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Everything posted by bluestocking

  1. I wonder what they had in mind for the two when they first launched this? Both of them working at Nash's agency? With Ivy watching their kids? It's hard to believe that Martin leaving when and how he did is what they planned all along.
  2. I assume we're meant to think Rose is dead? But her "corpse" is pristine, so I dunno. Can NOT get behind Lucian and Constance. He ignored her so rudely when she came back and flaunted his infatuation with Constance right in front of her in the calisthenics exercises last episode. Agree with everyone who thinks Carlo and Bella are a better match than Carlo/Alice. And what was the point of Henry in the last episode? Anyway there IS a Season 3, so hopefully that'll be the last.
  3. So can she just leave? Did she not sign a contract for a set amount of time? They are definitely rehabbing her character.
  4. Yes, physical abuse is not just being "naughty." Bella is stupid to allow Cecil back. But then a lot of the plot seems to be driven by the characters being stupid. Even Danioni is stupid/incompetent--how many times has he searched the hotel (or tonight the derelict house) and not found the person he was looking for?
  5. That was dramatic! Glad to see our team all getting their powers back. Too much fighting for me, but to be expected of a season finale. So is Ishameal totally eternally dead now? I'm enjoying Lanfear and glad to see she survived.
  6. Did I get this right--Moraine can channel again and her bond with Lan is restored? Or? I'm very confused on why Rand et al. are seemingly cooperating with Lanfear now though.
  7. thoroughly enjoyed this episode, especially the volcanic pits and the effects studio. Was surprised there were only 4 episodes. It seems like a pretty cheap show to film. Are they planning a new series? They should go to Nova Scotia! Lots of Scottish culture there, Highland Games, Alexander Graham Bell's plane, etc.
  8. The flight over Milford Sound was stunning. Would love to do that some day. I'm not a fan of the Sam/Graham bickering but that seems to be their theme.
  9. I don't remember Claire going back to Scotland with Jamie. What could have persuaded her to go back to the colonies without him? I remember her plot with the Greys pretty vividly. Always enjoyable to get lots of Claire/Jamie time. I'm not feeling Ian/Rachel yet, but great to have lots of Rollo. The battle scene where Jamie shoots off William's hat was very effectively done. I was wondering how they would show that.
  10. Yes! That wasn't one of CB's typical expressions--not sure I've ever seen it before. But it fit perfectly! Mark Lewis Jones is such a great actor--he commands your attention without shouting or waving his arms dramatically, just with his sincerity and intensity. I remembered that Christie had survived but wasn't sure whether they'd have him return on the show. William reminds me so much of Lord John, in looks, attitude, everything. Anyone would think THEY were father and son--maybe it's because William has Lord John's exact English accent. Denzel does seem too young and slight, but he didn't have much to do in this episode. Rachel with her "forwardness" seems like a 21st century young woman in 18th century costume. She didn't seem too comfortable with the American accent or Quaker Plain Speech. Maybe she'll grow in the part. Hard to see Rachel and Ian as a pair atm.
  11. What I found surprising was at the end, where Claire was basically handing over the running of the Ridge to Lizzie. Lizzie! But who else was left, with Claire and Jamie, Bree and Roger, Ian, the Christies, and the Bugs all gone? I guess we're supposed to assume Brown and his gang are not a threat any more. (I still want to know if Brown is dead.) I was tickled to see Fiona again--was not expecting that. Certainly convenient to have a babysitter so Bree and Roger can go off to Lallybroch without kiddies in tow. At least they told us Mandy had her surgery off-screen somewhere. How are they supporting themselves? Money that Claire left Bree in trust?
  12. At least I wasn't distracted by Sophie's non-matching eyebrows this episode. She was almost OK in her farewell to Jaime. But I'm not sad that the Mackenzies will be gone from the Ridge for a while. Maybe now we'll get a bit more focus on Ian. I thnk there was a brief sighting of Rollo???? A bit surprised there was no shown resolution of Jamie's attack on Brown. Are we just supposed to assume he killed him and got rid of the body somehow? Speaking of getting rid of the body, who was the old lady who helped bury Alan? That actor was excellent in making you believe Alan's mania, imo.
  13. I wish we had a "compare the book and the show" thread for Vienna Blood. I just finished reading the first book now, and my heavens they have changed so much! I won't mention plot deviations, but re the characters: Clara has a whole family--parents, sister, brother, sister-in-law and two toddler nephews. And Rheinhardt has an intact family--wife and two daughters. Also I thought in the show it was mentioned that the Liebermanns were originally British and had moved to Vienna? Did I imagine that? In the book they are entirely Viennese. I need to watch Season 1 again--it seems I missed a LOT of the plot
  14. Very interesting article. Thanks for the link. The author doesn't seem to recognize that Milton, Blake, and Pullman all wrote in the tradition of literary alchemy. Which helps explain why the "Fall" is a good thing in The Amber Spyglass. Or why Love heals the multiverse.
  15. Pullman has been deeply interested in Hermetic thought since his years as an undergraduate at Oxford and read Frances Yates' Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition. So it's not surprising he draws on literary alchemy in His Dark Materials. It's obvious from the opening epigraph from William Blake. In literary alchemy, unlike Genesis, the serpent plays a positive role--in bringing the Male and Female Principles of the Great Work together. In The Amber Spyglass, Mary plays the role of serpent/Mercurius, while Lyra is Argentvive/Mercury and Will is Sulphur; Lyra and Will unite in the climactic Chemical Wedding which saves the multiverse. In this alchemical image, Mary is the serpent woman in the middle, with the symbol for Mercury over her head; Will is Sulphur, with the Sun over his head (Sulphur = Sun); and Lyra is Argentvive/Mercury with the Moon over her head (Argentvive = Moon). They are all standing in the Mercurial water.
  16. @Zella I found this article previewing Season 3, which says that the character has returned to England. A Sneak Peek at Season 3 of 'Vienna Blood' with the Actors and Crew | WTTW Chicago
  17. Works for me. Never a big fan of that character. Would that be a deviation from the books?
  18. That was exciting despite a lot of it being table setting. Loved the setting in the cave on the cliffs. Where is this? Wales? Ireland? Lyra looks older. Will has grown a LOT. And in one of Lyra's dream sequences it seems that Roger's voice has changed. The effects for the angels are very effective.
  19. When will we get threads for Season 3 episodes?
  20. Does one of the not-yet-adapted books have a Chinese antiquities plot? (That's one of the plot points mentioned in the Season 3 summary.)
  21. Good news! I think there's one of the original books that they haven't used yet. Interesting to see that both of our hero's love interests return, but the announcement features his former fiancee.
  22. Not only is Season 3 available now, but Season 4 has been confirmed and is already filming.
  23. Yes the French country hotel episode had some intriguing writing. Glad they are fleshing out Nash's background a bit. Is there going to be a Season 4? The last episode was pretty open-ended.
  24. My bad you-re right of course. I had Jonathan Spence the historian in my mind apparently.
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