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Everything posted by sacrebleu

  1. I really wish Nina had said to Willow that her 'gesture of good will' was NOT pushing for assault charges against Carly for that slap. Between that and Michael's assault of Scott, I'm beginning to suspect these Corinthi aren't as committed to upholding the law as they claim!
  2. Cheers to Britt giving both barrels to Peter, and feeling good about it. And having JE back as Tracy has been wonderful, she is so good. Im guessing the Victor/ Val team-up to go after BLQ will result in one or both of them learning the secret
  3. Not to mention almost julienned by the propeller blades when they first found the plane (until Jackie pushed her out of the way)
  4. Well, 2022 started with no Carly and no Sonny so that was a plus. I do hope Luke's "death" will focus on Laura and Tracy and not Sonny's pain. I also agree with everyone saying the news loses some of impact with all of his kids not currently on the canvas. And some will have to explain why Drew is such an amazing soldier that Victor is still angling to get him under his control. Like, with all the Cassidine resources they can't kidnap another Marine? Really? Add journalism to the list of things GH does incredibly poorly. Sean's "big" exposee is an HR dispute with both sides agreeing to a settlement and non-disclosure?? So... How did he get the story? And what's the conflict if both sides came to terms?!?!?
  5. Ooooh quite the cliffhanger! ( Not the show, I wanna know how @statsgirl 's buche de noel turned out 😉) hard pass on Carly using Drew as her Jason Substitute. We saw this the last time Jason died ( things only soap watchers say) with Franco and Jake Doe. I really like they've kept Scott as a part of Liz's family, and him giving Violet 5 bucks was funny.
  6. It IS entertaining soap ( despite the stupidity of identity fraud) although I think they missed an opportunity for more soapiness by having Scott press charges against Michael for assault. Then you'd have Nina being classy and intervening on Michael's behalf, getting Scott to drop charges. Michael would continue to be his whiney, entitled self but Willow could acknowledge that Nina wasn't the evilest evil that ever eviled (contradicting the Corinthos party line and causing more tension for Millowtonin).
  7. I'll say this, for all you lovely people here to hold me to it. If Willow is asked why she didn't reveal the Nina/Sonny relationship, and she replies, it wasn't my secret to tell, and I get to watch Carly's reaction, I swear I will refrain from criticizing this show for one whole month.
  8. So, I guess we're finally gonna find out why Esme has been incessantly campaigning for this getaway. (although idk if Spencer can leave the jurisdiction if he's on some kind of parole/probation). And my memory is fuzzy, how many hours of community service did Cam do for almost buying drugs vs Spencer for setting his stepmother's car on fire?
  9. Please tell me Peter's most sincerely dead this time. On another show, where Michael wasn't predestined to win, no matter what, he and Willow would be headed for trouble. Willow keeping the Nina/Mike secret would come out, causing Michael to aim that insufferable judgyness Willow's way riiiiiight about the time the Bailey-is-Louise secret comes out. Which has Willow realizing that Chase told yet another lie in service of protecting a kid that wasn't his. Cue Willow rethinking the whole picking-Michael-over-Chase thing. But Michael will never come out the loser, despite being so supremely awful and boring. So, I'm guessing he'll look constipated for a week and Willow will beg for his and Carly's forgiveness.
  10. I'm confused about the Drew/Maxie interaction. Why would her kid be happy to see Drew? Granted I stopped watching the show for a while, and missed James' birth and Nathan's death but were they ever even friends?
  11. I half expected Spinelli to show up, seeing as how it's the place to go to feel close to Jason. 😆
  12. So, with Valentin back in control of ELQ and Drew back to run Arora, does that mean Michael is out of a job? 😆 And, I can't decide if Chase would be relieved to have the whole Bailey-daddy overshadowed by Drew coming back/Jason dead or if the awkwardness of the situation just overwhelms everything.
