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Everything posted by sacrebleu

  1. It was nice. More of this please. There is very little fun in this show. The little bit with VAnna was cute and well done. As was the bit of sass she showed when Ava refused to go home with Nic. It's little character beats like those that are missing. Everyone just careens from plot point to plot point. I'm also intrigued by Valentine's idea to loop Nina in... Maybe he'll convince Victor to let Nina visit Charlotte and arrange an escape that way.
  2. Maybe he did. Maybe Victor figured out how to initiate Drew's mind control and is knocking off PC Residents. Maybe THATS the big thing he's been warning about
  3. I think they overdid it on the tanner... They both looked pretty orange.
  4. That strengthens the theory that Nic and Ava are the new Monica and Alan
  5. Well, given that two of the victims were Sasha's guardian and the lawyer who would take over Sasha's guardianship case, its pretty clear that Sasha has snapped and is, in fact, the Port Charles Hooker. Ava was just wrong place, wrong time. ( Makes as much sense as anything else) 😬
  6. Hopefully all this is a fever dream while she lays trapped beneath the twisted, smoking wreckage of the downed plane. Go toward the light, Carly!
  7. There was a whole lot of WTF in today's show. Carly suddenly cares about her adoptive mother, when she couldn't even be bothered to arrange for her burial? (Jasus did, that's why he was the contact) Sonny runs into some random Mike look-alike who is holding a racing form he found in the garbage who tells Sonny he's needed elsewhere? Brando dies of not-stab wounds?
  8. IMO, the actress is terrible. She says her lines with such a flat affect, and emphasis on weird words that I'd swear she doesn't understand English and is just sounding the words out phonetically.
  9. That would make wonder-child Wiley an incest baby. I don't think the show would go there. ( Dante and Sam sharing siblings is as incesty as this show gets)
  10. I'm worried this this gonna be the thing that gives Carly the 'purpose' she's been lacking since losing the hotel. Maybe she's gonna start her own 'My Foundation' to help sex workers get better jobs, or something. Classic Michael "I don't like Ava, but Avery is my sister so I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to Ava, now, let's talk about my plan to destroy Avery's dad." And they keep making Michael seem so controlling with Willow. "Why haven't you answered my calls" and he has to go with her to the hospital. If it was anyone but Michael I would expect the show to do an emotional abuse story, but we all know Michael is perfect.
  11. Random chatty airport lady was doing needlepoint at the airport? Do they let you take needles on planes, or past security?
  12. Yeah, this confused me. In GoT there was plenty of references to Targs keeping their bloodlines pure via incest. Cersei even used the comparison to justify her and Jamie and her and various Lannister cousins. But Viserys and Allicent act like incest is some horrible thing Targaryans USEd to do...
  13. sacrebleu

    Tennis Thread

    So happy for Carlitos, I was at the crazy Alcaraz-Cilic match, and I was really hoping he'd go the distance. One odd note, when he gave his speech about 9/11 I couldn't help but do the math, he wasn't even born when it happened. That's how young he is.
  14. sacrebleu

    Tennis Thread

    I think all the GOAT talk is premature, but commentators gonna commentate. They've been talking about the Big Three vs everyone else and when the next gen will step up, and now they see a few players who may keep fans after the inevitable end of FeDalDjok. So they're hyping Alcaraz as the next big thing, so if he does actually become the next big thing, they can take credit for being right. Of course, they said the same about Tsitsipas, and Shapavalov ( during his breakthrough year pre-pandemic), and a few others. But I think Alcaraz has the goods. His shot making has been crazy good this tournament, and his composure in big moments shows an incredible mental toughness.
  15. So... How will the show make Cam the bad guy so that the break up is not Joss' fault: He becomes a jealous/ possessive jerk and his behavior prompts the break-up... He sees Joss/Dex together and becomes so angry he dumps Joss... In a jealous rage, he cheats on Joss with either some random or a back from presumed dead Esme?
  16. So Dax and Joss will have a moment in a dumpster? Srsly? Can their couple name be Dumpster? ( You know, kinda like Scrubs?)
  17. Is it just me, or are there more frequent commercials for this show. ( I don't have commercial free Hulu) It really effects the flow.
  18. I seem to recall sexytimes between Mac and Dominique with her in something resembling a native American costume?!?!? ( Short, animal skin looking thing) I just remember feeling embarrassed for the actress.
  19. I wish I trusted the writers to make this love potion/ couple switch fun, but I have doubts. I also wonder why this wasn't done as a light, fun summer plotline as a counter to the nasty custody fight and revenge porn trial. Starting it at the end of summer instead of, say, July 4th? And why the hell is Carly/ Drew in the mix? While Drew has a history with Sam, Carly isn't a remotely plausible pairing with Chase or Dante ( or Nic, as he and Ava were also potential potion drinkers. )
  20. I'm loathe to criticize anything that has to do with the Davis girls, but Molly , once again, gave a speech about what lawyers do. It may have been copied and pasted from her previous appearance. "Prosecutors make a case based on the evidence, the defense casts doubt on the evidence and the jury decides" and why is she giving that speech to the Davis girls, Alexis is a lawyer and Sam's been in enough courtrooms to know how lawyers work. It's just really weird and pointless.
  21. Leading to the best ever typo on TWOP GH board, the infamous 'Lucky and Sam had sex in the hot but' 😆
  22. So, Cody gave Britt a homemade coupon book for free hugs ( after a terrible first date) and she found it charming? ( save me from this 'romance')
  23. Someone needs to tell LW to lay off the tanning/bronzing. She's looking like rawhide.
  24. So... I'm guessing Esme is alive, and will have amnesia so they can keep the actress around. Maybe she's faking, but maybe it's starts out real, but she gets her memories back and keeps faking it so she can hold on to Cam. I do agree ( based on the preview) that Joss will be mad about Cam keeping a sekrit to hook up with the idiot henchman. Freeing up Cam for newly nice Esme.
  25. Molly was a complete waste of time. First she explains what a trial is, then the DA office politics, which all happened off screen. Then she summarizes the trial (which was also summarized by Ava). And what's with Spencer not telling Nic and Ava that he and Esme are done, and he's been trying to get evidence to exonerate Trina?! The less said about she-beast and her spawn, the better. They're both awful.
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