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Everything posted by sacrebleu

  1. Holy peek-a-boob dress, Sam! I had forgotten they were doing a Valentine's Day-ish wedding, and I know that breaking news delayed a week's worth of episodes, but the pacing seems weird to have the wedding several episodes away from the rest of the Valentine's stuff ( the Michael/Willow/Chase/Sasha stuff, the Molly/TJ commitment thing).
  2. Wes Ramsey was teeeeeerrrrriiiible today, like Shatner levels of bad. I swear it's like WR is doing a charicature of soap acting with the whispering and odd pauses.
  3. *sigh* they are really going to destroy sweet/simple Chase/Willow to prop Michael. By all rights he should be a mess, ordering hits at ten, shot his adoptive father's fiancee, got shot in the head, spent nearly a year in a facility, killed his stepmother, went to prison, got raped in prison. Dated a stripper who was suddenly killed by a falling crane, reconnected with his bio-dad only to have that bio-dad murdered by his adoptive father, dated a nurse who was suddenly killed. His fiancee tried to murder him. His mom has been missing and presumed dead. His uncle (and one time guardian) has been missing and presumed dead, his adoptive father is currently missing and presumed dead. How can someone who's been through all that be so damn boring?!?!?!? (I mean, I know its because Sonny and Carly can't be seen to have made bad choices that impact their kids-- but damn). Was he really gonna watch Love Actually by himself on Valentine's Day, after canceling a date because his kid was fussy? Jezuz!
  4. Yeah, I'm on team-Michael-is-creepy. Willow told him about something she and Chase shared ( wine/wine guy) and he uses his considerable resources to one-up it. All she has to do is mention liking something and he buys it for her. The Franco excuse to keep her close, not to mention using Wiley to keep her in his orbit. It all seems manipulative.
  5. Iknowright? I mean, I had to keep committing crimes to cover up the bad stuff I actually had planned to do is not the sympathy grabber he seems to think it is. The problem with Peter (and a lot of soap baddies) is that they want to keep the character around so they try to redeem them (usually by the love of a liked character) but the show tries to have it both ways. (doing evil AND sweet with the like character) but with an actor as bad as WR-- it really doesnt work.
  6. Are you sure it's THE Juilliard, and not, perhaps Julliard Total Landscaping or something, because YEESH! He's so bad, the constant whispering, the inability to portray anything except slimy schemer. That graveside scene was laughably bad. Unintended funny moment: should Colonel Tad be at all concerned that he spends so much time at the Metro court bar that people send him mail there?!?!?
  7. Olivia's hystrionics, the santimonious praying in the chapel, stepping outside the chapel to call Alexis a slut and vow revenge, is really not a good look. I'm glad we won't ever have to hear about the damn necklace again, but I'm afraid Jax and not Carly will receive the lions share of Nina's wrath. And as much as I don't want more Wiley drama, I hope Nina takes Michael too court and gets custody of the kid.
  8. Lordy, she's barely conscious now-- I can't even imagine what she'd be like stoned.
  9. *sigh* showing my age here, but I miss the days of the gym and the spa -- home of Leo, the evil massuer (who maneuvered Holly into a compromising position, took photos and blackmailed her). I usually appreciate Valentin figuring out stuff and generally being smarter than everyone else-- but I'm not seeing how he instantly intuits that Carly has something to do with the necklace and Jax must somehow be involved. I'm also not getting how Jason, who didnt see Alexis stab Dante-- immediately starts framing it as Dante was protecting Franco. Dante saw Alexis lunge, he's a cop, he tried to stop Alexis, he got stabbed instead. I don't buy that Jason somehow realizes that Dante was protecting Franco rather than Dante was reacting to a situation like a cop. (but I guess Jason is just being his awesome self *blech*)
  10. On the other hand, Franco and Liz could totally sue The Invader and GH for making his medical records public without his consent... Goodbye money troubles and Helloooo Stanford, Cam!
  11. Yeah-- Joss and Carly keep bringing him up. I have to think he's going to reappear soon. I know the Cyrus Reneaux connection makes the Sasha story of interest to Jackie-- but is there any other reason that Jackie would be doing a 'celebrity' profile of some model who hasnt even been in the public eye for a year? (also, is Sasha going to accuse Cyrus of giving her drugs in this interview? I can't imagine why else Jackie would be interested). The Most Boring Couple ever finally signed their annulment papers and Willow says it's time to start thinking about moving out. It's time to START thinking about moving out!?!?!?