  13. So, they find an abandoned cabin, scour it for food, but no one checks the loft for food or supplies, or the source of the smell. And the girl who DOES find the body doesn't scream, or tell anyone, and just, hangs out in the loft with a corpse? I know they wanted to have the creepy reveal of the corpse, but finding a dead body would still be creepy in broad daylight.
  14. I liked Valentin wrecking the Q turkey, but not a fan of the toothpick, seemed a little declasse for him, especially drinking scotch.
  15. Sam and Dante are having Thanksgiving together, and talking about how their families 'blend'... Have they gone on a date?
  16. Hooray for Chase, the only person in PC who figured out the baby switch. Line of the day goes to Chase, when BLQ said he's one of the, like two and a half people she can trust. Chase: and I'm the half? Carly continues to be the worst, she won't have Jax to kick around, Jason may be dead, and Sonny is pulling away from her. And her plan to 'AJ' Nina don't seem to be working, the only people simple- minded enough to fall for her 'Nina is evil incarnate' BS are, unsurprisingly, Michael and Willow.
  17. So much for Willow wising up about the Corinthos cult. She was back following Michael's lead and getting worked up over things Nina might do, like showing up unannounced on Thanksgiving.
  18. Forget 9-1-1, call animal control, because Carly's clearly rabid. On a show where the Corinthii aren't predetermined to win, Carly's bullying would make Willow question if she wanted any part of Michael's family. I mean, Carly demands blind obedience and loyalty just like Shiloh.
  19. Unintentionally funny moment of the day: During the search for Leo, Spencer mentions a nearby ice cream stand as a possible place to look. Trina ( super serious) Kids love ice cream, let's go. I don't know why they needed to include that, but it seriously cracked me up. I can't believe Carly tried badmouthing Nina to Phyllis. And if Esme is the reason Gladys spills the Bailey paternity secret... Well, that would be a genuinely good soap twist. One schemer inadvertently blowing up somebody else's plot.
  20. So, Peter was 'killed' during May sweeps, and here we are, halfway through November sweeps and he's still not dead, or captured. Come on, show! The pacing for this Greece story is really off. We go days without seeing the story. They're not building any suspense, and they have to keep pulling plot points out of hats so Peter can keep escaping. They even had Anna say, at the risk of repeating myself, we have to stop Peter. They can't even hide the fact that this is all plo point writing.
  21. I mean, in the show's logic, Austin is a horrible, untrustworthy person for manipulating an upset Chase into doing his dirty work. But if Shawn manipulates a troubled teen into doing the same it's.... fine?
  22. Molly's been infected with The Taupe. I hope she's the only victim. OMG! Shawn pled guilty to save Sonny, he was not convicted of a crime he didn't commit.
  23. Man, the smirk cannot be wiped off Carly's face soon enough. Sadly, this plan is Michaels so it won't backfire nearly enough. The truth about Sonny's total disinterest in finding his real identity, and his 'relationship' with Nina should come out. Nina should be exonerated and Carly should be devastated The big bad mobster should become a laughingstock. The kingpin happy to live life as a busboy. His fellow mobsters should start sending gifts of flannel shirts to the house. Michaels actions should be blamed for Sonny losing the respect of his associates. And Willow should start to question who Michael is. But Michael can never be wrong, so none of that will happen.
  24. Late to the party, but I agree that the reveal that Carla Gugino was Jamie didn't work for me, given the time frame. ( Jamie and Dani met up with Owen at his restaurant and he mentioned Flora was 17 and dating, and a dozen years later every character looks completely unrecognizable?) And I wish we had some sense of why the kids could see the ghosts, and Dani only saw them after getting hit on the head. I had a feeling Hannah was dead because they made a point of showing her not eating, but how could she otherwise interact with the adults. The ghost rules) mythology just didn't stay consistent IMO.
  25. That would mean Sonny would 'acheive' sleeping with three generations of the Davis clan. (Alexis, Sam, Scout) An idea so abhorrent in it's ickiness that it will inevitably happen.
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