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Everything posted by sacrebleu

  1. Perfect description! And Raikes whole " let's get married because NYC is so distracting' reeks of a guy who believes marriage will 'cure' him of his playboy ways. Total red flag.
  2. @statsgirl you forgot about Olivia ( Dante) and Claudia (tock) that's another two women Sonny knocked up! 😆
  3. But how does a doctor and a guy with a new business afford a millionaire's house? ( I think BLQ mentioned Jax didn't charge her rent, but she's got Q money, I think)
  4. So all of this is leading up to Gladys' big coming out ball, right? Everybody keeps talking about how the house was made for parties, so we're going to see Bertha host a ball, we have to, right? The whole train crash as PR nightmare/legal trouble for Russell seems a little off. It's a little early for muckrake journalists to uncover corporate cost-cutting measures. ( By that I mean too soon after the crash and too early historically) It's not like there's an NTSB at work. I feel like it was manufactured to create conflict for the Russells'. Two episodes ago, Bertha was totally cool with losing a fortune to get one over on the aldermen.
  5. Drew: hey Nina, thanks for keeping the identity of Peter's kid a secret because I hate Peter, but screw you for keeping Sonny's identity a secret because Carly is my friend. ( CM is becoming automatic FF for me)
  6. Man, it would SUCK to be Lulu right now, come out of a coma to find your man is dating someone else, your job is gone ( invader sold) and your bestie found a new bestie. 😆
  7. I could have sworn Laura's deputy was in Cyrus' pocket, but I guess she switched to the highest paying baddie.
  8. Further proof that since getting involved with Michael, Willow has stopped thinking. #DescartesFanFirst
  9. So.... Sonny and Carly don't have a cleaning service come to the cabin after people stay there!?!? Esme can just show up a week later and find Spencer's ear buds and her burner phone? 5 teens were there, two had sex, one ( Trina) fell ill, and I'm pretty sure nobody cleaned up after themselves. Ew.
  10. Today was soapy fun, but I am getting tired of everyone being stupid so Peter can outsmart them. I really wanna know where they found a hat that said Pizza Delivery Guy ( is that the name of the pizza place!?!?)
  11. Is there going to be any fallout for Selena Wu failing to kill Peter? I forget what Sonny promised ( not messing with Brad, I think) but it would seem that Sonny should be mad about a botched hit he ordered, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but mob stuff would be a welcome break from the Sonny/ Carly marriage woes round umpty-eleven.
  12. Oy, this show sometimes. Britt chatting with Drew, who spent two years presumed dead and being held in a Greek prison being brainwashed and beaten, "Cut Sonny some slack." After Sonny spent a few months presumed dead while tending bar and dating an heiress.
  13. The whole birth certificate thing is weird. If she's Michael's love interest and Wiley's legal mother, why does the character need another tie to the canvas? ( Unless she and Michael are not gonna last) If they retcon Willow's mom as Nina, and she and Nelle as twins, that will mean that three of Michael's love interests have been sisters/ half sisters. (KiKi, Nelle, Willow). That puts Michael on par with Liz (Jason, Drew, AJ) and Sam ( Sonny, Ric, Dante) in the "keeping it in the family" sweepstakes.😆
  14. So ... We're just gonna gloss over the fact that Michael colored a picture of the Eiffel Tower and gave it to Willow, as a "cute" way of telling her he's whisking her off to Paris. (They really act like children playing house)
  15. Now, I could have sworn Esme put pills in two drinks, so I thought she was going for an ' oops, Cam and Trina ended up in bed together' type situation. Not that that would have been better, but by leaving the phone there to record, how is she gonna get it back? I really don't see what her game plan is, aside from the scheming itself. Especially, once Spencer's in prison, is she really gonna live with her bf's grandmother for a month?
  16. sacrebleu

    Tennis Thread

    So happy for Rafa, given his recent injuries, I really doubted he'd ever win another slam. I'm also glad that between the home slam wins for Barty and Kyrios/Kokkinakis and Rafa's stunning comeback win, it underscores to all to Djoker fans that the sport is bigger than any one player. I'm pretty sure no one thinks Rafa deserves an asterisk for that performance.
  17. He was a total ham sandwich today. And points for Martin for being offended at the notion he'd go to Peter with the Bailey-is-Louise theory. I prefer my characters grey, not Snidely Whiplash evil.
  18. Another day, another person listening to Carly say the exact. Same. Thing. About Sonny. ( Olivia, Diane, Bobbie, Sam, Joss) And one day out of the hospital and hat man is doing tequila shots!?!?! Whatever, show.
  19. I can't believe they wouldn't shell out $ for a single clip. Not L&L, not Luke and Tracy, not even Luke and Sonny! And I had to roll my eyes at Carly claiming Luke always called her Caroline so she wouldn't forget where she came from. No, he called you Caroline to remind you that you lied about who you were when you came to town so you could wreck your mother's marriage.
  20. Man, Colonel Tad Sanders FTW today! Him laying some hard truth on Peter was so great. As was Finn not caving to Peter's blackmail.
  21. The "only on a soap" phrase I always notice is 'flesh and blood' I've never heard anyone use that phrase in real life.
  22. I didn't need to see Krese's backstory. I'm still confused as to how he could just... Take over Cobra Kai when he was living in a halfway house!?!?! Did Johnny give him access to the dojo's bank account? How did Krese get the lease transferred to his name? ( And if anyone should call the cops, it's the fat landlord who got beat up trying to evict Krese)
  23. I really wish Nina had said to Willow that her 'gesture of good will' was NOT pushing for assault charges against Carly for that slap. Between that and Michael's assault of Scott, I'm beginning to suspect these Corinthi aren't as committed to upholding the law as they claim!
  24. Cheers to Britt giving both barrels to Peter, and feeling good about it. And having JE back as Tracy has been wonderful, she is so good. Im guessing the Victor/ Val team-up to go after BLQ will result in one or both of them learning the secret
  25. Not to mention almost julienned by the propeller blades when they first found the plane (until Jackie pushed her out of the way)
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