober, so everyone's going to act like their relationship is fine.
  8. Let's hope Huck is next, and that Marcus takes his place at OPA.
  9. I'm sitting at my desk, trying not to let my co-workers hear me giggling over "baby Satan." I imagine Zach and/or Whitney had to have been high when they picked that name. I felt so horrible for Zach's grandfather, who kept getting dragged back into Zach's drama, but still stepped up to look after Zayden. I don't know that I would have been able to keep a relationship with a family member who pawned my stuff, then couldn't afford to get it back because the money he'd gotten for it had already gone up his nose. Whitney...man. What a screwed-up idea of "bonding." I wish we'd learned more about her family and background. Maybe she was just mellow, but I felt like Theresa was stoned during her Skype follow-up with Candy.
  10. They haven't had Drunk Uncle on in a while, so maybe we'll see the return of Peter Drunklage, too?
  11. Look at the spine on Ken! Samantha was a clear example of an addict getting stuck at the age she was when she started using. I've never seen more 12-year-old behavior from someone who wasn't actually 12. I was surprised about the whole thing with her father because I was 95% sure he was gay. Kennedy deserves so much better than this mess.
  12. The only really memorable/effective thing in the first three episodes is Gnarl, the demon from "Same Time, Same Place." That guy gives me a full-body shudder.
  13. I think C&T were trying to differentiate between approved pictures and paparazzi pictures. If they post something, it's okay for their family and friends to repost it, but if it's a picture taken without their permission, they don't want people reposting. They want control over what gets posted about them, which I think is fair. I think they're doomed to live the rest of their lives like Chelsea and Adam, in a perpetual cycle of being together and breaking up (which is just like they've always been). I'll be surprised if Gary doesn't cheat on Kristina with Amber.
  14. Amber is turning into both Kail and Chelsea, with the "I don't have a family" and refusing to meet Kristina. Amber being nasty about Kristina is going to mess Leah up. It's going to make her think she can't be friendly with Kristina, because Mommy doesn't like her. Amber needs to suck it up and be pleasant. Chelsea never got there with Adam's ex, but Kail got there with Vee, and it made things so much better for Isaac. On the flip side, I like how comfortable Maci and Jen are with each other. If Maci and Ryan can't get along, it's good that she can have a civil, casual conversation with someone in his family, so there isn't always tension. Sorry, Nova Rain (I think it's Novalee Rain, but whatever) - Daddy wanted a boy. Hope you don't feel like you're a disappointment to him. You're going to have enough issues as it is.
  15. You'd think that after years of watching the show, I'd understand this more, but...I wish they would explain the amount of drugs the addicts use in a different way. "So-and-so uses up to a gram of cocaine a day." Is that a lot? Like, when it's an alcoholic, I get it - "so-and-so drinks up to two liters a day" makes sense to me. I need something like, "A gram of cocaine is equivalent to sticking your face in a bag of coke and inhaling for ten seconds." There's a special place in Hell for people like Mike's parents. I like Donna - she's not as warm as Candy, but she's tougher than Ken.
  16. Watching a lot of the marathon this weekend reminded me of how awful both Amber and Gary are. It's a miracle Leah is so sweet and...well, normal. If Gary hadn't told Amber a) he was going on vacation or b) that Kristina was going, she would have thrown a fit about not knowing where Leah was or who she was with. But when he DOES tell her, she throws a fit anyway? I will never understand her. And I hate how she always falls back on her time in jail. "I just want to be happy not to be in prison! Do you know what it was like for me in prison? I could be in prison right now, but I'm not!" Like that's an excuse for how she acts, or like she deserves extra sympathy because of it. Yes, I feel bad that she had drug problems and legal problems, and I'm happy she's trying to work them out. But her past doesn't dictate how others get to live their lives. I didn't miss Farrah at all. Her two minutes of screentime were more than enough. I can't stop staring at her face whenever she's on.
  17. Today I learned that crack addicts in Wilkes-Barre have nicer apartments than mine.
  18. I'm mostly disappointed that I misheard the line from the promos, "Go to the Hill and beg them to forgive you." I thought Olivia said, "Go to Hell and beg them to forgive you."
  19. My favorite Gina line of the night, which I fully intend to steal: "You are a stone-cold atrocity."
  20. I'm glad Amber's was the first new episode they showed. It would have been a bummer to start with someone unmotivated, whiny, stubborn, etc. It's a much better show when you're actively rooting for the person to succeed.
  21. Yes, Anya's character "development" made exactly zero sense. It would be one thing if she'd been brought to the 20th century straight from whatever century she came from and couldn't adjust. But being 1100 years old means she's seen the world develop through multiple eras. We saw in flashbacks that she was able to fit into those different eras. Why couldn't she adjust to the 20th and 21st centuries? Freaking Angel did it. I mean, he wasn't a technology wizard or anything, but he watched hockey and appreciated the humor of Carol Burnett. I have a lot of Anya hatred, if it's not clear.
  22. There was an A&E show called Heavy that took people with weight problems to a treatment center for a few months and had them exercise (a LOT), attend therapy, and meet with nutritionists. It was about teaching them healthy habits instead of making them fend for themselves.
  23. There was barely anything about Nissa, except when Chuck would say that he missed her and wished they'd worked things out. She wasn't even in the episode. Interesting that Chuck kept saying that Erica was his "second chance." Wasn't Nissa his second chance, making Erica his third chance? I'd gone into the episode thinking that Chuck was the one whose first wife was murdered, so every time he said "second chance," I wondered if I was confused about who he was.
  24. Two things got me the most: 1. Someone (I can't remember who) saying that "all Diem wants right now is Chris." 2. CT having everyone sign the box and saying that Diem would enjoy it when she got back. It killed me to think, "She's not coming back, CT."
  25. Will my love for Timothy Omundson outweigh my dislike for Ricky Gervais?
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