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Everything posted by watch2much

  1. there have been seasons in the past where no food was given.....Marquesas, for instance, and it was 39 days not 26. I seem to remember more but can't think of them right now.
  2. I hope Azah isn't thinking a secondary win for her will be a relationship with X. To me it seems pretty clear he's got the hots for Alyssa.
  3. Tiffany may be annoying at times, but she's keeping the CO together. she watches everyone like a hawk and steps in immediately if she sees something amiss. I wouldn't mind her winning. I have to wonder how X really feels about being there with these people. clearly, he didn't like being wakened to have a group chant...
  4. not sure I agree but even if true at least they are honest about it. unlike past seasons where those in control say it's not a race based decision but always seem to nominate the people of color.
  5. count me in the disgusted by Beth club by the end of this season. I liked Annie and Ruby and so wanted them to somehow get free and live decent lives. It would have been interesting to see what Beth does next criminally, but alas, it's not to be.
  6. don't know how they would have progressed with this show. maybe ultimately Beth taking over Rio and his brother/cousin's business. I don't see a redemption path for her. however, Dean being all righteous now is a joke. his tanking of the auto dealership caused the initial money problems not to mention his cheating. I always felt sorry for Stan....having to give up being a cop, etc. still I would have liked some sort of conclusion the the series.
  7. I'll be a bit disappointed they aren't allowed to wrap it up in some way. this is why I watch less and less network shows. you never know when they'll pull the plug. Stan seems to forget this all started when he put the family into severe financial straits. but I can see how it's become tedious for some. Beth certainly became the female Walter White of Breaking Bad. I still like the cast, though.
  8. Just finished binging all four seasons. I, too, liked 4 better than 3. I hope it doesn't end with all of them not making it. I thought ending at 2 would have made sense.
  9. I think June will be going back to Gilead as a freedom fighter and to get Hannah. that would be the only interesting direction this could take. being a fugitive in Canada would be a boring plot line. as for Serena, I hope they take the kid away from her.
  10. well, regardless....I'm glad they are pulling the plug on the show after next season. Some weeks it feels like more of an obligation rather than an enjoyment to watch. I had hoped we'd start seeing more of the next generation's story, i.e. Jack's success as a singer, his sister's work.... I will miss Kevin.....he seems to have grown the most and taken responsibility for his mistakes. The other two seem to enjoy whining.
  11. wow, I never thought of that but given this show....it just might be....and Kate could be renewing her vows with Toby for all we know.... I, too, hope Kevin eventually falls truly in love with Madison and they end up together. I'm so over Sophie....they've had enough tries to make it work and clearly it doesn't.
  12. I think Kevin deserved more understanding. I come from a family with an older adoptive brother. he was treated for better than the biologic children and there are lots of resentments.
  13. am I the only one that has started to regard watching this show more of an obligation than an enjoyment? the drip, drip, drip of the big three's "problems" are wearing me down. I know adults have problems but when this show started it was about a happy couple raising 3 children....there were problems but you had upbeat Jack and Rebecca to offset it. Now they've taken our comedic breathe of air, Toby, and made him another sad sack. It's just morose person after morose person. except for Kevin who's like a puppy trying to figure out how to act. I like him. as others have pointed out....why did the Beth/Tess thing have to become such a weighted affair. I was waiting for the "your sister isn't allowed to close the door and neither are you!" which would have shut down the "you look at me different" trope. I don't know how much longer this show will keep my interest. Might be time to leap forward a bit and show the next generation.
  14. I'm reading all your posts trying to decide if I want to watch any more episodes. Frankly, except for Linc, there's really no one I care about anymore. Maybe Tom, because he's the most honest character. I'm really sick of all the others. Amelia is like chalk on a blackboard for me, same for Maggie, so tired of Jackson and his love du jour, I liked Jo when she was with Alex but like her a lot less now. Owen, yuck. Teddy, how could they absolutely ruin that character? I guess I like Bailey and Richard somewhat, but enough to suffer through a whole episode of the others?
  15. I'm still watching but don't know how long I'll go on. they really dropped the ball by having the daughter. it's just a distraction from the show's plot. I do like the live in "aunt"? though. wish she was involved with the covert stuff. I still have a problem with Queen Latifah in the role....I want to dispel my disbelief and accept her as an ex-CIA operative but haven't been able to do so.
