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Everything posted by sacrebleu

  1. So... Nina is evil and manipulative because she didn't tell Willow she had slept with Sonny when she came to see the kid. But here's Michael saying sometimes it's better not to know everything. And then you've got Carly, who spent months bitching about Nina keeping Sonny secret, once again, keeping info about Nina's daughter from her. How do people root for these people?!?!?
  2. Which actually made me check out several actresses manicures, and for a woman who couldn't afford a place to live, and who just fought Carly, ran through the woods and got hit by a speeding car, Harmony's nails were still perfect! Obviously, she sprung for acrylics.
  3. I'm just glad that Harmony refused to be a character witness for Nina, because that would not look good for the custody case.😆
  4. Oh, if only Harmony would send that car over the cliff with Carly in the back seat. Don't tease me show. Who the hell walks in to someone's home and starts digging into personal folders!?!?! That Carly's entitlement and need to be in everyone's business would lead to her death would be absolutely perfect. But we know it won't happen.
  5. The Esther plot really suffered with the absence of Babbington. I mean, they couldn't actually commit her without her husband's say so. It was just a really poorly conceived story. And the doctor went from slightly experimental in S1 to straight up quack in S2.
  6. NunuJordan has the same problem I have with Sasha, in that it often seems like they are either reading their lines for the first time and just emphasize random words OR learned their lines phonetically, and don't actually know what they're saying. Both actresses tend to stress the last word they speak, regardless if that makes sense in a regular conversation. IDK if it's because they are not good actors, or actors who need more rehearsal than this show will allow, but I really feel like their characters are simply not connected to the words they are speaking.
  7. The Cam thing is weird because all he had to do was say that Spencer was family, and their Grandmother asked him not to cut Spencer completely. But knowing Joss, she probably thinks her feelings matter more than Laura's.
  8. Welp, they may go the Chase/Brooklyn route, and in a year SpenRo will be sharing long soulful glances. 😉
  9. Yeah, I saw episode 6 on prime with my pbs subscription.
  10. This is the problem with recasts and crappy writers. The previous Jordan knew how Neil died, and was the one who told Alexis it was a drug overdose (IIRC) This actress acted like she didn't even know Alexis, let alone Neil. And the dialogue didn't help. In other news, Joss is the worst. #freeCam
  11. On the GH in my head, Chase staying with Liz at his brother's request would turn in to a steamy love triangle. Liz and Chase is an awful lot of pretty, and the show is just gonna let it go to waste so Chase and Brooklyn can act like 12 year olds.
  12. There was some promo about some violence at what looked like Charlie's that involved Sonny and Brando. Maybe that was what caused the pre-emption.
  13. This latest plaaaaaan by Michael could be soapy if it was allowed to blow up in his face. ( But Michael is the predetermined winner in all things) Is he at all concerned about how Ava will react to her daughter being used as a pawn? Ava should refuse to let Carly see Avery ( you know, if she were as crappy a parent as Carly and Michael, and willing to use access to her child as a weapon) And as others have pointed out, Michael never offered Nina any compromise, so I don't see how she's the one being unreasonable.
  14. So Michael is going to air his family's pain and dirty laundry to get himself out of legal troubles by giving the reporter he assaulted the 'inside scoop' on his parents divorce and Avery's kidnapping. What a swell guy.
  15. Spencer "working out" in a long sleeved polo with the collar popped is ... Well, the most Cassidine thing ever. 😆 He is quite the little prince. I don't want to jinx things, but this was the second Carly-free day in a row, it's nice, we all need the break.
  16. This has got to be an act for Esme's benefit. After everything, Nic would choose his son's girlfriend over Ava?!?;?
  17. I'm lodging an official complaint that Sonny ( via the writers) up and stole that, they bring a knife, we bring a gun line from The Untouchables. And that's a fairly famous line, are we really supposed to think it's something Sonny 'always' says. And I'm worried that the constant Jason mentions is because they are anticipating SB's return.
  18. I did like Antony/Kate much more than Simon/ Daphne. I thought the chemistry was better and the obstacle to their getting together more organic. The post-dinner scene was 🔥 I will say ( as a non book reader) I was expecting Colins mushroom tea to make another appearance... I expected someone to accidentally get dosed.
  19. He was in jail on Valentine's Day and it's the last week of March. That Liz/ Carly stuff was some bullsh*t. Was this some kind of consolation for LW's bf losing his job? All the women she crapped on have to tell Carly how awesome she is?
  20. Well, if Nina did want to improve her chances at a custody hearing, filing while the kid's father is in jail on assault charges would be excellent timing.
  21. I have such Carly-fatigue. Is this just so she and Drew can 'fall in love' during an adventure? She's going through a divorce and her daughter was just the victim of revenge porn, why doesn't she just take care of her own damn business and NOT get all up in Drew's!?!? ( And so help me, if Victor manages to activate Drew's conditioning and effin Carly breaks through it with a tearful declaration of love, I'm headed back to the barge)
  22. With a very young Emmy Rossum playing the little girl ( classic L&O!) I don't like all the Q kitchen scenes because I thought it was cannon that their cook "Cook" was a tyrant, and didn't let anyone mess with her domain.
  23. Well, count me among the people who think Raikes didn't tell the complete truth about Marion's father's estate. I was also convinced Raikes had something to do with Dixon's shady cheap train parts. ( The crash happening in PA was my only link). I also think Ada not firing Armstrong because she can't be bothered to break in a new maid was totally realistic. Sure she's racist, and generally unpleasant, but I don't want to be inconvenienced, so she stays
  24. I'm wondering if they're going the route of Esme cloning Trina's phone so it looks like Trina did it. And Spencer being with her when it was uploaded was her alibi. But, if he admits he broke out of baby-jail, he could get a harsher sentence. So he has to decide if he wants to risk real prison to exonerate Trina.
  25. I hate how much being paired with Michael has ruined Willow. She had no reaction to the whole, Sonny killed my Biological father, that was a 'rough patch'... That is some major disfunction. Michael has learned from Carly that you must demonize your enemies. Willow tells Nina she doesn't see a way she and Michael will ever let Nina see Wiley, so Nina wants to assert her legal right. And somehow that's Nina starting a battle, and not Millowtonin using their kid to punish Nina.
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