  12. Okay, so Peter is aware that Franco may be remembering Drew's memories and Scott and Liz know Jason agreed to kill Franco. So this means Peter's gonna try and kill Franco and Jason will be blamed.
  13. They do have a very nice chemistry, but one of the things I've always enjoyed about Maxie was the fact that she merely tolerated Dante because he was married to Lulu-- she never had any use for him. I mean, I get that it would be soapy if she finds out about Peter and dumps him, and she and Dante grow close in time for a recast Lulu to come back. But given that Maxie and Lulu started out sparring over romantic attachments (Logan, Johnny) the fact that there had never been any sign of a Maxie/Dante relationship was kind of nice.
  14. I fear they're gonna get back with their respective Pre-custody trial partners, and continue to moon over each other. Also, unintentional comedy moment ( for me) was MB feebly trying to be a badass. "I think you owe these people AN APOLOGY!"
  15. Unintentionally funny moment of the day(for me) Chase, at MetroCourt bar, nursing a beer, Michael sits down. Michael: I'll have what he's having. (me, from the couch, Woooooooo! YEAH you did!) I'll show myself out. So, the way that scene played out, Michael thinks Chase and Willow had sex, when Chase just meant they kissed. The writers seems determined avoid anyone being a schemer in this situation, so I guess we're just going to keep getting people almost saying what they mean. Willow and Michael are about to have their umpteenth conversation about what they feel for each other. Blech.
  16. This whole amnesia thing is kind of stupid. Nina's nurse mentioned having Sonny's vitals-- (but not his medical history) but I'm sure an exam would show he's been shot, multiple times. (I know nothing about law, missing persons) But why wouldn't the cop who brought him to the hospital take his prints and run them. And how can Sonny be the most powerful (alleged) mobster on the eastern seaboard and not even the cop recognizes him? I did like the 'twist" that Nina's nurse is now Sonny's nurse-- but I recoiled in horror that he pronounced it "bologneeese" and not "bolognays" I'm surprised Olivia didn't feel a disturbance in the force when that happened.
  17. absolutely this! There was no hand wringing about taking Wiley from the only home he had known when it was Michael's biological claim to be staked. How lightning didnt strike Carly on the spot I have no idea.
  18. The deal breaker for me w/r/t Sam & Dante is not just that they share siblings (Leo, Kristina) it's that she slept with his father (and uncle). I mean, come on, that's just all kind of gross.
  19. Ah, Sonny's alive. Thanks! They cut in to GH with the Biden presser after Willow and Chase... Kissed? Idk, they just showed the back of her head. I was hoping someone would recap the last two segments. But I guess the Sonny reveal was the big kicker.
  20. *shallow thought* It was both completely in character and totally hilarious that Sam and Jason have the world's most depressing holiday wreath on their door. It wasn't even silver, it was grey. Well done set dresser!
  21. https://www.soapoperadigest.com/content/denise-alexander-back-to-gh/ My concern is that they're bringing back Lesley for the Laura scenes-- but she'll become a victim of the mob war. (now that kidnapping people's mom's is an okay thing to do mob-wise)
  22. So, basically Carly just threw the Corinthos "Code" out the window. I mean, Sonny insisting that family is off-limits is one of the things that make him a 'good' mobster, right? (that, and the no drugs rule) Also, something has got to give with this mob war-- Cyrus has been around since before lockdown. I'm pretty sure we're gonna see the Brooke Q/Valentin Cassidine baby before we see a mob war.
  23. The only good thing to come out of the "Finn is Chase's dad" would be possibly Willow and Chase having comfort sex when he is distraught at hearing the news. Unless, of course, that leads to a WTD with Michael and more manufactured drama for this 'triangle' Honestly, is anyone rooting for Michael in this situation? On the one hand, you have hot cop on the other, entitled momma's boy with mob ties. I suppose we're all just expected to forget that Willow was so opposed to the mob, she insisted that Julian have nothing to do with baby Wiley when she gave the kid to Lucas and Brad. Now she's totes okay with bringing the kid over to mob headquarters for Christmas.
  24. I give her a pass, it's Christmas Eve, she's home with family, baking, maybe wrapping gifts. I'm also wondering if bringing up Liz's parents is the start of something.
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