  16. this is the same for me. Some people can get lost in roles so effectively you forget who they are, i.e. Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks, Denzel (I didn't sleep well after watching him in Training Day he as so good). I watch this and can't keep thinking "there's Queen Latifa". same way I feel about Leo DiCaprio and Jack Nicholson performances.... but since it was the pilot, I'll give it another couple of views.....wish they had kept the loner aspect though....
  17. Every week I approach watching this with a sense that I can't endure the self-absorption of these people one more minute. I'm very glad this episode featured different people. Frankly, Randall's "poor me" orphan drama is wearing thin. He's driving home and says to Beth "I was loved". Yes, Randall, you were by your adoptive parents. I understand his need to know, but to suggest he was not loved for ridiculous. As others pointed out, he could have ended up in foster care for years on end. All the Peason's are getting on my nerves....let's start opening the stories of the future generations who I sincerely hope aren't all "woe is me".
  18. per one of the producers about alliances: “I’m going to be really honest with you,” Doganieri told me. “I think we’re going to have to put a rule on that in the future.”
  19. I concur with the prevailing opinions here. the show should have used the music boxes comp for the end. it would have been great to see those three teams having to do something that difficult on their own. it would have made for some great tv! I found Will and James to be over acting and on all the time which got annoying, but they were fairly competent. I didn't notice the beards reaction and I've already deleted the show on my dvr. But, duh! if you have brought strong teams to the final 3 then it's not a done deal to win. I give Will and James credit for pushing the alliance and using it to their advantage. maybe that's what was going thru the beards and chee's heads when they hit the map. they finally realized who benefitted the most from the alliance.
  20. I don't know if I can hang in much longer. I do like Grace a lot and wish there was more opportunity to see and hear her. Cassie is ok, but Hoyt is too much...the swagger, etc. if next week's a cliff hanger I don't know if I'll be back.
  21. Excellent points. none of the alliance teams were stressed as those of past seasons or the other teams not in the alliance. that's one of the elements of the show that I enjoy....seeing how the relationship stands up to the stress. I used to watch with my son and point out healthy relationships where despite the stress, they still treated each other well. and I admit a guilty pleasure watching some team implode. I would have liked to see some of the earlier eliminated teams given more of a chance rather than be systematically picked off. I think the idea of the NFL team being "takers" maybe another one of Will and James' devious moves to bind the 3 teams together. they may have been emphasizing it to the other teams. because, as others, said, there were times that the NFL team contributed. I'm at a loss for the times Will and James helped...
  22. I, too, have been a loyal watcher since season 1. for all the reasons previously stated I hated the alliances, too. Not only did it make for boring watching, but it eliminated some of the more interesting teams early. some of them might have been able to get better. granted the blondes didn't despite so many chances but they were at least fun to watch. and I agree the NFL were fine taking the advantages of the alliances when they were in it. However, the deal was that after 5 all would be basically on their own. so it was understandable that they asked for help from the only other team at the challenge...which was normal during all the seasons....and then to see the others have conspired against you....especially now knowing they had a final 2 with the beard brothers, I can understand the frustration. I wish D'Angelo had expressed it better but I would have more sympathy for him had they been running on their own throughout the race. the outrage from multiple sources about the hate of alliances hopefully will be taken into account if and when there's another season. also, DeAngelo made some bad moves during the race--i.e. making the tiles with watching the demo...and all of them still not reading the clue!!!
  23. I loved Danny and Oswald. I seem to recall they would look for 5 star hotels to ask the concierges for help..... I guess I'd like the NFL to at least get into the final 3, though I wanted to pull my hair out when he didn't watch the demonstration after he messed up so many times. without being sexist, I wonder if the women would have done better at it (aside from the fact they would have probably watched the whole demo) they may have more experience with baking a cake....which requires greasing the pans. The beards annoy me as do Will and James because they are so intent on keeping an alliance of the strongest teams. it doesn't seem like good strategy...
  24. what kind of bothered me is the emphasis that was placed on the advantage of being first HOH and making alliances. As you may remember, Cody went after another person when the stars were still wobbling and so was able to get thru fast. after his run, they didn't let the next person go until the wobbling stopped.
  25. I thought the same thing!!!!! where is all that sexy hair and attitude?
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