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Everything posted by Morrigan2575

  1. Never heard of the book series, but it sounds interesting. I like sci-fi/fantasy shows so I might give it a try if I can figure out what channel MTV is on my TV.
  2. Done Great, question, I hope he answers it, I'd love to get the BTS scoop. Stuff like that always fascinates me.
  3. This person on twitter one/bought one of Arrow's production scripts, signed by the cast. IIRC that was one of SA's recent charity drives https://twitter.com/ohmyemilybett/status/539255337744740352/photo/1 He/She is having an interesting conversation about the Olicity scene but one thing that stood out https://twitter.com/ohmyemilybett/status/545446441590587392 @ohmyemilybett: @overdianna sorry, I can't. I will tell you though that the kiss is described in the script as a 'perfect, true love kiss'. :)
  4. True. LoA is the name of the group from the comics. Nolan changed it to LoS in TDK Trilogy...not sure why, maybe he thought it sounded cooler? The sad thing is, it's so iconic you don't have to look far to find it. After SA mentioned the shirtless sword fighting scene at NYCC I googled "Ra's Al Ghul Shirtless Sword Fighting" and links to Batman #244 popped right up.
  5. I watched The 100 last year but I lost interest after 5-6 episodes. I've watched a couple of episodes this season and it's interesting, but i can't seem to get hooked on it. However, I heard that last night's episode pulled a major shocker
  6. Constantine is great in really hope they can find a new home for it. Shoot The CW should pick it up, it would pair nicely with Supernatural.
  7. I couldn't get past the first hour of The Librarians, it was so bad. I can deal wh cheese but the acting was bad, the characters were generic, the story was lame. Only character I liked was the quirky red head. I liked the first 2 Librarians movies they were fluffy fun but I think they were carried mostly by the charm of Noah Wyle. This completely lacks that charm which highlights all the problems, IMO.
  8. I honestly have no idea what this is all about, but it was fun to try and guess the movies (most were obvious) https://www.yahoo.com/movies/dc-unveils-22-upcoming-movie-c1418684587353.html
  9. Except that whole Sara/Oliver romance was done specifically to set up the ILY gotcha in the finale. MG said before it even started, in like December/January that there was another Olicity roadblock on the way, once Barry went into the coma. There was no intention in the EPs minds of switching ships mid-season or abandoning Olicity...as stupid as it was, O/S was clearly done to stall Olicity in S2 so they could end with the ILY fakeout that wasn't really a fakeout. Olicity has been the only ship these writers have been sailing since May 2013...when they basically gave a postmortem interview saying that they had to wrap up the O/L/T triangle before they could move onto Felicity. I'm not saying they won't do something equally as stupid in S3, and have Oliver come back from the dead and for Felicity to run into Ray's arms because she's sacred of her feelings for Oliver or what have you. It would be some lame twisted version of O/S from S2 but it would be the same thing, a pointless relationship with no build up, done just to delay until 323
  10. Interesting, I look forward to reading your comments on other episodes. It's been suggested (here) that new viewers, those that came over from Flash might view characters/relationships/etc different then those that watched from the Pilot. Although, I'm not sure if the point was just those that watched 308 forward or mainlined S1/2 to catch up.
  11. Actually that's a really good point. People keep thinking it's spoilery because of something pertaining to post 309 but if these pictures were taken prior to 308 airing, then yes, the suit upgrade would be a spoiler. Also, you're right about the Tattoos, I forgot to mention that, along with the speaks Russian in the pilot. The tattoos were a clear giveaway, although I still call BS on Slade giving Oliver the dragon tattoo.
  12. According to Canadagraph's write up the only thing that might be potentially spoilery was some sort of mini-arrow heads or something. He was actually hard press to find it, even looked back though older photos. I have no idea what SA meant but it doesn't sound like blood or anything even noticeable to the average viewer. http://canadagraphs.weebly.com/arrow-blog Remember the new Vertigo is about fear, if Roy already thinks Oliver is dead...he won't exactly fear Oliver dying and he certainly wouldn't fear Oliver running along side he trying to stop the bad guy... There's more information about the scene in the blog write up. It certainly sounds like Arrow/Arsenal are back in action in 313, teaming up to stop a bad guy (not Veritgo). There's also a later scene of Arrow and Vertigo in a ship yard, so unless several people are hallucinating Arrow as their greatest fear (which seems really odd since I doubt 3 separate people would all fear the same thing)...Oliver should be back with his team and fighting in costume for 313 (at the latest)
  13. Nothing screams Sweeps better than having your lead character dead and not appearing for 3 of the 4 sweeps episodes...I'm sure that's exactly what MG was thinking.
  14. BTW - I'd bet good money that DR meant 4-5 weeks not episodes, 310-312 filmed from 10/22-11/25. I think the original speculation that Oliver shows up back in Starling as the Cliffhanger for 312 and then we get full Oliver/Arrow scenes in 313. DR already said, in the same panel that DR/CH/EBR/SA had all filmed a scene together (when he told the story about SA trying to get in on the group jokes). At the very latest you will see Oliver back in Starling City with TA in 314 but I think 313 is more accurate, since there are several shots of Oliver filming as Arrow with Arsenal and with Vertigo.
  15. For one thing he speaks Russian after being on an island for 5 years.
  16. Was it? It's on my DVR but I haven't watched. Shame, it looked interesting. Ah well there's always Galavant in January, hopefully that's as funny as it looks.
  17. Didn't MG say it didn't refer to Oliver or Slade? Would he really he really play semantics like that?
  18. Yeah, something evil? I only read 2 titles but my comic book guy was telling me about it.
  19. Didn't he save Dick's life in the Nightwing comics...part of the finale, something about a bomb attached to Dick's heart and Lex stops Dick's heart in order to prevent the explosion? Yes, Lex is a good guy now..or mostly good. At least as far as his introduction in GA #35.
  20. Artwork is pretty crappy I'm assuming that's Mia in the background in black with the Arrows...I keep forgetting she's a blonde in the comics. Felicity Smoak gets to meet Lex Luthor...hopefully it will be entertaining.
  21. I totally believe an unnamed source on tumblr that claims to talking to MG, AJK and GB on occasion. I also have this really amazing bridge for sale, quite reasonable..
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